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3ds Max is a pretty complicated program with a lot of options and buttons. The only way you’ll learn to be efficient
is to commit some hot keys to memory. There are a lot more than these, but these are the main ones you should
focus on to first move around the interface and manipulate your model. As you get more comfortable with the
program you can take a look at some of the other short cuts depending on the tools you use most frequently.

Remember, if you find yourself doing something tedious and repetitive do a bit of research to see if there is a
faster, smarter way to achieve the result. Good luck and reach out if you have any questions!

Hotkeys Guide
T Top
F Front
L Left
P Perspective
Q Select Tool (Repeatedly hitting it cycles through different selection styles)
W Move
E Rotate
R Scale
M Material Editor
S Toggle Snaps On
A Toggle Angle Snaps On
C Camera List (Or immediately jumps into the selected camera)
Alt-W Maximize a selected window
Z Zoom Selected Or Zoom extents (If nothing is selected)
Shift-F Show Safe Frames (The proportions of your output resolution IE 1920x1080)
Shift-T Asset Tracking
Up Arrow Key Change view to walk through mode. Click-Drag to look around.
F3 Toggles Wireframe Mode
F4 Toggles Object's Edged Faces
F10 Render Settings
7 Show Statistics
8 Environment Settings
Alt-B Viewport's Background Settings

If you're In an Editable Poly modifier:

1 Vertex Selection
2 Edge Selection
3 Border Selection
4 Polygon Face Selection
5 Element Selection

Check out my YouTube Channel For More Tips & Tricks

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