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Jodelle L.


Reaction paper:

Industrial Arts in Education and Legal bases of Technology Education

It is important for us to know the Industrial Arts in Education so that we have

an idea what are its objectives and educational programs that will help
students develop their skills and prepare for industrial and in world of work
and equip students with skills for employment.

The legal bases of technology education were made for the common good of
the learners, teachers, and other people involved in the education system. As
laws were made for the people, it is also our responsibility to be
knowledgeable of these legal bases for us to know our responsibilities.

As a teacher, it is significant to understand the importance of the legal bases of

technology education. It serves as our guide of our duties, obligations, rights,
and responsibilities as a teacher. Understanding and following these legal
bases are important for it helps us in becoming a good facilitator of learning. It
is like a guiding star that will help teachers find the right path that they must
follow so that they can achieve the objectives of education. Understanding and
following these legal bases are important for it helps us in becoming a good
educator with a great heart and great personality.

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