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Dear Mrs Rose,

Thanks for your email. I hope this email finds you well.

I am overjoyed to hear that you plan to hold a Film Club after a hard-working school day. Movie club is a
creative experience and has potential to positively impact students. It is also an excellent way for
students to relieve tension while socializing with their peers.

I propose that it should be held on Friday rather than Monday since the beginning of the week will be a
very busy day for students, but hosting it on Friday would allow them to enjoy movies without having to
worry too much about schoolwork.

About the movie genre, I highly recommend watching humor because it is suitable for everyone. For
example, boys like to watch action movies while girls enjoy watching dramas, so that comedies would be
the ideal choice for both.Furthermore humor films will help students relax by making them laugh out

Finally , I strongly believe that providing food and drink to enjoy while watching movies is a fantastic
idea. We may purchase popcorn, Coca-Cola, and crackers to enhance the viewing experience.

It will be an unforgettable day for students .

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully ,


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