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vasions spent itself within hearing of

the last gasp of Byzantium, and it was
'SEMPERnovi quid ex Africa,' cried a;;~in through Africa that Islam came
the Roman proconsul; and he voiced to play its great r61e of conclueror and
the verdict of forty centuries. Yet there civilizer.
are those who woulcl write world-his- With the Renaissance and the wid-
tory and leave out this most marvelous ened world of modern thought, Africa
of continents. Particularly to-day most came no less suddenly with her new
men assume that Africa lies far afield old gift. Shakespeare's Ancient Pistol
from the centres of our burning social cries, -
problems, and especially from our pres- ' A foutre for thc world, and worldlings base!
ent problem of World War. I speak of Afrioz, and golden joys.'
Yet in a very real sense Africa is a He echoes a legend of gold from the
prime cause of this terrible overturn- days of Punt and Ophir to those of
ing of civilization which wlj have lived Ghana, the Gold Coast, and the Rand.
to see; and these words seek to show This thought had sent the world's
how in the Dark Continent are hidden greed scurrying down the hot, mysteri-
the roots, not simply of war to-day but ous coasts of Africa to the Good Hope
of the menace of wars to-morrow. of gain, until for the first time a real
Always Africa is giving us something world-commerce was born, albeit it
new or some metempsychosis of a started as a commerce mainly in the
world-old thing. On its black bosom bodies and souls of men.
arose one of the earliest, if not the earli- So much for the past; and now, to-
est, of self-protecting civilizations, and day: the Berlin Conference to appor-
grew so mightily that it still furnishes tion the rising riches of Africa among
superlatives to thinking and spealring the white peoples met on the fifteenth
men. Out of its darker ancl more re- day of November, 1884. Eleven days
mote forest fastnesses, came, if we may earlier, three Germans left Zanzibar
credit many recent scientists, the first (whither they had gone secretly dis-
welding of iron, and we know that agri- guised as mechanics), and before the
culture and trade flourished there when Berlin Conference had finished its de-
Europe was a wilderness. liberations they had annexed to Ger-
Nearly every human empire that has many an area over half as large again
arisen in the world, material and spirit- as the whole German Empire in Eu-
ual, has found some of its greatest cri- rope. Only in its dramatic suddenness
ses on this continent of Africa, from was this undisguised robbery of the
Greece to Great Britain. As Mommsen land of seven million natives different
says, 'It was through Africa that Chris- from the methods by which Great Bri-
tianity became the religion of the world.' tain and France got four million square
In Africa the last flood of Germanic in- miles each, Portugal three quarters of
a million, and Italy and Spain smaller gan to pay dividends. For indeed,while
but substantial areas. the exploration of the valley of the
The methods by which this conti- Congo was the occasion of the scram-
nent has been stolen have been con- ble for Africa, the cause lay deeper.
temptible and dishonest beyond expres- The Franco-Prussian War turned the
sion. Lying treaties, rivers of rum, eyes of those who sought power and
murder, assassination, mutilation, rape, dominion away from Europe. Already
and torture have marked the progress England was in Africa, cleaning anfay
of Englishman, German, Frenchman, the dkbris of the slave trade and half
and Belgianon the dark continent. The consciously groping toward the new
only way in which the world has been Imperialism. France, humiliated and
able to endure the horrible tale is by impoverished, looked toward a new
deliberately stopping its ears and northern African empire sweeping from
changing the subject of conversation the Atlantic to the Red Sea. More
while the deviltry went on. slowly Germany began to see thedawn-
It all began, singularly enough, like ing of a new day, and, shut out from
the present war, with Belgium. Many America by the Monroe Doctrine,
of us remember Stanley's great solu- looked to Asia and Africa for colonies.
tion of the puzzle of Central Africa Portugal sought anew to make good
when he traced the mighty Congo six- her claim to her ancient African realm;
teen hundred miles from Nyangwe to and thus a continent where Europe
the sea. Suddenly the world knew that claimed but a tenth of the land in 18%,
here lay the key t o the riches of Central was in twenty-five more years prac-
Africa. It stirred uneasily, but Leopold tically absorbed.
of Belgium was first on his feet, and
the result was the Congo Free State
-God save the mark! But the Congo
Free State, with all its magniloquent Why was this? What was the new
heralding of Peace, Christianity, and call for dominion? I t must have been
Commerce, degenerating into murder, strong, for consider a moment the des-
mutilation and downright robbery, dif- perate flames of war that have shot up
fered only in degree and concentration in Africa in the last quarter of a cen-
from the tale of all Africa in this rape tury: France and England at Fashoda,
of a continent already furiously man- Italy a t Adua, Italy and Turkey in
gled by the slave trade. That sinister Tripoli, Engla<d and Portugal at Del-
traffic, on which the British Empire agoa Bay, England, Germany, and the
and the American Republic were large- Dutch in South Africa, France and
ly built, cost black Africa no less than Spain in Morocco, Germany andFrance
100,000,000 souls, the wreckage of its in Agadir, and the world at Algeciras.
political and social life, and left the The answer to this riddle wc shall
continent in precisely that state of find in the economic changes in Eu-
helplessness which invites aggression rope. Remember what the nineteenth
and exploitation. 'Color' became in and twentieth centuries have meant to
the world's thought synonymous with organized industry in European civil-
inferiority, 'Negro' lost its capitaliza- ization. Slowly the divine right of the
tion, and Africa was another name for few to determine economic income and
bestiality and barbarism. distribute the goods and services of the
Thus the world began to invest in world has been questioned and cur-
color prejudice. The 'Color Line' be- tailed. We called the process Revolu-
tion in the eighteenth century, advanc- increased aristocracv and hatred to-
ing Democracy in the nineteenth, and ward darker races, and which excuses
Socialization of Wealth in the twenti- and defends an inhumanity that does
eth. But whateverwe call it. the move- not shrink from the public burning of
ment is the same: the dipping of more human beings. -
and grimier hands into the wealth-bag Yet the paradox is easily explained:
of the nation, until to-day only the the white workingman has been asked
ultra stubborn fail to see that demo- to share the spoil of exploiting 'chinks
cracy in determining income is the next and niggers.' It is no longer simply the
inevitable step to Democracy in politi- merchant prince, or the aristocratic
cal power. monopoly, or even the employing class,
With the waning of the possibility that is ex~loitingthe world: it is the
of the "ig Fortune, gathered by star- nation; a new democratic nation com-
vation wage and boundless exploita- posed of united capital and labor. The
tion of one's weaker and Doorer fellows laborers are not getting, to be sure,
at home, arose more magnificently the as large a share as they want or will
dream of exploitation abroad. Always, get, and there are still a t the bottom
of course. the individual merchant had large " and restless excluded classes. But
at his own risk and in his own way the laborer's equity is recognized, and
tapped the riches of foreign lands. his just share is a matter of time, in-
Later, special trading monopolies had telligence, and skillful negotiation.
entered the field and founded e m ~ i r e s Such nations it is that rule the mod-
over-seas. Soon, however, the mass . ern world. Their national bond is no
of merchants a t home demanded a mere sentimental patriotism, loyalty,
share in this golden stream; and finally, or ancestor-worship. It is increased
in the twentieth century, the laborer a t wealth, power, and luxury for all classes
home is demanding and beginning to on a scale the world never saw before.
receive a part of his share. Never before was the average citizen
The theory of this new democratic of England, France, and Germany so
despotism has not been clearly formu- rich, with such splendid prospects of
lated. Most philosophers see the ship greater riches.
of state launched on the broad. irresist- Whence comes this new wealth and
ible tide of democracy, with only de- on what does its accumulation depend?
laying eddies here and there; others, I t comes primarily from the darker na-
looking closer, are more disturbed. tions of the world - Asia and Africa,
Are we, they ask, reverting to aristo- South and Central America, the West
cracy and despotism - the rule of Indies and the islands of the South
might? They cry out and then rub Seas. There are still, we may well be-
their eyes, for surely they cannot fail to lieve, many parts of white countries
see strengthening democracy all about like Russia and North America, not to
them? mention Europe itself, where the older
It is this paradox which has confound- exploitation still holds. But the knell
ed philanthropists, curiously betrayed has sounded faint and far, even there.
the Socialists, and reconciled the Im- I n the lands of darker folk, however,
perialists and captains of industry to no knell has sounded. Chinese, East
any amount of 'Democracy.' It is this Indians, Negroes, and South American
paradox which allows in America the Indians are by common consent for gov-
most rapid advance of democracy to go ernance by white folk and economic
hand in hand in its very centres with subjection to them. To the further-
ance of this highly profitable economic One thing, however, is certain: Afri-
dictum has been brought every avail- ca is prostrate. There at least are fen!
able resource of science and reli,'ulon. signs of self-consciousness that need at
Thus arises the astonishing doctrine of present be heeded. T o be sure, Abys-
the natural inferiority of most men to sinia must be wheedled, and in America
the few, and the interpretation of and the West Indies Negroes have at-
'Christian brotherhood' as meaning. temped futile steps toward freedom;
anything that one of the 'brothers' but such steps have been pretty effec-
may a t any time want it to mean. tually stopped (save through the
Like all world-schemes, however, breech of 'miscegenation'), although
this one is not quite complete. First of the ten million Negroes in the United
all, yellow Japan has apparently es- States need, tomany men's minds,care-
caped the cordon of this color bar. ful watching and ruthless repression.
This is disconcerting and dangerous
to white hegemony. If, of course, Ja-
pan would join heart and soul with the
whites against the rest of the yellows, Thus the white European mind has
browns, and blacks, well and good. worked, and worked the more feverish-
There are even good-natured attempts ly because Africa is the Land of the
to prove the Japanese 'Aryan,' pro- Twentieth Century. The world linows
vided they act 'white.' But blood is something of the gold and diamonds of
thick, and there are signs that Japan South Africa, the cocoa of Angola and
does not dream of a world governed Nigeria, the rubber and ivory of the
mainly by white men. This is the 'Yel- ' Congo, and the palm oil of the Rest
low Peril,' and it may be necessary, as Coast. But does the ordinary citizen
the German Emperor and many white realize the extraordinary economic ad-
Americans think. to start a world-cru- vances of Africa and, too, of black Afri-
sade against this presumptuous nation ca, in recent years? E. T. Morel, who
which demands 'white' treatment. knows his Africa better thanmost white
Then, too, the Chinese have recently men, has shown us how the export of
shown unexpected signs of independ- palm oil from West Africa has grown
ence and autonomy, which may pos- from 283 tons in 1800, to 80,000 tons in
siblv make it necessarv t o take them 1913, which together with by-products
into account a few decades hence. As is worth to-day $60,000,000 annually.
a result, the problem in Asia has re- H e shows how native Gold Coast labor,
solved itself into a race for 'spheres' of unsupervised, has come to head the
economic 'influence,' each provided cocoa-producing countries of the world
with a more or less ' o ~ e ndoor' for with an export of 89,000,000 pounds
business opportunity. This reduces (weight not money) annually. He shows
the danger of open clash between Eu- how the cotton crop of Uganda has risen
- ropean nations, and gives the yellow from 3000 bales in 1909 to 50,000
folk such chance for desperate un- bales in 1914; and he says that France
armed resistance as was shown by and Belgium are no more remarkable
China's r e ~ u l s eof the Six Nations of in the cultivation of their land than the
Bankers. There is still hope among Negro province of Kano. The trade of
some whites that conservative North Abyssinia amounts to only $10,000,000
China and the radical South mav in a year, but it is its infinite possibility
time come to blows and allow aciual of growth that is making the nations
white dominion. crowd to Adis Abeba. All these things
are but beginnings; 'but tropical Africa grown jealous and suspicious at the
and its peoples are being brought more division of the spoils of tradeempire,
irrevocably each year into the vortex of are fighting to enlarge their respective
the economic influences that sway the shares; they look for expansion, not in
western world.' There can be no doubt Europe but in Asia, and particularly in
of the economic ~ossibilitiesof Africa Africa. 'We want no inch of French
in the near future. There are not only territory,' said Germany to England,
the well-known and traditional pro- but Germany was 'unable to give' simi-
ducts, but boundless chances in a hun- lar assurances as to Prance Africa.
dred different directions, and above all, The difficultiesof this imperial move-
there is a throng of human beings who, ment are internal as well as external.
could they once be reduced to the do- Successful aggression in economic ex-
cility and steadiness of Chinese coolies pansion calls for a close union between .
or of seventeenth and eighteenth cen- capital and labor a t home. Now the
tury European laborers, would furnish rising demands of the white laborer,
to their masters a spoil exceeding the not simply for wages but for conditions
gold-haunted dreams of the most mod- of work and a voice in the conduct of
ern of Imperialists. industry, make industrial peace diffi-
This, then, is the real secret of that cult. The workingmen have been ap-
desperate struggle for Africa which be- peased by all sorts of essays in state
gan in 1877 and is now culminating. socialism. on the one hand. and on the
Economic dominion outside Africa has, other hand by public threats of com-
of course, played its part, and we were petition by colored labor. By threat-
on the verge of the partition of Asia ening to send English capital to China
when Asiatic shrewdness warded it off. and Mexico, by threatening to hire Ne-
America was saved from direct polit- gro laborers in America, as well as by
ical dominion by the Monroe Doctrine. old-age pensions and accident insur-
Thus, more and more, the Imperialists ance, we gain industrial peace a t home
have concentrated on Africa. a t the mightier cost of war abroad.
The greater the concentration the In addition to these national war-
deadly the rivalry. From Fasho- engendering jealousies there is a more
da ito Agadir, repeatedly the spark has subtle movement arising from the at-
been applied to the European maga- tempt to unite labor and capital in
zinc: and a general conflagration nar- world-wide freebooting. Democracy in
- - averted. We speak of the Bal-
row economic organization, while an ac-
kan.s as the storm-centre of Europe and knowledged ideal, is to-day working it-
the cause of war, but this is mere hab- self out by admitting to a share in the
it. The Ballians are convenient for oc- spoils of capital only the aristocracy
cas1ons, but the ownership of materials of labor - the more intelligent and
and. men in the darker world is the real shrewder and cannier workingmen. The
pri2:e that is setting the nations of Eu- ignorant, unskilled, and restless still
ropIe a t each other's throats to-day. form a large, threatening, and, to a
'he present world war is, then, the growing extent, revolutionary group in
ilt of jealousies engendered by the advanced countries.
:nt rise of armed national associa- The resultant jealousies and bitter
LIOIH of labor and capital whose aim is hatreds tend continually to fester along
the exploitation of the wealth of the the color line. We must fight the Chi-
world mainly outside the European nese, the laborer argues, or the Chinese
circle of nations. These associations, will take our bread and butter. We
must keep Negroes in their places, or gone further and extended our demo-
Negroes will take our jobs. All over the cratic ideals not simply to all classes of
world there leaps to articulate speech our own nation, but to those of other
and ready action that singular assump- nations of our blood and lineage - to
tion that if white men do not throttle what we call 'European' civilization.
colored men, then China, India, and If we want real peace and lasting cul-
Africa will do to Europe what Europe ture, however, we must go further. Re
has done and seeks to do to them. must extend the democratic ideal to
On the other hand, in the minds of the yellow, brown, and black peoples.
yellow, brown, and blackmen the brutal To say this, is to evoke on the faces
truth is clearing: a white man is privi- of modernmen a lookof blank hopeless-
leged to go to any land where advan- ness. Impossible! we are told, and for
tage beckons and behave as he pleases; so many reasons, - scientific, social,
the black or colored man is being more and what not, - that argument is use-
and more confined to those parts of the less. But let us not conclude too quick-
world where life for climatic, historical, ly. Suppose we have to choose between
economic, and political reasons is most this unspeakably inhuman outrage on
difficult to live and most casily domi- decency and intelligence and religion
nated by Europe for Europe's gain. which we call the World War and the
attempt to treat black men as human,
sentient, responsible beings? We have
sold them as cattle. We are working
What. then. are we to do. who desire them as beasts of burden. We shall not
peace and the civilization of all men? drive war from this world until we
Hitherto the peace movement has con- treat them as free and equal citizens in
fined itself chiefly to figures about the a world-democracy of all races and
cost of war and platitudes on human- nations. Impbssible? Democracy is a
itv. What do nations care about the method of doing the impossible. It is
cost of war, if by spending a few hun- theonly method yet discoveredof mak-
dred millions in steel and gunpowder ing the education and development of
they can gain a thousand millions in all men a matter of all men's desperate
diamonds and cocoa? How can love of desire. I t is putting firearms in the
humanity appeal as amotive to nations hands of a child with the object of com-
whose love of luxury is built on the in- pelling the child's neighbors to teach
human exploitation of human beings, him, not only the real and legitimate
and who, especially in recent years, uses of a dangerous tool but the uses of
have been taught t o regard these hu- himself in all things. Are there other
man beings as inhuman? I appealed to and less costly ways of accomplishing
the last meeting of peace societies in this? There may be in some better
St. Louis, saying, 'Should you not dis- world. But for a world just emerging
cuss racial prejudice as a prime cause from the rough chains of an almost uni-
of war?' The secretary was sorry but versal poverty, and faced by the temp-
was unwilling to introduce controver- tation of luxury and indulgencethrough
sial matters! the enslaving of defenseless mcn, there
We, then, who want peace, must re- is but one adequate method of salra-
move the real causes of war. We have tion -the giving of democratic weap-
extended gradually our conception of ons of self-defense to the defenseless.
democracy beyond our social class to Nor need we quibble over those
all social classes in our nation; we have ideas, - wealth, education, and polit-
ical power, - soil which we have so far as possible he is doing the same to
forested with claim and counter-claim colored races elsewhere. Can such a
that we see nothing for the woods. situation bring peace? Will any amount
Ehat the primitive peoples of Afri- of European concord or disarmament
ca and the world need and must have settle this injustice?
if war is to be abolished is perfectly Political power to-day is but the
clear: - weapon to force economic power. To-
First.: land. To-day Africa is being morrow, it may give us spiritual vision
enslaved by the theft of her land and and artistic sensibility. To-day, it ,
natural resources. A century ago black gives us or tries to give us bread and
men owned all but a morsel of South butter, and those classes or nations or
Africa. The Dutch and English came, races &ho are without it starve, and
and to-day 1,250,000 whites own 264,- starvation is the weapon of the white
000,000 acres, leaving only 21,000,000 world to reduce them to slavery.
acres for 4,500,000 natives. Finally, We are calling for European concord
to make assurance doubly sure, the to-day; but a t the utmost European
Union of South Africa has refused na- concord will mean satisfaction with. or
tives even the right to buy land. This acquiescence in, a given division of the
is a deliberate attempt to force the spoils of world-dominion. After all,
Segroes to work on farms and in mines European disarmament cannot go be-
and kitchens for low wages. All over low the necessity of defending the ag-
Africa has gone this shameless monop- gressions of the whites against the
olizing of land and natural resources to blacks and browns and yellows. From
force poverty on the masses and reduce this will arise three perpetual dangers
them to the 'dumb-driven-cattle' stage of war. First, renewed jealousy a t any
of labor activity. division of colonies or spheres of influ-
Secondly: we must train native races ence agreed upon, if a t any future time
in modern civilization. This can be the present division comes to seem un-
done. Modern methods of educating fair. Who cared for Africa in the early
children, honestly and effectively ap- nineteenth century? Let England have
plied, would make modern, civilized the scraps left from the golden feast of
nations out of the vast majority of hu- the slave trade. But in the twentieth
man beings on earth to-day. This we century? The end was war. These
have seldom tried. For the most part scraps looked too tempting to Germany.
Europe is straining every nerve to Secondly: war will come from the re-
make over yellow, brown, and black volutionary revult of the lowest work-
men into docile beasts of burden, and ers. The greater the international
only an irrespressible few are allowed jealousies, the greater the correspond-
to escape and seek (usually abroad) the ing costs of armament and the more
education of modern men. difficult to fulfill the ~romisesof in-
Lastly, the principle of home rule dustrial democracy in advanced coun-
must extend to groups, nations, and tries. Finally, the colored peoples will
races. The ruling of one people for an- not always submit passively to foreign
other people's whim or gain must stop. domination. To some this is a lightly
This kind of despotism has been in lat- tossed truism. When a people deserve
er days more and more skillfully dis- liberty they fight for it and get it, say
guised. But the brute fact remains: such philosophers; thus making war a
the white man is ruling black Africa regular, necessary step to liberty. Col-
for the white man's gain, and just as ored people are familiar with this
complacent judgment. They endure go. With clean hands and honest
the contem~tuoustreatment meted out hearts we must front high Heaven and
by whites to those not 'strong' enough beg peace in our time.
to be free. These nations and races, I n this great work who can help us?
composing as they do a vast majority I n the Orient, the awakened Japanese
of humanity, are going to endure this and the awakening leaders of Kew
treatment just as long as they must China; in India and Egypt, the young
and not a moment longer. Then they men trained in Europe and European
are going to fight and the War of the ideals, who now form the stuff that

manity any war this world has yet

Color Line will outdo in savage inhu- Revolution is born of. But in Africa?
Who better than the twenty-fire mil-
seen. For colored folk have much to lion grandchildren of the European
remember and they will not forget. slave trade, spread through the Amer-
But is this inevitable? Must we sit icas and now writhing desperately for
helpless before this awful prospect? freedom and a place in the world? And
While we are planning, as a result of the of these millions first of all the ten mil-
present holocaust, the disarmament of lion black folk of the Unitedstates, now
Europe and a European international a problem, then a world-salvation.
world-police, must the rest of the world
be left naked to the inevitable horror Twenty centuries before the Christ
of war, especially when we know that a great cloud swept over sea and set-
it is directly in this outer circle of races, tled on Africa, darkening and well-nigh
and not in the inner European house- blotting out the culture of the land of
hold. that the real causes of vresent Egypt. For half a thousand years it
~ u r d ~ e afighting
n are to be foind? rested there until a black woman,
Our duty is clear. Racial slander Queen Nefertari, 'the most venerated
must go. Racial prejudice will follow. figure in Egyptian history,' rose to the
Steadfast faith in humanity must come. throne of the Pharaohs and redeemed
The domination of one people by an- the world and her people. Twenty cen-
other without the other's consent, be turies after Christ, black Africa, pros-
the subject people black or white, must trate, raped, and shamed, lies at the feet
stov. The doctrine of forcible economic of the conquering Philistines of Europe.
expansion over subject peoples must Beyond the awful sea a black woman
go. Religious hypocrisy must stop. is weeping and waiting with her sons
'Blood-thirsty ' Mwanga of Uganda on her breast. What shall the end be?
killed an English bishop because he The world-old and fearful thing, Far
feared that his coming meant English and Wealth, Murder and Luxury? Or
domination. I t did mean English dom- shall it be a new thing - a new peace
ination, and the world and the bishop and new democracy of all races:a great
knew it. and vet the world was 'horri- humanity of equal men? 'Semper novi
fied'! such missionary hypocrisy must quid ex Africa!'

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