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English Assignment

Name : Daniel
Class :X
Topic : Greeting, Introduction And Leave Taking

1. Mention 5 expression how to ask someone’s condition

2. Work in pairs. Choose any two people below and practice the dialogue. Use
the model given in ways to say it


1. How are you, How is it going, How are you feeling, How do you do, How
are you doing.

2. Conversations

Daniel : Hello, My name is Daniel. How are you? Is this From OTO Mobil right?

Chan lim : Hello Daniel, My Name is Chan lim. I'm Fine. Thanks, yes it is.

Daniel : Hello Mr.lim, can I ask you about Engineer Jobs applications?

Chan lim : Oh well, we have a vacant job here. you can register for The
Applications right now.

Daniel : What did I need for The Applications?

Chan lim : you just offer your resume and your Undergraduate Certificate or some
Higher Education Certificate To us.

Daniel : Is there anything else? Such a Work Experience.

Chan lim : If you mind sending us a letter of Work Experienced It's permitted but
you're not obligated to.
Daniel : How much Income did your company pay If I worked here?

Chan Lim : Estimated 350.000$/Month and you can get the highest pay if you do a
good performance and skill when you work here.

Daniel : Thanks for The Informations Mr. Lim, maybe I will send my applications
next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Chan Lim : Wish your luck Daniel

Daniel : Alrights. See you later Mr. Lim

Chan Lim : See you later Daniel.

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