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Assignment No.

3 June 26, 2021

1. We will be holding the 1st International Virtual Research Conference with the theme “Interfacing
Knowledge and Innovation: QSUs Initiative towards Research Globalization” this June 29 to July
1, 2021. Presenters from all over Asia were invited to present their research outputs. Their
topics ranged from biodiversity and conservation, corporate social responsibility, social forestry,
covid 19 and relationships, etc.
2. From the different topics to be discussed, chose one topic that you think is connected to our
current topic and give your reaction using the guide questions below:
a. Plenary Speaker, topic.
b. What is the problem statement or issue? Provide a short background.
c. What is the method used by the researcher to gather data?
d. What is the result?
e. Was it a good research? Yes/No, why?
3. If you were to re-do the research activity in the local context, are there other concern you want
to include in your problem statement? What concern/s would this/these be?
4. If you can complete the three-day conference and the conference evaluation, you will be issued
a Certificate of Completion from QSU.

Good day and see you next meeting!

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