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Chikunguniya,a recent viral concern of our country.Chikungunya is an infection caused by

the chikungunya virus(CHIKV).Symptoms include fever. The fever is not just the end.
Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, and a rash. For which
the patient has to suffer terrible hardship.These typically occur two to twelve days
after exposure. Most people are better within a week; however, occasionally the joint
pain may last for months.The virus is spread between people Edis mosquito. The same
mosquito spreads three types of virus Which is harmful for humanity. If the mosquito
bites the infected person, then it will be fever if the mosquito bites another person.
There are chikungunya, dengue and zicca virus. They mainly bite during the day. The
disease was first identified in 1952 in Tanzania. African and Asian people are the great
sufferer of this disease. According to medical experts, chikungunya fever began in
November 2016 in the capital, Kalabagan in one of two places. Then it continued to grow
slowly. Now it has spread widely in the whole country. Medical experts have said that,
the fever has been renewed. But they ensure that there is no reason to fear.They think
that the only way to kill mosquito is to prevent it.So we should get aware of the
mosquitos.So,alwayse we need to clean up our home & surroundings places. There is no
reason to anxious about this virus fever. There have no antibiotic for this fever.Patients
need to take only paracetamol for this fever . But if you have fever for more than a
week, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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