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Our world changes every time. Today everything is different in comparison with yesterday. Up to
date technologies would frighten the people who lived in the previous centuries. Even a simple
phone would shock them to death! But for now phones is an unattainable attribute of our modern

If you would teleport from our modern time to ancient times, where you would show (or speak
about) all our technologies as phone, microwave, space ships and so on, you would be for sure
sigmatized as a cultist or psycho.

It therefore follows that for now it's very important to have appropriate skills and knowledge.
Programming, gaming, robot technique, virtual reality - everything what has to do with technologies,
computers and technique. It comes to the first place, I'm sure.
Now it's actual and prestige to have a job in such a field, what 30 years ago didn't have a consumer
demand at all, there were no such offers on the job market.

But such things as handicrafts gone to the second or even third place. Everything is made on the
factories, by robots, technologized. There is more focus and concentration on the peoples' mental
and intellectual abilities, handwork is not in the priority more.

Also such fields as internet and work with sites, SMM, management are on the very important place
for now. It's also very prestige and well-paid to work as an internet manager, or an office manager
in an elite company. It's considered to be cool to work as SMM-specialist, have a deal with
advertusements and company advance.

But nobody knows what will be tomorrow and what jobs will be in the priority than. Because
everything changes and as it was already said nothing stands still a moment, so the only one what
we can do is to adapt to all these changes and don't worry much about future.

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