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he freshwater eels of the genus Anguilla Shaw

(family Anguillidae) have an unusual life his-
Evolution tory and are widely distributed throughout the
of the Freshwater Eels world (Fig. 1). Freshwater eels are catadromous and
have a relatively long larval development as leptoce-
phalus, transparent leaflike larvae, which is the pecu-
liar larval form for Elopmorph fishes and highly
Jun Aoyama, Katsumi Tsukamoto adapted to a planktonic life in the open ocean. The
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, continental distribution of freshwater eels appears to
Minamidai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 164 Japan be related to the subtropical circulation of the
oceans, with most species being located in the west
side of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans [1–3].
The freshwater anguillid eels have an unusual Warm westward-flowing equatorial currents reach
life history and world-wide distribution. Ques- and flow along the east coast of each continent,
tions about the phylogenetic relationships of this whereas the west coasts are swept by cold currents
group and how their long spawning migrations which originate in high latitudes. This association
and larval phase may contribute to their global with specific hydrographic conditions may explain
distribution have not been addressed. This paper why eels inhabit east coasts of Eurasia, Australia,
is first presentation of molecular phylogeny of Africa, and North America but not the west coasts of
Anguilla species, and based on this phyloge- North and South America, Australia, and Africa [3,
netic tree we suggest new aspect of the evolu- 4]. Although the European eel, A. anguilla, is able to
tion of this group. Namely, ancestral eels inhabit Europe and the Mediterranean because of the
originated during the Eocene or earlier, in the warm eastward flow of the Gulf Stream and North
western Pacific Ocean near present-day Indone- Atlantic drift, it is not known why there are no fresh-
sia. A group derived from this ancestor dis- water eels along the east coast of South America de-
persed westward, probably by larval transport in spite the existence of the warm Brazil Current. The
the global circum-equatorial current through the geographic distribution and unique life history traits
northern edge of the Tethys Sea. This group of anguillid eels gives rise to many questions, such
split into the ancestor of the European and as when these eels evolved to form the 18 present-
American eels, which entered into the Atlantic day species, including three subspecies [5], and how
Ocean, and a second group, which dispersed they achieved their worldwide distribution. In parti-
southward and split into the east African species cular, how did the two Atlantic species become iso-
and Australian species. Thus the world-wide lated from the majority of other eel species in the
distribution of the eel family can be understood Indo-Pacific, and why are there no eels in the South
from knowledge of continental drift, ocean cur- Atlantic? To answer these questions the phylogenetic
rents, a specialized larva and evolutionary relationships of these eels needed to be clarified and
forces favoring dispersal and speciation of seg- the evolutionary history of Anguilla considered in
regated gene pool. light of global paleogeographical events.

Naturwissenschaften 84, 17–21 (1997) © Springer-Verlag 1997 17

Fig. 1. Distribution of freshwater eels throughout the world and the illa species because it represented both the parsimo-
sampling locations of the eight species studied (asterisks). The geo- nious and neighbor-joining trees.
graphic ranges of the eight species are as follows. A. marmorata: tro-
pical regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans; A. mossambica: the The one previous study of the phylogeny of fresh-
eastern coast of Africa; A. japonica: the eastern coast of the Eurasian water eels based on their morphological characteris-
Continent; A. anguilla: the western coast of the Eurasian continent; A. tics recognized 19 species, including three subspe-
rostrata: the eastern coast of North America; A. reinhardti: the eastern cies, and divided them into four groups [2]. If the
coast of Australia; A. australis australis: south-eastern Australia; A.
celebesensis: the Sulawesi Island region. Specimens collected during
scheme of species relationships proposed by Ege [2]
march 1979 and September 1994 were identified according to the is to be interpreted as a phylogeny, and the node spe-
morphological key of Ege [2]. Liver tissues were taken from live eels, cies are considered to be the most likely ancestral
and minced and preserved in the following buffer: 8 M Urea, 10 mM species, the scheme can be explained as follows: The
Tris-HCl pH 8.5, 125 mM NaCl, 50 mM EDTA, 1% v/w SDS; or in group including the ancestral species A. celebesensis
ethanol. DNA purification details are given elsewhere [14]. The mito-
chondrial cytochrome b gene was amplified by PCR using two oligo- originated first, followed by the second group con-
nucleotide primers, GLU-L [20] and H15149 [14], and sequenced by taining A. marmorata and A. reinhardti, then the
Uniplex Cycle Sequence kit (Millipore MBBLUNP02) third group consisting of A. japonica, A. anguilla,
and A. rostrata, and finally the fourth group includ-
ing A. australis. Except for the position of A. japoni-
Specimens of eight species were collected from three ca the phylogenetic tree obtained from genetic analy-
oceans (Fig. 1), and their mitochondrial DNA se- sis in this study agrees with that resulting from the
quences analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis with the morphological analysis of Ege [2]. He concluded that
neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony method the two Atlantic species A. anguilla and A. rostrata
suggests that A. mossambica, A. australis, A. rostra- were closely related to A. japonica of the North Pa-
ta, and A. anguilla are members of the same clade. cific [2]. However, despite these morphological simi-
Interestingly, A. reinhardti and A. australis are mem- larities the present geographical distributions of these
bers of different clades in spite of their sympatry in eels (separated in different oceans) and the apparent
eastern Australia. According to neighbor-joining tree, lack of close genetic similarity suggest that the two
most of the speciation of Anguilla apparently oc- Atlantic species do not have a particularly close phy-
curred early, in comparison with that of the two logenetic relationship with A. japonica. The morpho-
Atlantic species (Fig. 2). Furthermore, the bootstrap logical similarity between Atlantic species and A. ja-
consensus tree created by neighbor-joining method ponica may be parallel or convergent developments
was in complete agreement with that of the maxi- as a response to their temperate habitats and long
mum parsimony method. Thus the consensus tree oceanic spawning migrations that may require com-
(Fig. 3) was accepted as a phylogeny of eight Angu- mon morphological characteristics and functions.
Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree for the eight Anguilla species constructed
from mitochondrial DNA data by the neighbor-joining method [17].
We selected A. celebesensis as an out-group based on the morphologi-
cal study by Ege [2], which found this species to have ancestral char-
acteristics among the genus. The pairwise distance was calculated ac-
cording to Kimura’s two-parameter method [18] with weighted modi- Fig. 3. Bootstrap consensus tree for eight Anguilla species in the pre-
fication of 5:1 for unequal rates of transitions and transversion by the sent study. We accepted the consensus tree of the corresponding max-
DNAdist program in the software package Phylip Ver. 3.5 [19]. The imum parsimony and neighbor-joining analysis by means of 1000
sequence divergence between the two Atlantic species, A. anguilla replications of bootstrap [21], as a phylogeny for eight Anguilla spe-
and A. rostrata, in 410 base pair of the cytochrome b gene deter- cies. The alternate analysis excluding the third coddons, which might
mined, was a lower (0.024) than any other combination among the have more frequent multiple-substitution than the other two coddons,
species examined (range; 0.051–0.0854) showed about the same result as the consensus tree. The only differ-
ence was that the positions of A. australis and A. mossambica were
switched. This suggested the possibility that A. australis branched
earlier than A. mossambica, and that the two Atlantic species derived
Freshwater eels might have originated in the tropics, from A. mossambica in Africa and not from A. australis
because two-thirds of the recognized 18 Anguilla
species inhabit the tropics while only five species
have their growth habitat in temperate regions. Seven thereby providing a circumglobal oceanic connection
of the 18 species occur in the western Pacific around at low paleolatitudes. The Tethys Sea existed during
Indonesia, and A. celebesensis,which inhabits mainly the Mesozoic until the beginning of the Tertiary peri-
Sulawesi Island (Celebes), Indonesia, has been od [7]. After the break up of Pangaea to the Oligo-
thought to be one of the possible ancestral species of cene (24–36 Ma) continents were separated from
the Anguillidae [2, 5, 6]. All these considerations each other and there was a global circumequatorial
strongly suggest the western Pacific in and around current which flowed from east to west encircling
Indonesia as the place of origin for freshwater eels. the earth along the equator [7, 8]. Therefore it is
Present knowledge of zoogeography, paleogeography, likely that the ancestral eels dispersed westwards in
and ocean circulation also suggests four potential this current, from the eastern end of the Tethys Sea
routes of dispersal into the Atlantic ocean. One pos- to the Atlantic. The ancestors of Atlantic eels may
sibility is that ancestral eels moved across the wide thus have dispersed through the Tethys Sea to enter
paleo-Pacific Ocean from the western end to the east- the paleo-Atlantic Ocean from the western Pacific.
ern side. However, freshwater eels do not occur on The Tethys Sea closed in the middle to late Oligo-
Easter Island or the Galapagos Islands or on the west cene (25–30 Ma) [7, 9]. This suggests that the node
coast of the American continents [2]. Another possi- between the ancestor of the two Atlantic species and
bility is via Cape of Good Hope (southern tip of A. australis in the neighbor-joining tree (ND1 in
Africa), but there are no freshwater eels along either Fig. 2) occurred over 25–30 Ma, namely before the
the east coast of South America or the west coast of closure of the Tethys Sea. Thus, we conventionally
Africa (except in the far north) [2]. The low tempera- dated this node (ND1 in Fig. 2) as 30 Ma. On the
ture and great distance would act as a barrier to pre- basis of this dating the split between A. celebesensis
vent dispersal of ancestral eels from tropical regions and the ancestor of the other seven species (ND2 in
through the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, the migratory Fig. 2) was approximately 43.5 Ma i.e., in the Eo-
distance for one life cycle would be too long for cene (57–36 Ma). Similarly, the split between A. an-
these eels which are very likely to have dispersed as guilla and A. rostrata (ND3 in Fig. 2) is estimated at
larvae from their breeding place in low latitudes, approximately 10.2 Ma. This aging may involve an
considering present knowleges of larval duration and underestimation because the speciation between the
migratory distance of the freshwater eels. The most Atlantic species and A. australis (ND1 in Fig. 2)
likely route is through the Tethys Sea that separated may have already proceeded by reproductive isola-
Laurasia (North American and Eurasian Continents) tion of adults in different oceans even if the Tethys
from Gondwana (Africa, South America, and India) Sea were open, and there were some supply of lepto-
Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representa-
tion of the proposed scenario for
the dispersal and speciation of an-
guillid eels. The map shows a Eo-
cene global paleogeographic recon-
struction, approximately 50–60 Ma
[7]. The ancestral Anguilla species
originated in the western Pacific,
in present-day Indonesia. The
range of the ancestral eels was ex-
panded westward by transport of
their larvae in the Tethys Sea, by
paleocircumequatorial current,
eventually reaching the north

cephali from the Indian Ocean. This means that the across the Pacific Ocean. Therefore it seems reason-
timing of the Tethys Sea may have closed much later able to conclude that molecular evolution for eels
in the phylogenetic tree, suggesting much earlier spe- may be much slower than for other animals, since it
ciation of anguillid eels, for instance, in the Cretac- is now generally known that different animals have
eous (145–65 Ma). different molecular clocks [14, 15].
Fossils in the order Anguilliformes have been de- Based on our estimate of the timing of divergence
scribed from the Upper Cretaceous [10]. Moreover, for the Anguilla species and molecular phylogenetic
Regan concluded that the Anguillidae is primitive trees (Fig. 3) we propose the following evolutionary
among the order [11]. This suggests that the Anguil- scenario for the speciation and dispersal of the fresh-
liformes appeared at the latest in the Cretaceous, ap- water eels Anguilla.
proximately 100 Ma, and that the Anguillidae In the Eocene (57–36 Ma) the ancestral eel origi-
evolved at an early time in the history of the order. nated in the western Pacific, around present-day In-
The sequence divergence between A. anguilla and A. donesia and then split into two groups. Group A dis-
rostrata was 0.024, which is approximately congru- persed westward by the global circumequatorial cur-
ent with the 0.03 value calculated by mitochondrial rent along the northern margin of the Tethys Sea,
DNA restriction-site polymorphism [12, 13]. Avise et while group B dispersed less widely. Subsequently,
al. [13] estimated the separation time between A. an- group A which may have spread through the Tethys
guilla and A. rostrata as 1.5 million years, using a Sea and split into two groups: one being the ancestor
conventional mitochondrial DNA clock calibration of of the two Atlantic species, which was carried
2% sequence divergence per million years. Applying further westward by the current into the Atlantic
this value of separation time to the phylogenetic tree Ocean, and the other being the ancestor of A. mos-
obtained in this study, the oldest branching (ND2 in sambica and A. australis which dispersed southward
Fig. 2) was calculated to be only 6.4 million years in the current that flows along the east coast of the
ago. This would indicate that the speciation events of African Continent. The ancestor of A. anguilla and
the Anguilla occurred mainly during late Miocene to A. rostrata that entered the Atlantic ocean may have
early Pliocene (approximately 3–7 Ma). However, populated the coastal regions of North Atlantic as a
this period was characterized by the cooling asso- result of larval dispersal in the paleo-North Atlantic
ciated with the development of the Antarctic ice gyre since the exit of the Tethys Sea opened directly
sheet [7]. If this time estimate is adopted, the west- to the North Atlantic. However, this species may not
ward invasion of eels into the Atlantic would be im- have been able to spread into the South Atlantic be-
possible since the “Tethys Corridor” would have al- cause the paleo-South Atlantic had not opened suffi-
ready closed much earlier, and as an alternative the ciently to have a warm subtropical gyre suitable for
Arctic region would have been too cold. Although larval development area. Even after a gyre was
the Isthmus of Panama was still open in that period, formed, the circulation of the northern and southern
the current direction was wrong to transport larvae gyres was probably removed. That is may be why no
into the Atlantic, even if some larvae were drifted eels now occur in the South Atlantic.
In the western Pacific group B may have remained at base, with following accession numbers, D84299 (A. marmorata),
its place of origin for a while before part of the D84300 (A. mossambica), D84301 (A. reinhardti), D84302 (A. angu-
illa), D84303 (A. australis australis), D84304 (A. celebesensis),
group dispersed northward by the North Pacific gyre D84305 (A. japonica), D84306 (A. rostrata). We thank Drs. P.H.J.
resulting in the lineage of A. japonica. The others Castle and M. Miller for constructive comments and for improving
that remained near Indonesia evolved into the the manuscript at an early stage. We also thank Drs. M. Gross and
lineages of A. reinhardti and A. marmorata. The for- J. C. Avise for critical reading of the manuscript and comments.
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