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Handwashing with soap, along with other public health initiatives such as keeping physical distance,

avoiding congested places, using cough etiquette, and wearing a mask wherever recommended, remains
one of our strongest protections against the infection.

Handwashing has long been one of the most important means of preventing illness. It is a basic act that
pays huge dividends in terms of keeping us stable and happy. Handwashing is also an important
component of COVID-19 avoidance. Hand grooming must become an important part of our everyday life
and lives as we pass through this pandemic and beyond to protect us from infections, now more than
ever as we welcome the modern standard and live with COVID-19.

With COVID-19 transmission primarily occurring via direct, indirect, or near contact with infected people
through mouth and nose secretions, washing hands with soap and running water is important.
Handwashing at frequent intervals after coughing or sneezing, caring for the sick, using the toilet,
sleeping, cooking food, and treating livestock or animal waste is essential to preventing the spread of
COVID-19 and other COVID-appropriate behaviors. Handwashing after hitting common surfaces such as
doorknobs or handles, or after returning home from a public location, protects ourselves and those
around us.

The pandemic is still active and far from done. We must remind ourselves of the fundamentals that we
should do as individuals to keep ourselves secure. Hand Hygiene for Everyone is a campaign that
encourages all in society to practice universal hand hygiene. Handwashing with soap must be a priority
now and, in the future, to defeat the virus and ensure improved health conditions beyond the

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