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Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people

should have the freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your

In today’s modern society, some people supposed that they should have the right to enjoy any
of their favorite outdoor sports or activities, while others give their request that governments,
especially the national law makers, should prohibit some kinds of sports which could easily hurt
players. This essay will analyse both benefits and drawbacks of this considering problem before
drawing a conclusion.

The mainly severe reason leading to dangerous sports banned is that they probably threaten to
participants’ lives. Obviously, when people take part in such sky-diver or free diving, it probably
causes a lot of unpredictable highly risky accidents which could lead to fatal consequences. For
example, an athlete is facing with physical disabilities as he was accidentally injured while he
was doing his practices. However, I believe that challenging players are made aware of the
possible dangers happening to them and attached with professional safety equiptments. Before
doing these extreme sports, athletes are fully-trained and sufficiently-skilled results in reducing
risks for themselves. Moreover, when mentioning to sports, there are a wide range of attached
accidents including normal ones. They could be knee pains or back pains if the athlete is in the
wrong practical skills.

On the other hand, serious issues could occur during doing sports, it is undeniable the benefits
of challenging outdoor activities bring to participants’ mental physical health. Firstly, involving
team sports helps getting along well with friends and colleagues. They not only experience
unfogettable moments together but also improve teamwork skills. Secondly, another
reasonable advantage is that extreme sports support athletes a better living condition.
Channels related to dangerous sports attract millions of spectators when they are shown. This
leads to the athletes earning higher salaries than playing safe ones.

In conclusion. I believe that there are a wide range of severe impacts to those who take part in
high-risked activities but it also brings for players some experience and benefits.

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