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pinture 1 a shows a more modern

city with large buildings.

and in pinture 2 a more colonial and

old city due to its architecture.

A capital of culture is Cuzco for its ancient (enchent) history, its architecture, its typical dances
that attract the attention of the world.

a) In the first image you can see a married couple(COPOL) choosing(CHUSEN) a room in a hotel
or reception.

b) but in the second picture they are having a breakfast or a good conversation.
My favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding Hood. Its moral is not to trust strangers. Little Red
Riding Hood was an adorable girl, who had a very good relationship (relexionchad) with her
grandmother. ... The girl is working inside the path, when suddenly (sadenly) a wolf appeared.

a) In the first image you can see a motivational conference or stand comedy. it is a more
relaxed atmosphere.

b) In the second image, workers are seen at a meeting. their mood is bad because they look
In the image you can see some dunes
located in the USA with little
vegetation but a lot of sun.

In this climate you should wear

sunglasses and a hat.

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