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What is the SWOT Analysis tool for?

This tool helps us to find out the status of a project at a given time. Therefore, in
general terms, the SWOT analysis serves to make a diagnosis of a company
according to a context and a market that affects the entity internally and externally.
This is what is required when doing the SWOT analysis of a company, to find out
what its strongest points are and above all to observe what its weaknesses are.
The structure of the SWOT analysis basically allows us to discern about the
strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that our identity has. This is
precisely the importance of the SWOT analysis for a company, because based on
it we will know what the real situation is at this precise moment and how to define
the action strategies to guide decisions and achieve the objectives. In addition, the
SWOT analysis of a company serves to guide a business, according to its scope of
action, and therefore to create a business plan in which the company is able to
define what work will be done and how it will be done. In this way, it is also
important to know when the SWOT analysis should be done, although it should be
done at a critical moment or regular period or on the contrary at the creation of a
company. Knowing what a SWOT analysis is and what it is for we will now show
the two main aspects that we will have to prepare when defining our SWOT

1. External scope
 Threats: How should we protect ourselves? What is in our environment that
can harm us?
 Opportunities: what strategy can we define to reach more people and
make ourselves known?
2. Internal level
 Strengths: What do we excel at? Why is our experience known?
 Weaknesses: what services can we improve?

How to Do a SWOT Analysis for Better Strategic Planning?

One of the fundamental aspects of planning The strategic aspect is the situation
analysis, also known as SWOT (Strengths, Opportunities, weaknesses and
threats), which makes it possible to collect and use of data that allows to know the
operation profile of a company at any given time, and from this establish an
objective diagnosis for the design and implementation of strategies to improve the
competitiveness of an organization. SWOT analysis is applicable to any type of
company regardless of its size or nature, it is a tool that favors the development
and execution of formal planning, is by that it is desirable that those responsible for
the administrative decisions have a procedure for the elaboration of a situational
SWOT diagnosis, like the one suggested here, which facilitates the taking of
decisions and the development of strategies.

To carry out a good SWOT analysis, it is advisable that all departments of the
organization participate. It is also important that at the end of the analysis it is
simple and practical so that everyone can understand the results and make
decisions based on them. We will use a SWOT analysis template with four boxes.
In the internal factors we assess factors such as production, marketing,
organisation, personnel and finance. While in the external factors we study factors
such as sector, market, environment and competition.

Strengths: we must add the attributes or positive points that can help us to achieve
our objectives. They are related both to material resources and their condition of
use, and to human resources and their level of training to generate the best results.

Opportunities: here we must take into account external conditions, reviewing the
industry and other factors such as regulations that can positively affect our
objective. These are aspects that, although we cannot control, we can take
advantage of to improve or grow our company.

Weaknesses: in this quadrant we must add what is detrimental or factors that may
be unfavorable to our goal. They are internal factors, so the opinion of the staff
plays a key role, and as it is something that is reflected outside, the opinion of
customers also counts.

Threats: we will add the harmful, everything that can threaten our survival and the
potential gain of results externally. We cannot control these aspects, but we can
fight back to deal with them.

To develop the analysis, we must create 4 lists:

Create a list of current strengths

Create a list of current weaknesses

Create a list of opportunities for the future

Create a list of threats for the future

The lists must have real information and specified points in a simple and easy to
understand way. Once we have all the lists, we must evaluate the results we have
obtained and define the strategies in the short and long term.


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