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Z REAL ESTATE EXPERTS 4 A £ ¢ N X d MARK Z°® TOP PRODUCER PLAYBOOK Jalexp DRESS POLICY People make judgments about who you are in the first 10 seconds of looking at you. It is unfortunate that we as humans do that so consistently, but appearance is something we can control. If you want to be a professional in this business, then you need to look like you are a professional in this business. Perception is reality. As much as it may be common sense, be sure to have showered and have your personal hygiene taken care of. Attempt to avoid overpowering smells, such as creams, colognes, perfumes, or body odor. Men: Keep facial hair trimmed and professional. Suits and a button-down shirt are preferred. No jeans, no t-shirts, no baseball caps, no bandanas, no tennis shoes, no sweatshirts, no flip flops, no sandals, no shorts, no graphic tees. Be sure your hair doesn't look like you just rolled out of bed. Women: No tank tops, no spaghetti straps, no shorts, no belly shirts, no miniskirts, no jeans. Business casual attire preferred. of shoes. Slip-ons make it easier to take your shoes off and on ip: Be sure you have a comfortable p: ‘when you enter.and exit’ home. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY DED | Social Media is an interesting issue to tackle. You need to he balance with your posts. Ifyou consistently post nothing but real estate related posts, then you profile becomes white noise to your sphere. if ou don't post anything aboutirealestate) people forgetiabout you when it comes to their real estateneeds, ‘Your non-real estate related posts need to show that you are a professional. When you are on a team, you are io longer just representing yourself; you are extension of the team and brand. Our Clients will Google you and they will find out who you are. They will see your profile and they make a judgment as to whether they are going to work with you based on your profile. We strongly suggest that you keep your profile clean, remove alcohal, drugs, and stay away from posting your opinions on polarizing issues. (Clients will also base their decisions on your beliefs, if they are opposite of theirs, then good luck keeping them.) Your real estate related posts should provide value to those who are reading them. They should not always be "Call me if you know if anyone who needs to buy or sell a house." Asking for something without giving anything will usually get you nowhere and is a great way to get ignored by your sphere quickly, Post "Did you know....2” And then provide information. Then put your tag on the bottom of "I ‘would be more than happy to help anyone you may know that could use our services, Message me their information and | will reach out to them personally." Post your open house videos. Take pictures of your clients at final walkthroughs with a sold sign, with their permission of course, and then tag them in the photo on Facebook. By tagging someone, your post shows up on their profile and puts you in front of their sphere. Use Company approved hash tags to increase search engine optimization, DO'S AND DON'TS FOR TRAINING Do Arrive on time and ready to learn Do Read through materials carefully Do Ask questions at the end of each session Do Practice! Practice! Practice! Don't » Compare yourself to others / Worry about sounding foolish 10 KEYS TO SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE 1 Success is a mind-set a. Believe you can achieve it b. Top-producing real estate agents don't dwell on failure c Everyone has bad days. Learn from mistakes and move on 2 Planning is essential 2. Success doesn't happen by accident. The good fortune you see in others is the result of hard work combined with trial and error. b. "Plan for success — don't wait for failure." 3, Be goal-obsessed_ ‘Youcan't manage what you don't measure 4, ‘Time blocking prevents burn out fay / —/ Succesfl agents undetstandnow to buds ther resources fand thelr energy i InBUETNGES re What you say and how you say it matters @ Good communicators attract more clients. b. — Customer-first attitude 6. Market in the digital world a. Leverage social media accounts b. Spend time curating content Manage your leads & Leverage your CRM b. Use your personal contacts & — Betenacious a. Acareer in real estate is a marathon, not a sprint b. Successful agents are prepared to contend with setbacks, a fluctuating market, and challenging clients 9, Beempathetic a. Communicate your value to clients by appealing to them emotionally b. Trust and respect lead to satisfied customers- and future referrals 10. Motivate yourself a, Embrace your strengths and weakness Focus on what you care most about STRUCTURE OF A CONVERSATION - BUYER Location - Price - Motivation - Appointment LOCATION The home you called on is in the area, is that the only area you are looking to buy in? Just out of curiosity, what other areas are you looking to buy in? PRICE Inbound phone calls - While | am looking up that information, what price range are you looking to buy in? All other calls - The home you called on is listed at $ is that the price range you are looking to buy in? MOTIVATION Ideally, when would you like to move in to your new home? APPOINTMENT Based on the information you have given me, here is what | recommend we do.... Let's set up a time to meet in my office to go over the home buying process, do a complete market overview plus set up a time to go look at homes. HoW does that sound? I have

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