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Manufacturing and Sewing Performance of

Polyurethane and Polyurethane/Silicone Coated

Yasemin Bulut & Vildan Sular

To cite this article: Yasemin Bulut & Vildan Sular (2012) Manufacturing and Sewing Performance
of Polyurethane and Polyurethane/Silicone Coated Fabrics, Materials and Manufacturing
Processes, 28:1, 106-111, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2012.700148

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 28: 106–111, 2013
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online
DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2012.700148

Manufacturing and Sewing Performance of Polyurethane and

Polyurethane/Silicone Coated Fabrics
Yasemin Bulut and Vildan Sular

Textile Engineering Department, Dokuz Eylul University, Tinaztepe Campus, Izmir, Turkey

In this research, polyurethane (PU) and polyurethane/silicone (PU/silicone) coated fabrics were manufactured and the effects of coating
parameters such as coating material, coating technique, and production parameters on sewing performance of the coated fabrics were inves-
tigated. During manufacturing processes, one fabric sample having cotton as raw material and having plain weave was used as the base
fabric. The base fabric was coated with two coating materials as PU and PU/silicone by two coating techniques such as rotary screen coat-
ing and blade coating with systematically changing production parameters (screen pressure and contact angle). Therefore, twelve coated
fabric samples having different technical specifications were produced. Due to the limited number of studies in related literature, sewing
performance of the coated fabrics was investigated by the tensile properties of the unsewn and the sewn fabrics and also the seam efficiency
values were compared. Variance analyses were used to determine and evaluate the effects of coating parameters on seam performance of the
coated fabrics.

Keywords Coating; Efficiency; Fabric; Polyurethane; Sewing; Silicone; Tensile.

INTRODUCTION and Poynor’s [5] research revealed that seam efficiency

The apparel quality is a function of various para- differed with varying stitch densities and increased to
meters including aesthetic appearance of the fabric or optimum density. The influences of sewing thread thick-
the garment, handle and properties of the fabric, and ness and fabric structure on seam performance were
also sewing performance. Seaming is the final step in studied by Gurarda [2]. Nayak et al. [7] also focused
the process to manufacture the product and obtaining on the effects of Lycra percentage and silicone finish
strength and quality. Maximize a potential seam to of fabric and the type of sewing thread on sewability.
ensure that seam will interact with the components of Gurarda and Meric [3] investigated the effects of
the fabric to ensure the best product durability [1]. repeated extension and recovery on seam slippage and
Seams are exposed to cyclic loading during daily use grinning behavior of elastic woven fabrics with changing
that causes several seam defects, such as seam slippage structural properties.
and fabric strength reduction. The measurement of the Coated fabrics behave much different from uncoated
loss in fabric strength due to needle damage consists of fabrics during deformation, so it is essential to have
sewing a seam in the fabric, breaking the fabric at the enough understanding of their behavior during wear
line of stitching, and establishing a ratio between the [8]. According to some results from several experimental
original and seamed fabric strength [2]. Seam slippage investigations, coating increases stiffness and tensile
(opening) is a mode of failure evidenced by yarn move- properties whereas reduces the tear strength of woven
ment at either side of the seam creating a gap or opening fabrics [8–13]. In wide range of applications of textile
[3]. The seam slippage produces displacement of one industry from protective clothing to medical substrates,
yarn system in the fabric against the other, which causes it is necessary to apply sewing operations to coated
opening in the fabric to take place [4]. Seam efficiency is fabrics but, literature review on sewability of coated fab-
a function of compatibility between the fashion fabric, rics provides limited knowledge on relationship between
sewing thread, yarn size, needle, tension, seam type, coating parameters and sewability of coated fabrics. The
and stitch density [5]. present study focuses on the production of coated fab-
Literature review focuses on the effects of structural rics with systematically changing coating parameters
properties of fabric and sewing thread on sewability of and investigates the effects of coating material, coating
clothing fabrics. Sundaresan et al. [6] reported the technique and production parameters on sewing perfor-
influence of structural parameters of sewing threads on mance of coated fabrics.
fabric strength reduction. The findings of Chowdhary
Received February 15, 2012; Accepted May 3, 2012 In this study, coated fabrics were produced under con-
Address correspondence to Yasemin Bulut, Dokuz Eylul trolled mill conditions by using cotton plain fabric
University, Textile Engineering Department, Buca 35160, Izmir, Turkey; (Table 1) as the base fabric and two coating materials
E-mail:, were used for the production as PU and PU=silicone.

TABLE 1.— The physical parameters of the base fabric and the production plan of coated fabrics.

Base fabric Yarn setting (threads=cm) Yarn linear density (tex) Mass per unit area (g=m2)

100% cotton Warp Weft Warp Weft 122.0

Plain weave 51 29 14.8 14.8
Coated fabric code Coating material Coating technique Production parameters
PR1, PR2, PR3 PU Rotary screen Press: 2, 4, 6
SR1, SR2, SR3 PU=silicone Rotary screen Press: 2, 4, 6
PB1, PB2, PB3 PU Blade Contact angle: 20, 25, 30
SB1, SB2, SB3 PU=silicone Blade Contact angle: 20, 25, 30

P: Polyurethane (PU); R: Rotary screen; B: Blade; S: PU=silicone; 1, 2, 3: Production parameters.

at 170 C. The production plan and test sample codes are

given in Table 1.
Figure 2 shows the sewing process specifications and
dimensions of the unsewn and the sewn fabric samples
for tensile tests. Five specimens for each fabric sample
were tested in warp and weft directions and grab break-
ing strength tests of the unsewn and the sewn fabrics
were carried out by using Instron 4411 model Universal
Tensile Testing Machine in accordance with ISO
13936-1 [16].
FIGURE 1.—Schematic diagrams of coating techniques used in experi- Then, the breaking strength and the breaking elonga-
mental study (a) blade coating [14] and (b) rotary screen coating [15] (color tion of every test sample were evaluated and the seam
figure available online). efficiency values were calculated to have a better under-
standing about sewing performance by using the follow-
ing formula [17]:
The base fabric was coated with these coating materials
as single-coat by rotary screen coating and blade coating Seamtensilestrength
(Fig. 1). All of the coated fabrics were manufactured by Seam Efficiencyð%Þ :  100 ð1Þ
Stork CT4 coating machine under the same conditions
with systematically changing production parameters In Eq. (1), seam tensile strength and fabric tensile
giving totally twelve coated test samples. strength denote tensile strength of the sewn and the
The base fabric was singed, desized, treated with unsewn fabric samples, respectively. Seam efficiency is
oxidative caustic, scoured, and dried. The base fabric in sewn fabrics is the ratio, expressed as a percentage,
was dyed with reactive dyes by pad batch process. The pre- of the breaking force required to rupture a sewn seam
treated and dyed fabric was washed and dried prior to to that required to rupture the fabric [17].
coating process. Then, the coated fabrics were dried at To determine the effects of coating material and pro-
140 C and cured at the speed of 24 m=min for 45 seconds duction parameters on sewing performance, all the data

FIGURE 2.—Preparation of test specimens for tensile tests.


TABLE 2.— The tensile properties of unsewn and sewn test fabrics and the seam efficiency results.

Breaking Strength (N) Breaking Elongation (%)

Unsewn Sewn Unsewn Sewn Seam Efficiency (%)

Sample code Warp Weft Warp Weft Warp Weft Warp Weft Warp Weft

Base 462.9 193.8 282.3 154.3 9.2 14.8 16.0 18.0 61.0 79.6
PR1 483.8 225.9 315.9 189.9 7.5 15.8 14.6 18.5 65.3 84.1
PR2 502.6 240.4 316.8 185.5 7.1 15.8 13.1 17.7 63.0 77.2
PR3 541.6 200.7 324.2 191.0 7.0 16.1 13.3 18.3 59.9 95.1
PB1 490.5 217.3 314.6 189.1 6.2 15.4 14.9 17.9 74.0 87.0
PB2 464.5 214.9 295.0 184.0 6.9 15.5 15.0 17.6 65.5 83.6
PB3 499.4 215.9 303.1 177.5 6.4 15.1 15.8 18.4 67.4 83.5
SR1 456.0 205.6 337.4 178.9 7.4 15.5 14.1 18.9 64.1 87.0
SR2 511.1 208.9 334.9 174.7 6.8 16.0 10.9 19.0 63.5 85.6
SR3 514.8 212.2 346.9 177.3 6.9 15.7 14.5 19.1 60.7 82.2
SB1 384.2 206.4 328.7 174.8 6.7 15.6 17.3 19.2 85.6 84.7
SB2 425.7 203.1 298.3 176.5 7.9 15.5 15.9 19.9 70.1 86.9
SB3 457.5 192.8 303.5 165.7 7.0 15.3 16.0 18.5 66.3 86.0

were analyzed with variance analyses and the interaction Close examination of the values summarized in
plots were prepared for two coating techniques. Fig. 3(a,b) indicate that the breaking strength of the
unsewn and the sewn fabrics show an increasing trend
with increasing press in rotary screen technique. This
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION increase may be an outcome of being more efficient for
Tensile Properties of Unsewn and Sewn Coated Fabrics much more penetration of coating material into fabric
In order to better appreciate the effects of coating structure for both PU and PU=silicone coated fabrics
parameters on seam behavior of the coated fabrics, the in both directions. But for the blade coated samples,
tensile test, and seam efficiency results are tabulated in there is no systematically change noticed according to
Table 2. The coating generally causes increments in the the production parameters. Comparing the effects of
breaking strength values but brings on decrements in coating material, the unsewn and the sewn PU coated
the breaking elongation values for all varying coating fabric samples show generally better breaking strength
parameters when these tensile properties were compared values for both directions. One can easily figure out
with those of the base fabric. By restricting yarn move- from Fig. 4(a,b) that the sewn fabrics have noticeably
ment in fabric structure, coating causes fabric break as higher elongation values determined in all directions.
a whole, and this provides increments in the breaking In addition, no seam slippage and no sewing thread
strength results. Furthermore by increasing rigidity breaking were observed during all the tests.
and inflexibility of coated fabrics, coating hinders fabric To examine the effects of coating material and coating
to elongate under applied force. The findings also production parameters statistically, the test results were
revealed that the unsewn coated fabrics were dramati- seperately analyzed taking into account two coating
cally stronger than the sewn coated fabrics in both direc- techniques by variance analyses as presented in Table 3.
tions although coating process made a high contribution According to the variance analyses results based on
to the tensile strength of the coated fabrics. rotary screen coating, the effects of coating material

FIGURE 3.—The breaking strength of unsewn and sewn base and coated fabrics (a) warp direction and (b) weft direction.

FIGURE 4.—The breaking elongation of unsewn and sewn base and coated fabrics (a) warp direction and (b) weft direction.

on the breaking properties of sewn fabric in weft generally in warp direction and the breaking strength of
direction are statistically significant (p < 0.05). In sewn fabric in weft direction are statisticaly significant
addition, the effects of coating material on the breaking (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the influence of coating
strength of the sewn fabric in warp direction and the material on the breaking elongation of sewn fabric in
breaking strength of the unsewn fabric in weft direction both directions are also statistically significant
are also statistically significant (p < 0.05). The variance (p < 0.05).
analyses results indicate that the changes in production When the seam efficiency is considered, it is important
parameters have statistically significant effects on the to emphasize that the effects of coating material and
breaking properties of the unsewn fabrics in warp production parameters on the seam efficiency in warp
direction (p < 0.05). direction are statistically significant for both coating
When the results of variance analysis based on direct techniques (p < 0.05). Also the effect of coating material
coating technique is examined, it is noteworthy to men- for rotary screen coating have found statistically signifi-
tion that the effects of coating material and production cant on the seam efficiency in weft direction.
parameters on the breaking properties of unsewn fabric
Seam Efficiency of Coated Fabrics
Seam efficiency mainly depends upon the dimensional
TABLE 3.— Variance analyses results of the coated fabrics to show the and surface characteristics of the sewing thread, the ten-
effects of coating material and production parameters on fabric properties.
sile behavior of fabrics and sewing thread, the combi-
Coating technique nation of fabric and sewing thread, and the machine
and process parameters [7]. Figure 5 presents the seam
Rotary screen Blade coating efficiency of the coated fabrics, and the effects of coating
Source Dependent variable p p
on seam efficiency were explained in the following parts.
Coating material BSUWa 0.776 0.000
BEUWa 0.807 0.001 Effect of coating material on seam efficiency. Figure 5
BSSWa 0.000 0.375 reveals that the addition of silicone material in PU coat-
BESWa 0.210 0.047 ing increases the seam efficiency values in comparison to
SeffWa 0.000 0.000 PU coated fabrics. Silicone reduces friction and provides
BSUWe 0.000 0.004 slippage between the yarns of fabric in two directions.
BEUWe 0.585 0.468 This may be the reason of positive effect. It should be
BSSWe 0.000 0.003 noted that PU coated fabrics show similar decreasing
BESWe 0.050 0.000 trends for all coated fabrics except blade coated fabrics
SeffWe 0.024 0.587 in weft direction. In the case of PU=silicone coated
Production parameters BSUWa 0.001 0.003 fabric, no systematic change is observed according to
BEUWa 0.000 0.001
production parameters for two different coating techni-
BSSWa 0.242 0.013
BESWa 0.755 0.625
ques. It is also seen that the seam efficiency values of all
SefWa 0.028 0.000 test samples are better in weft direction.
BSUWe 0.063 0.446
BEUWe 0.752 0.466 Effect of coating technique and production parameters
BSSWe 0.411 0.040 on seam efficiency. Figure 5 shows that the seam
BESWe 0.748 0.729 efficiency results of PU=silicone blade coated fabrics
SeffWe 0.072 0.707 are better than those of rotary screen coated fabrics
especially in warp direction. It is determined that influ-
BS: Breaking Strength; BE: Breaking Elongation; U: Unsewn; S: Sewn; Wa: Warp
and We: Weft; Seff: Seam efficiency. ence of the change in production parameters from ‘‘1’’

Statistically significant at 95% confidence level. to ‘‘2’’ causes decreasing trend on seam efficiency values

FIGURE 5.—The interactions between coating material and production parameters on seam efficiency.

for two coating techniques. But no systematic change is increasing press value in rotary screen technique due
noticed in the case of changing the production para- to being more efficient for much more penetration of
meters from ‘‘2’’ to ‘‘3’’. Table 2 presents that SB1 is coating material into fabric structure for all coated fab-
observed to have the highest seam efficiency value in rics in both directions. But for the samples coated by
warp direction while PR3 has the lowest. It means that blade coating, there is no systematically change observed
sewing process causes slightly decrease in the breaking according to production parameters.
strength of SB1 in contrary to the rest of the coated fab- The PU coated fabrics are determined to have higher
rics although decrements in the breaking strength values breaking strength values of the unsewn and the sewn
are observed only for this fabric after coating. This situ- fabrics whereas addition of silicone material provides
ation is in contrary to PR3 which has the highest break- better seam efficiency of PU=silicone coated fabrics by
ing strength and the lowest seam efficiency values in reducing friction and providing slippage between the
warp direction after coating. In that situation, it may yarns of fabric. In addition, no seam slippage and no
not be possible to say that the coated fabrics which have sewing thread breaking were observed during all the
the highest breaking strength will have the highest seam tests. For further studies, the effect of coating para-
efficiency values and vice versa. meters, those different from this study may be investi-
gated, and the results of this study may be helpful to
CONCLUSION the research which will examine the mechanical proper-
ties of coated fabrics from different perspectives.
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