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Let me just tell and inform that people make so many

expectations when they see you struggling, making efforts for the
success; for an opportunity, and; its hurts so bad when we do not
get success despite of doing everything we did. People who are
against us, against our success, against our efforts, against our
hard work.
People who are against us, they got happy to see our failure.
They make gossips and we are the centre or the MAIN of that
topic. And our beloved ones hearts started aching.
At that moment we feel like a lone in the world. So its better that
We should have a big big confidence in ourselves despite of the
conditions in which we are living, of the people that surrounds us.
Just focus on our confidence. Yeah there are so many things that
like faith determination hard work these are the things we need
but confidence is the supporter, a pillar for all of these.

Never let your confidence break out …

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