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SAT Biology Content Not Covered by the AP Test

Human Body Topics

 Digestive system: Order of digestive tract, types of digestion

 Cardiovascular system: Order of circulation, gas exchange, heart electrical impulses
 Memorize hormones
 Menstrual cycle/Spermatogenesis
 Nervous system: Parts of the brain/brainstem, autonomic vs. somatic, sympathetic vs.
 Muscular system: Sliding filament theory

Animal Physiology:
 Embryonic development: Basic stages
o Be able to connect different animal phyla with their embryonic development
(protostome vs. deuterostome, radial vs. bilateral symmetry, cephalization, coelom
presence, germ layers)
 Know the different major animal phyla: Cnidarians, annelids, arthropods, and chordates
o Know their structures responsible for respiration, digestion, and excretion
o Know the major characteristics of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

 Plant taxonomy: Bryophytes (nonvascular plants), tracheophytes (seedless vascular plants),
gymnosperms (conebearing plants), angiosperms (flowering plants). KNOW THEIR
 Monocots vs. dicots
 Evolutionary adaptations to life on land (i.e. how to prevent water loss!)
 Primary vs. secondary growth
 Root function, types, absorption, symbiotes
 Leaf parts: Cuticle, stomata, mesophyll
 Plant tissues, especially the importance of vascular tissue
 Parts of a flower (must memorize the female and male parts!)
 Plant hormones and tropism

Biomes: Know the characteristics of different biomes in terms of their climate, soil type, and biodiversity

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