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Revolution 1

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The American Revolution

Institution of Affiliation


The American Revolution

Despite its evident costs and indulgences, the American Revolution resulted in significant

net advantages not only for citizens of the newly established United States, but also for people

around the world in the long term. Speculations that the treatment of native groups would be

much more just or that servitude would have been abolished sooner if the American Revolution

had not occurred show a high level of historical ignorance. Indeed, it is far more likely that

without the American Revolution, Native Americans' conditions would have remained

unchanged, slave liberation in the British West Indies would have been delayed indefinitely, and

the condition of Colonial powers throughout the British rule, not just those in what became the

United States, would have deteriorated.

It's true that the American Revolution yielded a mixed bag of outcomes in case of liberty. It

was sparked by a fragmented combination of competing ideologies and ideological differences,

as with all great social movements. The American revolutionaries were at one end of the

Revolutionary alliance. They saw American independence as a way to secure and expand

domestic freedoms, and they were instrumental in the Revolution's early phases. Caplan wonders

what concrete benefits the American Revolution brought about. There are at least two of them
Revolution 2

that are significant. They were all liberal changes to the internal power structure that prevailed,

despite the fact that some American nationalists resented or opposed them.

Prior to the American Revolution, slavery was lawful in every New World empire, British

or otherwise, and almost every colony had enslaved persons among its inhabitants. Even though

slaves made up a far higher fraction of Georgia's population, over twice as many Africans were

enslaved in the province of New York as in Georgia as late as 1770. Nonetheless, by 1804 all

northern states had achieved full abolition or progressive emancipation as a result of the

Revolution's liberated spirit.

Unlike slavery, the religious freedom was more pronounced in the South than in the North

during the American Revolution. Only four of the thirteen Colonies had no institutionalized, tax-

supported church prior to the Revolution. Five other states in the south, as well as New York,

disbanded the Anglican Church as a result of the Revolution. The United States became the first

nation to separate church and state on a national scale when the Constitution and then the First

Amendment were adopted.

All this goes to show how the American Revolution was warranted an it had to occur so

that change for black people and other minorities who suffered the colonial era before the great

revolution. All the reasons for the revolution are clearly brought out in the summary of the

declaration for independence as follows:

“We, therefore, the People of the United States of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of

the World for the righteousness of our motives, do, in the Name, and by Power of the good

Citizens of these Territories, sternly publish and proclaim, That these United Colonies are, and

by Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are Excused from all debts.”
Revolution 3

Works Cited

"Conclusion and consequences: Influence of the American Revolution." The American

Revolution 1774–1783,

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