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Consti 1 1

Consti 1 Part 1 against the government is automatically abrogated because

Transcribed by Kim Codilla relationship no longer exists.

Political Law Between two individuals (governed by Civil Laws)

Is that branch of public law which deals with the organization and If they were married during the Spanish regime and here comes
operations of the governmental organs of the State and defines the another sovereignty under the American regime will that marriage be
relations of the State with the inhabitants of its territory. nullified?

People of the Philippines vs Gregorio Perfecto No, because relationship is between them. It does not partake of a
law that is political in nature.
1. Aug. 20, 1920 – The Secretary of the Philippine Senate, Crime committed during the Spanish Regime
Fernando M. Guerrero discovered that the documents
which constituted the records of testimony given by If during the Spanish regime I killed someone, it is considered as
witnesses in the investigation of oil companies has homicide or murder (an act prohibited by the Spanish Penal Code). If
disappeared from his office after being summoned by the there is a change of regime and there is no declaration as to the
Governor General invalidation of the penal code will that act that I committed still
2. Sept 7,1920 – La Nacion, edited by defendant Gregorio consist of murder or homicide?
Perfecto published an article regarding the scandalous
robbery of records. Stating that the robbery of records is The answer is yes because it does not relate to my relationship with
similar to the electoral robbery /fraud committed by the the government.
3. Sept. 9 – the senate adopted a resolution to take action on Criminal laws therefore, are the same as civil laws. They partake of
the La Nacion’s article – tasked attorney general to study Municipal Laws that are deemed continued even there is a change in
and take action sovereignty.
4. Filed a case in Municipal Trial Court in Manila. In which
editorial in question alleged constituted a violation of Criminal laws in general are deemed to be continued in force and
Article 256 of the Penal Code even when there is a change in sovereignty.
5. Article 256 of that Code prescribes punishment for persons
who use insulting language about Ministers of the Crown The provision, Article 256 is found in the Penal Code, it is a criminal
or other "authority." law which we said is usually continued. Why did the Supreme Court
6. MTC – found Perfecto Guilty abrogated the provision?

Issue: Whether or not article 256 of the Penal code is in force? The particular provision partakes of a law that is political in nature.
Whether or not article 256 is abrogated from the change to Spanish So you cannot all together say that this is the penal code, it is
to American sovereignty? continued automatically.

Held: The said provision is political in nature since it relates with a

No, article 256 of the penal code has been repealed particular office of a government, which no longer exists

"It is a general principle of the public law that on acquisition of Conclusion:

territory the previous political relations of the ceded region are totally Political laws are abrogated when there is change in sovereignty and
abrogated. " these political laws may be found in criminal laws.

Principle of Public Law

Laws or issuances that are political in nature are abrogated when

there is a change in sovereignty. Consti Part 2 – 1st Day Atty. Jumao-as
Transcribed by Kat Legaspi
REASON for the Abrogation:
Since political law talks about the relationship between the J: Another alleged by the judge is that name under the code
government and its inhabitants, when there is a change in of commerce. What is that Mr. Ugdang? What’s the Provision?
sovereignty there is also a change in that relationship.
J: Under the code of commerce, judges are prohibited
The prior relationship with the Spanish government no longer exists from what?
therefore; whatever it is that governs the inhabitants and citizens --Engaging in business.

Kimmy Codilla Part 1 | Kat Legaspi Part 2 [Cosntitutional Law 1 June 13 session]
J: Under the code of commerce, which was in effect not contrary to democratic principles. Right? Why is it that
under that time in the 1980s? it is also considered as deemed abrogated?

- Judges are prohibited in engaging Because political laws also deal with
business. So that’s the alleged by the the relationship of the people to the state so the
prosecution. The supreme court said judiciary power, is a branch of government. So
however that, he is not guilty of that the law of commerce, it states the relationship of
violation. Why? the people who charges those in judicial
position. So it’s still political in nature.
Ace: First maam, it is because he did not
participate in any bad motive directly for the J: So actually this case bolsters the principles
appellee. established in perfecto. In fact, if it is political in nature, when there is
a change in sovereignty, whether that provisional law is compatible
J: Ok. Let’s remove the factual basis. The legal basis. or not with the current laws as well, it is deemed automatically
When the supreme court said that he is not guilty of that abrogated. In this case in fact, it is not compatible with democratic
action? principles. It can only say that judges cannot engage in business.
But what’s the problem here? There is no enactment, there is no law
provided by the current system which prohibits that. In other words,
Miss Callenta. It is similar to the case of people
the bottom line in conclusion is that it is political in nature. Whether
vs. Perfecto maam, because the code of
or not it is compatible with the current system or the current
commerce is from the Spanish regime. So it’s
relationship of the government, it is automatically abrogated. That is
the Spanish regime code of commerce. So it is
the nature of political law.
said that political law is the one that deals with
the organization of government and the people.
So in this case, there’s a new sovereign. We J: Now, as early as now, you distinguish this subject
cannot apply the Spanish code of commerce from your other subjects. Your civil law, your persons and family
because once we have changed----- relations, so you see from the title that it relates with persons and
family relations and on the second year, property. So Property and
relations. You distinguish this subject from criminal law which is a
J: Are you saying that the Spanish code of commerce
definition of violation or offenses against established laws. It defines
is no longer applicable? Impromptu? That code of commerce?
crimes. So this is political law, we will be talking about the
government, our relationship to the government. Part of political law,
Yes. you will be learning in the subjects of political law. You have
administrative law, law on public officers and public corporation, and
J: What is the code of commerce? It deals with election laws. So if you observe, all these laws which you will be
commercial laws. studying in the entire four years of your stay in law school, all relate
and deals to the relationship. Election – right to vote and right to be
All laws of commerce that relates with or are voted upon. Administrative law – law of public officers. Law of public
political in nature, will automatically abolish once corporations that includes local government units.
there is a change in sovereignty.
J: Now we will be focusing in constitutional law 1. So the
J: All laws, not only those of code of commerce that are first question is what is a constitution, therefore? What is a
political in nature are automatically abrogated. Now in constitution? The definition of constitution is that it a body of rules
people vs. Perfecto, it is deemed abrogated because and maxims by which all of the powers of the sovereignty are fully
associated by the supreme court, it totally, in opposition, exercised. Rules, body of rules and maxims in which the powers of
that particular provision penalizing against an officer is the sovereignty are equally exercised. These are the great rules by
noted in opposition to the principles of the supremacy the sovereignty. By the one who is in power, to be your absolute rule
which is what the principles is about when it comes to the of action and rule of competition. That’s the general definition. It
American government. covers both written and unwritten constitution. The Philippine
constitution in particular is a written instrument which will reach the
That’s why it cannot survive the current fundamental rules established, limited, and refined and which these
sovereignty. You can’t debate anyone regardless of the powers are distributed among the different departments for the most
position, as long as it is not tantamount to the violation of safe and effective exercise for the benefit of the body. So based on
the penal code. Anyway, that’s one reason why it was this definition, the Philippine constitution was written for the following
deemed as abrogated. In this case, that particular purposes.
provision prohibiting judges from engaging in business is
Consti 1 3

1. to establish a permanent framework or system say PDAF law will be held unconstitutional. Therefore, nulled and
of government. Whether we establish a democratic government, void. Another principle is that, ultimately, since we have unwritten
monarchy, communist government... where do we find that rule? We the powers in the constitution. Who will say, who will determine,
find that in the constitution, to establish a permanent system of whether or not the constitution has been complied with? It is the
government. Supreme Court.

2. for the distribution of the functions of the So another principle to remember is that the Supreme
government to several departments. Who enacts the law? Who Court is the ultimate guardians of the constitution.
implements the law? Who determines whether or not the law has
been violated? Should we give this power to one person? Or should Not the municipal trial court, the regional trial court, not
we divide this into two departments or three? We can find that in the the court of appeals, it is the Supreme Court. The supreme court
legal constitution and lastly is to establish certain principles on which interprets the provisions of the constitution. Does it mean that the
the government is founded. supreme court is higher than the president or the congress? No. It
just means that we as a people, has allocated that power to this
Now as far as the Philippine constitution is concerned, the court and it is merely there duty to perform or to interpret their
first principles include separation of powers and contrary to that is provisions. The constitution is what the supreme court say it is. It
the principle of.... this makes of what we live to be more or less depends on the interpretation of the constitution, although to
effective based on our culture. So based on this definition, the interpret the constitution we have to go back to the mindset of the
constitution therefore, it is both a grant of power and a will of power. creators of the constitution. First is we have to give effect to the
Now who granted that power and who will that power? One of the intent of the creators of the constitution. So the supreme court has to
principles of the constitution is that it is or it symbolizes a monument go back to that.
of the peoples’ will. What does it mean? Under our constitution,
sovereignty decides from its people and all government authority Now to conclude the constitution, it is generally mandatory
comes from them. rather than directory.

The people actually offered the constitution. So when we The provisions are mandatory. Other than that, it is
say, we crafted authored the constitution, it is through ratification. It considered as perspective rather than retroactive. It means that its
is through ratification. We approve the constitution. Meaning, we are effects are forward. It looks forward, not backward. The acts
the authors, that is slogan once said by PNOY that – Kayo ang boss committed by the previous constitution are no longer affected by the
ko! We granted that power for them. We limited that power. Where current constitution.
did we put that? We put that in the constitution. So to study the
constitution, is it very important noh. In fact in your curriculum, Another is that it is self- executing.
starting in your high school or college? So I’m sure, you’re more or
less familiar with the constitution.
The provisions of the constitution, are generally self-
executing rather than not self-executing. We’ll go through all these
Another basic principle that in this constitution is that it is concepts as we go on as we study our constitution. Any constitution
the supreme law of the land. Because it is the fundamental power, it for that matter are classified into several classifications. One of
is the supreme law of the land. As I’ve said, it is this agreed upon by which convey written or unwritten. Written are self-explanatory.
the people to give the absolute rule, the absolute decision when it There are constitutions that are written, there are precepts that are
comes to departments and offices of the government. So, anything, invalid or in one document precept of the documents.
any act, any law, which is in opposition of the constitution is
considered as nulled and void. If the president therefore, exceeds in
his power, he’s now writing laws, which in our constitution should not Unwritten constitutions principles are scattered. Wherein
be his function. This act is to be considered as unconstitutional. jurice prudence, you can find common laws, you can find them in
Therefore, nulled and void. In relation to that, the constitution is commentaries of authors, so they’re scattered.
superior to any law.
Another classification is conventional .
No man made law, can go against the constitution.
Conventional is when it is enacted. Now there is very good
So later on in our study, about PDAF. Is it constitutional? enactment of the constitution and communative is it evolves, it is
PDAF is pursuant to law. A law which the congress enacted. They through political evolution. And another classification is rigid or
have been practicing that since time in memorial. The congress can flexible. Now this refers to the amendment of the constitution. If there
determine when and where to spend money. Is it in his power as a is certain procedure or process to follow before the provision or
congressman? Now, no man made law is supposed to be superior certain laws are revised, then you call them a rigid type of
over the constitution. If this contradicts to the constitution, that law

Kimmy Codilla Part 1 | Kat Legaspi Part 2 [Cosntitutional Law 1 June 13 session]
constitution. Where for example, the constitution can be amended are applicable to you. The last part. The essential parts of a penal
for change by simple enactment of a law, then that is flexible. constitution.

As for the Philippine constitution, it is classified if it is IF a constitution is to be complete, the constitution of

written, it is conventional, and it is rigid as similar later on. Now since liberty, constitution of gov’t, and the constitution sovereignty.
our constitution is one that is written, what are the equalities of a Constitution of Liberty comprises of provisions which provide for the
good written constitution? Broad, Brief and is definite. civil and political rights of the citizens.

Broad means it encompasses all possible situations. It Do we have that in our constitution? Yes we have the
provides contingency. For example, is the constitution also relevant article 4, citizenship. Art. 5 on the right of suffrage and we have
to what are the new issues now? Cyber crimes. Our constitution was articles on patrimony, national patrimony and economy. And the art.
enacted in 1987. There was yet no fast evolution of internet. Does it 3 – the bill of rights. And constitutional gov’ts.
cover cyber crimes? What about gay marriage? Is it also covered in
out constitution or do we have to amend the constitution? So that it The instruction of gov’t. Do we have that in our
answers whether or not the constitution is not broad. constitution? Yes. Starts with art. 6, 7, 8, which is your legislative,
executive and judiciary. Then 9 will be your constitutional
Otherwise, a good constitution has to be broad, otherwise commissions, 10 will be your local gov’t. 11 will be your conflict of
we wil be forced to keep on amending our constitution as this issue activity for the others.
comes in. So it has to be broad. Now we take from the experience of
our history and reduce the probabilities in it. Broad. What else? Brief. Constitutional sovereignty. Sovereignty is the power. If the
Because the constitution is giving the facts, it does not provide for sovereign now is going to change the constitution, is there a
the details. The details will be provided by laws. But the constitution provision for that in the constitution? So that is your constitutional
says that the family is basic institution of the society that is a general sovereignty. And we also have that in our constitution. We will
description of family. Where are the details now situated? We have continue next meeting.
the family code which is your civil law. Part of your civil law. What
about the prosecution says? That the labor should be protected.
That’s a general statement. Now where are the details now? It is part
of the labor code. So it has to be brief, that’s why your constitution is
that thin. But if you compare that to the constitution of other
countries, our constitution is more recent. Is more wordy. Parang
ang daming nagspespeech dun. If you are going to read all the
provisions there. Another quality is, it has to be definite. Meaning
there is no ambiguity of what we wanted. If we say that the president
can only exercise his powers then, so be it. Otherwise, there will be
chaos if the president is allowed to exercise powers which are
already exercised by other departments.

So it has to be definite. So broad, brief, and definite.

Remember these three words because this should also be the
qualities of your essays. Your essay answers should also be broad.
So don’t give me an answer – Yes. It violated sec. 1 of art. 1.

It has to be broad. It should discuss more . Why do you

say that? Why not this? But it has to be definite. You only say, I
qualify answer. Or it depends.—but that’s if you’re really sure if it
depends on something. But not it depends because you’re not sure.
And definite, if you’re asked the question, is the act valid? As much
as possible, try to limit your answer in one page.

If it is in despicable and you have to say something more,

limit it up to two pages. Do not write three / four pages to one essay
question that is only 10 points. But do not also give answer that is
this short, and expect to get 10 points. So, what are the
characteristics of a good essay answer, therefore? – BRIEF.
BROAD. DEFINITE. Remember those three words because these

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