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Neil Christian Bugawisan BSAB-1C

The Nature of Mathematics

Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help us understand the world
around us (Math.Duke, 1989). Mathematics today is diverse discipline that alters
with data, measurements and observations from science. As a practical matter,
mathematics is science of pattern and order. The special role of mathematics in
education is a consequence of its universal applicability. The results of
mathematics-theorem and theories are both significant and useful.

Mathematics plays an important role in accelerating the social, economical

and technological growth (, 2009). The term “Mathematics”
deprive from two Greek words: “Manthacin” means learning and “Techne” means
an art or technique. According to New English Dictionary, Mathematics in a strict
sense in the abstract science which investigates deductively the conclusions
implicit in the elementary conception of spatial and numerical relations.

Patterns in Nature
Nothing in nature happens without a reason, all of these patterns have an
important reason to exist and they also happen to beautiful to watch. Some pattern
may seem to follow of its own, looking deeply into the geometry and mechanism
of the pattern formation can lead to broadly.

According to, there are three classification of patterns in nature

namely: Fractal, Spiral and Voronoi.

Fractal is a detailed pattern that looks similar at any scale and repeats itself
over time. A fractal’s pattern gets more complex as the observation is at larger
scales. Examples of fractal in nature are: snowflakes, trees branching, lightning
and ferns.

Spiral is a curved pattern that focuses on a center point and a series of

circular shapes that revolve around it. The reason for why plants use as a spiral
form like a leaf is because they are constantly trying to grow but stay secure. A
spiral shape causes plants to condense themselves and not take up as much space,
causing it to be stronger and more durable against elements. Examples of spiral
are: pine cones, pineapples and hurricanes.

Voronoi is a pattern provides clues to nature’s tendency to favor efficiency:

the nearest neighbor, shortest path and tightest fit. Each cell in a voronoi pattern
has a seed point, everything inside a cell is closer to it than to any other seed.
Examples of voronoi are: skin of giraffe, corn on the cob, honeycombs, foam
bubbles, cells in a leaf and a head of a garlic.

Fibonacci sequence
In 1202, Leonardo of Pisa published the massive tome “Liber Abaci” a
mathematics cookbook for how to do calculations, it is written for tradesmen.
Liber Abaci laid out Hindu-Arabic arithmetic useful for tracking profits, loses
remaining loan balances (, 2018). In one place in the book, Leonardo of Pisa
introduces the sequence with a problem involving rabbits. The Fibonacci sequence
is tightly connected to what’s now known as the Golden Ratio, which is not even
a true ratio because it’s an irrational number. The ratio of the numbers in the
sequence, as the sequence goes to infinity approaches the ratio, which is 1.
Importance of Mathematics
Mathematics is methodical application of matter. It is so said because the
subject makes a man methodical or systematic. Mathematics makes our life orderly
and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of
reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving
ability and even effective communication skills.

Mathematics is the cradle of all creations, without which the world cannot
move an inch. Whenever it is a cook, farmer, carpenter, mechanic, shopkeeper,
doctor, engineer, scientist, musician or magician, everyone needs mathematics in
their day-to-day life. Even insects use mathematics in their everyday life for
existence. There are countless examples of mathematical patterns in nature’s
fabric. Anyone can be a mathematician if one is given proper guidance and training
in the formative period of one’s life. A good curriculum of mathematics is helpful
in effective teaching and learning of the subject.

The greatest hurdle in the process of learning mathematics is lack of

practice. The practice of learning is complete if the sense of hearing is
accompanied by sense of sight. Learning of multiplication-tables should be
encourage in the lower classes.

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