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A stakeholder is a person or group who has an interest vested or otherwise in an enterprise

and whose support is required in order for an enterprise to be successful.
The term stakeholder has its roots in horse racing. A stake race is one in which the prize
money is derived from the entry fees that horse owners pay to enter the race. The entry fee is
called a stake, a synonym for risk. The person or entity that takes care of the entry fees until
the prize money is awarded is called the stakeholder. Traditionally, the stakeholder has no
financial interest in the outcome of the race.


Employees Shareholders Competitors

Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd Customers Governments Distributors

Unions Investors Suppliers


Identifying critical stakeholders often involves determining who has the most to gain or
lose from a particular policy or strategy. Other critical stakeholders include influential
leaders within a larger community of stakeholders. Critical stakeholders may be internal,
that is, actively involved in the development and implementation of a strategy, procedure or
proposal. However, media, non-governmental organizations and individuals frequently
emerge as critical stakeholders

 Customers: Without customers of “Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd” cannot survive

so in almost all situations the customer needs have to come first. The customer can
always to choose to take his business to a competitor so it is essential to innovate,
to offer good products and good value for money so they can be a critical
stakeholder of “Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd”
 Employees: The employees are the ones who create and deliver the products or
services that the customers consume. If they lose or antagonize their best
employees then customer service will suffer so they need to look after them. If they
want to attract and retain top talent at all levels then they have to offer terms and
conditions that are Employees are the most critical stakeholder of
“Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd”
 Shareholders: The shareholders own the company. They might well have put
forward the seed capital which they need to get started so their needs are important.
Ultimately the board, acting on behalf of the shareholders, can replace the CEO and
the executive team. However, provided they are broadly on plan in terms of
revenues and profit the shareholders are generally satisfied and will leave alone.
Shareholders are the most critical type stakeholder of “Bashundhara Paper Mills
 Suppliers and distributors: “Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd” need to collaborate
with their partners to run the business. Many have essential skills that they lack. It
is best to build good long-term relationships. However, the partners also have their
own agendas and most can be replaced if they underperform or a better partner they can be a critical stakeholders of “Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd”
 Investors: An investor is a person that allocates capital with some expectation of a
return on that capital. An investor could be a business partner, a lender, or anyone
who decides that by investing money into a business, they will see a return on the
investment and some financial a company needs to gain or making profit for
their investors continuously as the company committed to the investors. If the
investors cannot get their profit in time they can opt out from their stake so it can be
a critical stakeholder for “Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd”

So, “Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd” has to overcome the possible upcoming critical
stakeholder and handle it at any cost to maintain the organizational value.

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