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Analisys Alqueria case part:B

Alqueria more tan just a glass of milk

Human Development
Alejandro Salazar Gutierrez


Part B of the alqueria case basically tells us about the strategy that alqueria
was carrying out to change and improve its business model, specifically the
production chain with local farmers, this arose from the loss it obtained by
importing products, because the terms were not they complied and should
have used the production immediately or it was damaged. Then they talk
about how the plan to strengthen the production chain was also going to
empower the farmers of vulnerable populations such as those in areas of
distention, and how this would drastically change the production that existed
in these towns, which was basically coca because There was no type of
government support until the farm wanted to do this and then the
government began to encourage various companies to have a presence in
these places so that there would be less production of coca and more of
other products.

Doing an analysis of the case and properly of the way in which the farm
wanted to improve its business by strengthening relations with local farmers
in areas where there was no production chain, it seems to me a highly viable
strategy and in line with the path it has had. alqueria from its position in the
market as a company that supports local things and that apart from wanting
to generate profits wants to contribute to the country through, for example,
the training it gave both with the Seine and those offered in new places of
production, this It shows that the good leadership of mr cavelier was
fundamental when wanting to train one of the most important stakeholders
that are producers and suppliers, therefore it seems to me that the case of
alqueria is a case of organizational success and total leadership, when
creating strategies to improve the company and contribute to society.

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