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During my college years, I was active in organizations within the department / association of

departments in the field of Social Affairs and Communication and Information for 3 periods and in
organizations outside the campus related to the community, such as Karang Taruna. During my
organization, I learned a lot how to manage people, time and strengthen communication and problem
solving skills, and easily mingle with people and teams. During my time in this organization, I was
appointed as a Project Leader in creating a website for the Online Olympics Registration system and
Chairman of the Creative Sector at one of the major joint association events of the department.

In addition, I did practical work at a research institution for one month and interned at my faculty for
7 months as a librarian and administrator. I learned a lot about good administration, and also
improved my communication skills with many people because I had to serve students and lecturers at
the same faculty.

My other experience is that I volunteered in an educational community in 2017 and 2020. I acted as a
Physics teacher in preparation for college entrance tests.

Other skills that I got during college and in organizations include my skills in data science research
using the Python programming language, then I can learn and have sufficient skills in web
development, such as HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL to Javascript, and the field of design. creative and the
use of creative applications such as Adobe Photoshop in bringing out creative ideas that have been
thought of.

I am a person who has a strong commitment, creative, able to work together and always strives for
what I do. I am also a person who easily learns new things and is open-minded. As already stated
above regarding the number of organizations and volunteering that I participate in, so you can highly
recommend me to be in this position.

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