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What did society learn from covid-19?

Covid-19 and the pandemic came to shake everyone's lifestyle. In a world in which we

lived accustomed to human contact with face-to-face work and study, having a party with

friends, going out to practice a sport freely or simply being able to walk freely through the streets

of our city, Covid-19 arrives and changes everything in our environment. The change became

evident especially in the work and educational environment, practically everyone went from

living in a world of direct contact with their careers, with their workplaces, to living the world

through their screens.

One of the most important lessons that Covid-19 leaves us is to understand that as people

we must be constantly changing and adapting to change, many of us had to live in a totally

different way and cope with the pandemic, many chose to learn new things by Internet, others

worked on their personal projects, training, making music and many other ways to reorganize

their time in new activities that are possible within our homes.

Another important lesson is that human empathy was evidenced like never before, many

made an effort to help those less fortunate and those most affected by this pandemic and not only

directly, many shared their experiences to help those who passed through The same difficulty,

the simple act of sharing a video, an image, can help someone cope with the stress that can

accumulate from quarantine. All this would not be possible without human solidarity, the simple

fact of obeying the quarantine and keeping ourselves isolated for a while greatly helped the

medical personnel.

However, there is no doubt that the hardest blow came from the hand of the economy, it

is very difficult for a society accustomed to the movement of its people doing business, carrying

out productive activities for everything at once. Many manufacturers rely on

intermediate materials imported from China and other countries affected

by infectious diseases. In addition, many companies rely on sales in China to meet their financial

goals. The slowdown in economic activity and transportation restrictions in affected

countries are specifically affecting the production and profitability of some global companies in

manufacturing and raw materials used in manufacturing. But, how not to do it when people are at

risk?. It is a complicated process that has led us to find a way to continue our activities to a

certain extent, many adapted their businesses to a virtual environment, with stores and products

that can be obtained through the internet, or other means to keep the alive the social and

economic engine.

All this leads to suppose that society was not really prepared for a problem of these

dimensions, This is a wake-up call for the countries, we must be better prepared for a pandemic

like this, especially for those countries with more advanced scientific knowledge and equipment,

giving a more important role to human health in the future, providing their knowledge as support

to solve the crisis, and we will get a better solution for the future. However it taught us that in a

globalized world we have the opportunity to adapt to change using as a main resource the ease of

communication that we currently have, the Information that we can acquire on the internet shows

that the study as we knew it, relating it to large classrooms, with strict teachers who take the

baton of our knowledge has remained in the past. In the workplace, exact hours no longer exist,

working from home and organizing time differently is a reality.

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