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RsInstrument is a Python module that provides convenient way of communicating with

R&S instruments over VISA

It uses PyVisa to build instrument model layer that provides all the required tasks
you might need when remote-controlling your instrument:

- Initializing a new session with setting all the required VISA and instrument
registers depending on the session type
- Identification of the instrument, supported models, evaluation of the instrument
- Special actions, e.g. Self-test, reset
- Typical text communication - Write / Query / Query<type>
- OPC-synchronised actions - Write / Query with OPC. The synchronization mechanism
can be: Status byte polling / *OPC? query, Service Request
- Asynchronous events-driven OPC-synchronised actions. After the instrument has
finished the operation, a registered event handler is invoked
- Binary data transfer - Write / Query bin data
- Transfer of files between PC and Instrument, the size is unlimited
- Binary or ASCII arrays transfers - adaptable querying of float / double / integer
The response is processed correctly regardless whether it arrives as binary
data or ASCII data
- Instrument status checking (SYSTem:ERRor?) after each command. This can be
switched OFF if desired
- Optional feature of sending (*OPC?) after each Write command
- Sharing of the already openeed session with another RsInstrument instance, so the
physical VISA session is still only one
- Generating events if:
- controller sends data
- instrument returns data
- big transferred data (write or read) are split into segments. This allows
for showing the transfer progress,
or in case of read operation processing partial data without having to
wait for the complete response.


- Python 3.7 or newer
- R&S Visa 5.12.3 + or any other Visa installation


RsInstrument is hosted on You can install it with pip.exe (Windows), or

if you are using Pycharm direct in the Pycharm packet management GUI

Option 1: Install using pip.exe:

- Start the command console: WinKey + R, type cmd and hit ENTER
- Change the working directory to your instaled Python (adjust the user name and
python version in the path):
cd c:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts
- install RsInstrument with the command: pip install Rsinstrument

Option 2: Install in Pycharm:

- In Pycharm Menu File->Settings->Project->Project Interpreter click on the '+'
button on the top right
- Type 'rsinstrument' in the search box
- Install the version or newer
- If you are behind a Proxy server, configure it in Menu File->Settings-
>Appearance->System Settings->HTTP Proxy

For more details check our Instrument remote control Getting started page:


Version history:

Version (03.08.2020)

- Fixed reading of long strings for NRP-Zxx sessions

Version (16.06.2020)

- Fixed simulation mode switching
- Added Repeated capability

- First released version

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