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Human Resource

MQC Community is well-known for transforming the lives of the Legionnaires by providing
quality and accessible education to all, hence, being true to its motive, the ReBo team will align
its recruitment and hiring process on the tagline of the school of the members of ReBo per se.

MQC Community encompasses all the students as well as the kapatads, fortunately, almost all
of them are scholars of the institution. More so, Kapatads are known as good in making different
crafts particularly with regards to their culture and resources, that being said, ReBo will give
priority to the kapatads on hiring them as the ReBo’s employees. It is a way of cultivating the
culture as well as helping the kapatads, besides, the kapatads will be prioritized not just
because of charitable reasons, rather they are really good and suited for the work per se.

However, in spite of prioritization, the Human Resource will still welcome other applicants. Also,
the HR will let all the applicants make their own prototype as a basis on who can work
effectively and efficiently, thereafter, the HR will choose among the applicants who can proceed
on the interview with regards to other matters.

After the recruitment and hiring process, ReBo Team will provide and continue to give seminars
and trainings to all its employees to ensure the quality of the product being produced.

ReBo Team will make its employees the heart of each product, wherein the employees will feel
valued and appreciated while working for ReBo, in that case the employees will continue to
exhaust their God-given talents and skills to make the best quality and affordable product in the
market. Furthermore, ReBo will give monetary and non-monetary benefits to its employees to
make them stay and committed to ReBo.

ReBo will not solely focus on making the quality products, but rather on nurturing its employees
to make the quality products.

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