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Cutthroat Caper

The depths some may find to right a wrong can be truly unfathomable.

Introduction: You helped an immoral pirate captain recover a

powerful artifact. He repaid you by killing your crew, sinking your
ship, and marooning you on an uncharted island to die. But you
didn’t. Now it’s time for payback.

A 4-hour adventure for 4-5 7th level characters

by Justin Powell & Ricardo Blayde Diaz

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Cutthroat Caper

vast, ye landlubbers! If the pirate's life be for ye, The adventure begins where many do, in a tavern. We find
prepare yourselves for an adventure full of our crew laying low at the Sea Shanty, a quiet divey tavern,
betrayal and satisfying comeuppance... if the while they waiting for an old friend to meet them there.
wind blows your way. "Cutthroat Caper" is a
one-shot adventure that combines the beloved
aesthetic of the world of pirates with the "You find yourselves sitting at the bar of the Sea
elements of a heist story. In this one-shot, your Shanty. The entire place looks like it was built from
reclaimed driftwood. The air is heavy with mildew
players will infiltrate an enemy's ship, reclaim a stolen and the atmopshere is completely dead, but the
artifact, and hopefully escape undetected. However, as with alcohol works just the same and it's a great place
most heists, things never go quite according to plan and your to lay low. You take a drink and each satisfying sip
motley crew could find themselves in danger of becoming helps wash away the taste of salt water from
nothing more than cannon fodder. months of harsh travel to get back here to Riptide.
This high seas heist is approx. 4-hour session for 4-5 7th As you wait to meet an old friend, your anticipation
level characters. They main elements of this story are: builds with the thought of the prospect of exacting
planning the heist, executing the plan, and improvising when revenge for what was wrongly done to you."
things inevitably go wrong. Create an environment where
your players have the freedom to actually plan their heist
without feeling like they're being forced to a single specific Before too long, they see--
approach. This will not only give your players a sense of
ownership of the sotry, it will also lead to completely unique
sessions each time the adventure is played. As a result, the "You see a little goblin step inside the tavern. A
levels of success can vary drastically. Maybe the players are thick black beard covers most of his face that's
completely successful and escape with the artifact unseen, or pocked with damage from decades working under
maybe they acquire the artifact, but get made on the escape the beating sun at see. His beady eyes dart around
and now have an enemy hot on their tail, or perhaps they have the room until they meet your. He gives you a
to abandon the mission and don't escape reclaim the artifact. nervous smile as he scuttles your way. You
Don't shy away from this! These varying degrees of success recognize this goblin as your old friend and former
will help your players feel like their decisions truly matter and crewmate, Ytt Pertinax."
possibly set up a part two or even serve as the jumping off
point to a buccaneering campaign of your own! This
adventure's openness to creativity will give your players a Ytt (pronounced "yeet") Pertinax, has worked as a crew
treasure trove of possibilties and potential fun. member of theirs on many occasions. They know him to be a
So, let's hoist the main sails and set out on our maiden quite capable sneak, but has greedy tendencies. Luckily, he
voyage of pirate larceny. wasn't with the group on their last journey, or he'd be dead
too. When they returned to Riptide, they contracted Ytt to dig
Backstory up some information about the Kraken's Maw, Cpt. Lazlo's
As seafaring veterans, your players have seen their fair share ship. Ytt gives hands over rudmentary blue print of the
of high seas adventures in the pursuit of riches and power. Kraken's Maw that he'd stolen from the Hull of Records.
Over their careers, they've accumulated wealth and a
renowned reputation as a group that can, "get things done." The Blue Prints
Being notorious as mercenaries for hire, the group was The Kraken's Maw is a large ship about 100ft long from bow
apprached by Rurik Lazlo, a giff former navy general turned to stern, and 30ft from port to starboard. In the center of the
pirate captain of the Kraken's Maw. Lazlo procured their main deck, there's a 15ft x 10ft cargo hatch that leads down
services to help him locate and recover a lost artifact known to the cargo hold. There are four levels to the ship.
as the Map of Fathoms. With their help, the Map was found
on a distant uncharted island far from civilazation. Once the
Map was recovered, Lazlo decided to tidy up loose ends and 1. Quarterdeck
killed the group's crew, sunk their ship, and marooned them 2. Main Deck
on the island to die. 3. Living Quarters/Galley
With great perseverance, ingenuity, and a lot of luck, the 4. Cargo Hold
players were able to get off the island and make their way
back to the pirate island sanctuary of Riptide where, lo and
behold, they see the Kraken's Maw is also docked. With Lazlo The quarterdeck is the uppermost deck. It begins at the back
believing they were stuck on that island, this could be the of the ship, extending about 25ft, overhanging the main deck
perfect time to inact a little revenge, but Riptide has strict about 10ft high. The helm of the ship is located here. There is
rules about crimes against fellow pirates while in Riptide, so one ladder that leads up to the quarterdeck on the front left-
things have to be done in the shadows. hand side of the ship.
Part 1: Sea Shanty
The main deck is mostly open area, with a few barrels,
chains, and ropes scattered about. In the middle of this deck, Keep in mind that Lazlo thinks they are still on the
there is a 15ft x 10ft cargo hatch shaft that descends about island. The more conspicuous they make
20ft directly down into the cargo hold. Cpt. Lazlo's living themselevs, the more likely it is that word could
quarters are located underneath the quarterdeck. The main get back to Lazlo that they are in Riptide. So as
mast is placed between the captain's quarters and the cargo your players are setting up their plan, if they are not
hatch. The mast is 50ft tall with rungsticking out of it, leading being discrete, you can roll a general Perception
up to a crow's nest. There are also four cannons set up on check or a straight luck check to see if they're
this deck, two on each side, pointed outward. spotted. In which case, Lazlo may be ready for
Next floor down is the general living quarters and galley.
The living quarters are an open room consisting of basic
hammocks, however there are also six cannons in this room
as well. Towards the front of the ship is a small, rudimentary Part 3: All Aboard
galley where food is prepared. At the back of the living the
galley, there's a small pantry with a hidden trap door that Once the players have laid out their plan, they'll ultimately
leads down into the cargo hold. need to get onto the ship to accomplish their goal. The
The cargo hold is a wide open space, but is most likely following is what you're players may encounter in each
tightly packed with cargo. section of the ship.
After going through the map with them, Ytt will tell them
that Rurik has hired a completely new crew and is planning Main Deck: During the daytime there will be more crew
to set sail in the next few days. present performing various tasks aboard the ship. While
Having delivered on his promise, Ytt will ask the group for this can make it easier for the players to hide in plain
50gp as payment. The group can try to talk that price down sight, it may also make it more difficult for them to get into
with a Persuasion check. If they refuse to pay or attempt to certain parts of the ship unnoticed. There will be a
intimidate him, he may decide to double-cross them later and quartermaster present during the day, who may try to put
rat them out to Cpt. Lazlo. the players to work as well. At night, the activity on the
main deck will be much less, with only a few crew
memebers standing guard. This could make it easier to
Part 2: Best Laid Plans sneak on board undetected, but may also make it harder to
At this point, the story is your players' hands. With the cover up if they get caught.
information given and their particular abilities and skills, they Quarterdeck: During the day, Cpt. Lazlo may be at the
can begin to form a plan. There are a multitude things they helm on the quarterdeck overlooking the main deck.
can do to help set up their plans. Here are a couple directions
you can point your players in to aid them if they get stuck.
1. The Pit: Lazlo's hiring a completely new crew. The "Proudly resting his massive hand upon the ship's
Kraken's Maw is a rather large ship and needs a decent helm, you see a hulking hippopotumus-looking
sized crew. Most of Lazlo's new crew can be found getting humanoid covered from head to studded brown
drunk and wrestling crocodiles at The Pit. The players leathers with ornate blue trim that you known all
may decide to fight, assimilate, impersonate, or bribe too well is Captain Rurik Lazlo. Across his back you
can see the hilt of a greatsword, but your
members the crew here. attention's not on that as much as it's on his hip,
2. The Market: There is a thriving trade district in Riptide where you can see the holstered custom-made rifle
represented by the Riptide Market. Many things can be he calls The Siren because he, 'loves to hear her
found here such as weapons, gun powder, potions, and sing.'"
other magical items if you have the coin and know where to
look. Players can roll checks using Investigation,
Perception, or Persuausion with higher rolls increasing the At night, the quarterdeck will have two armed
helpfullness and quality of what they find. crewmembers on guard while Cpt. Lazlo is asleep in his
Of course there are any number of ways your players may
decide to approach this heist, but in any plan they may need Crow's Nest: There is always an armed crewmember on
to interact with members of Lazlo's crew or obtain valuable watch in the crow's nest at all times.
equipment and resources, so The Pit and Riptide Market are Living Quarters: The crew's living quarters take up most
places you can present to them as potential options of solving of the second level. During the day, the players may find
these problems. crew members going about their business, and while the
number of crew may be higher, they may also be
distracted by their assigned duties. At night, only the crew
assigned to guard the ship will be present, so the number
will be lower and any crew in the living quarters will most
likely be asleep.
Galley: The galley is about half the size of the captain's Your players may try other creative ways of getting into the
quarters located directly above it. Cramped with a cast chest. They can attempt to Dispel Magic on the lock with a
iron stove and a shelves of spices and knives. During the DC 18 Arcana check. They can also try to break open the
day, a cook can be found prepapring rations for the chest, however it's immune to non-magical damage and has
voyage. At night, the cook won't be present. an AC of 18 with 25hp. Striking the chest with a weapon or
Pantry: The pantry is a small room with the walls covered spell attack will set off the trap and alert Lazlo. You players
in stocked shelves. On the floor, there's a trap door. The may just decide to take the entire chest with them. The chest
trap door is locked. A DC 15 thieves' tools check is is relatively heavy and will require a DC 15 Str/Athletics
required to pick the lock and descend intot he cargo hold. check to carry solo, but can be carried by two or more
without a check. Players will have disadvantage on their
Dexterity checks to get through webs while carrying the
Part 4: Held chest. However, even if the chest is removed from the ship,
Lazlo will know where the chest is if the trap is set off at any
The cargo hold is tightly packed with barrels and crates. The time.
only light in the room comes from the opening of the cargo If the players successfully get into the safe they will find
hatch shaft, leading up to the main deck. So, at night, the 5,000gp, an assortment of gems and jewelry worth around
room is nearly pitch black. The cargo hold is completely 1,500gp, and the Map of Fathoms. The Map of Fathoms is a
covered in webbing from floor to ceiling (as if by the Web legendary artifact that shows the locations of other powerful
spell (DC 13 Str Save), making moving through the room magical items and ancient beings of the sea in real-time. With
difficult terrain. Towards the back of the room, there's an an action, once/day, the Map allows you to make a DC 20 Cha
ornate chest. The players can attempt to move through the check with advantage to attempt to dominate a creature of
webs with a DC 15 (18 if it's dark and they don't have the sea for 24 hours. The Map of Fathoms requires
darkvison) Dex/Acrobatics check to avoid getting caught in attunement.
the webs. Hidden amongst the webbing are silver strands
linked to an Alarm spell. If any of the players get caught in the Part 5: High Tide
web, roll a luck check. On a 10 or lower, they trigger one of
the silent alarms. If your players are lucky and executed their plans well, they
Once they've made it to through the webs, they'll come to may get away without a big fight. However, there are many
the chest. The wood of the chest is strained black. The chest points along the way where the players could be caught. If
will not open, but there is no visible lock. On the front of the they are spotted or found out in any way, Lazlo will allow
chest, there's a circular tile made of gold. Engraved in the them to take the Map from his vault, but acitvate the
center of the tile is a design that looks like rows of concentric Hallowed Necklace around his neck. When activated, the
teeth, like that of a kraken's mouth with eight tentacles Necklace acts as if the hallowed spell were cast on a
stretching out to the edges. Underneath the tile, there's an particular location of the wearer's choice in a 100ft sphere,
inscription that reads: having the effect of Extradimensional Interference,
meaning creatures can't move or travel using teleportation or
by extradimensional or interplanar means. The Necklace has
"Eight arms that grab. Eight arms that clasp. Eight
arms that hold you in their grasp. And though there
an AC of 15 and 20hp.
are eight, that number is nein. What numbered
Lazlo will allow the players to reemerge on the main deck,
arms have got you entwined?" where he'll be waiting for them with 8 crew members ready
to fight. If Lazlo sees the fight going south, he may try to flee
so he may enact his revenge down the road. After the battle is
over, Riptide officals will descend upon the Kraken's Maw.
The tile is a magical lock. In order to safely unlock the chest, Pirate on pirate violence is illegal in Riptide and your players
the players need to rotate the tile 10 times (as in ten-tacles). may need to make make a quick get away or be apprehended
Any failed attempt to unlock the chest will set off the trap. If and taken into custody. If they manage to escape, they will be
the trap is activated, each creature within 5ft of the chest exiled from Riptide and barred from every returning.
must make a DC 13 Dex Saving throw or take 2d6 piercing
damage as sharp teeth burst out from the chest in all
direction. Lazlo will also be made aware if the lock was failed. Epilogue
There are many different outcomes to this adventure that you
can spin-off into new advenutres for these characters. If they
are apprehended by the Riptide militia, perhaps they'll need
to do a prison break. If Lazlo escapes, maybe they'll want to
track him down and finish him off. If they have to flee, maybe
it can becoem a survival campaign where your players are on
the run from Lazlo as outlaws from both the pirate world and
civilized society. Or if they successfully obtain the Map fo
Fathoms, there could be a treasure hunt campaign in your
future! Talk to your players, if they really enjoyed this one-
shot, see if they may want to continue on with these
characters and this story.
Cpt. Rurik Lazlo Crosshairs. Lazlo can forgo his movement for the round
to give himself advantage on his attacks with The Siren
medium humanoid (giff), neutral evil
until the end of his turn using a bonus action.
Armor Class 17 (splint armor) Cunning Shot The damage dealt by Lazlo's firearms
Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27) ignores resistances and immunities.
Speed 30ft.
Indomitable. Lazlo can reroll a failed saving throw. He
must use the new roll, and you can't use this feature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA again until after a long rest.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) Actions
Skills Athletics +8, Deception +7, Intimidation +7, Multiattack. Lazlo can makes two attacks on his turn
Persuasion +7, Firearms, Water Vehicles using his firearms or his greatsword.
Saves Str +8, Con +6 The Siren. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range
Senses passive Perception 12 120ft., two-handed, one target. Hit 12 (2d8 + 3)
Languages Common, Undercommon, Primordial piercing damage.
Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Sniper. +2 bonus to attack rolls made with ranged two-handed, one target. Hit 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing
weapons. damage
Lightning Round. Using an action, The Siren fires
Second Wind. Lazlo can use a bonus action to regain hit lightning from you it in a straight line that is 1 foot
points equal to 1d10 + 9. This feature regenerates after wide and 30 feet long. Each creature in the line must
a short or long rest. make a DC 15 DEX saving throw, taking 3d8 lightning
Collateral Damage. Lazlo has altered his ammunition to damage on a failure and half as much on a success.
have explosive capabilities. When he hits a target with This feature regenerates after a short or long rest.
a successful attack with The Siren, all creatures within Action Surge. On your turn, you can take one additional
5 feet of the target must succeed on a DC 15 DEX action. This feature regenerates after a short or long
saving throw or take 1d6 piercing damage. rest.

Crew Member
Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 12 (leather armor)

Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
Speed 30ft.


11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10

Languages Any One Language (Usually Common)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d6 + 1)
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 1) piercing

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