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FSW 225 Miami University Oakwood District School

Evaluation Discussion Paper

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FSW 225 Miami University Oakwood District School Evaluation Discussion Paper

Home School/District Evaluation

The purpose of this assignment is to consider the various ways in which schools or districts
create a welcoming culture for all families. You will use a variety of tools to assess the K-12
schools or district that you attended. If you moved around a lot as a child you should select ONE
school/district for your evaluation. If you attended a private school, the same tools should be
applicable. However, if you have trouble please contact me for assistance. If you were home
schooled, please let me know and we can discuss an alternative assignment.

Part 1: School/District Overview

Write a descriptive paragraph describing your home community and school district. I strongly
recommend that you use school and/or district report cards to locate appropriate demographic
information. For students from Ohio you can use the Ohio Department of Education website
(Links to an external site.). If you are outside of Ohio, you should be able to find a similar site at
your respective state’s DOE. Look for information like the total number of students, race,
English Language Learners, socioeconomic status, and students with disabilities. Please feel free
to use other resources to help develop a rich, descriptive paragraph.

Part 2: Reflecting on School/District Culture

Next, reflect on the overall culture of your school using the five resources listed below to guide
you. While reviewing the various surveys consider your own experiences, review appropriate
websites and social media channels, and reflect on the experiences of students and families who
might be different from you in some regard.
Remember, when reviewing these surveys not all of the items may be pertinent to your particular
school/districts. For example, if there are no English Language Learners families a school should
not be marked down for not having translators.

1. Family Friendly Partnership School Walkthrough (Links to an external site.)

2. Welcoming Schools Human Rights Campaign Foundation (Links to an external site.)

3. Albuquerque public Schools Family Engagement Rubric (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

4. How well is you school bridging racial, class and cultural differences? (Links to an external

5. The Equitable Parent School Collaboration Research Project (Links to an external site.)
(Look at Appendix A & B)

NOTE: You do NOT need to actually complete these surveys and you will NOT be able to
answer all of the questions. These are simply a diverse set of tools to help guide your reflection.

Upon reviewing these resources what new insights have emerged related to your perceptions of
the school/district culture? Where do you see areas of strength and where do you see areas for

Part 3: Overall Assessment – 4 Versions of Family-School Partnership (Links to an

external site.)

Review Henderson & Mapp’s description of the 4 versions of family-school partnerships linked
above. Assess your school/district using these definitions and provide an overall assessment.
Keep in mind that your school/district may not perfectly fit one definition. For example, you may
conclude that your school was in between a Fortress School and a Come-if-we-Call School. Or
you might conclude that your school was almost always a Partnership School, but when it came
to matters of the curriculum it was a Fortress School. What is most important is that you provide
a robust rationale. I also realize that you might be limited in your knowledge of some of the
different categories. That is okay! You can consult with your parents/guardians/friends, or move
on if you don’t think a category is pertinent.

In total, your paper should not exceed 1,000 words. Please submit your paper double spaced in
12 pt. Times New Roman font.

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