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Received February 14, 2020, accepted March 6, 2020, date of publication March 17, 2020, date of current version

April 15, 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2981413

HBLP: A Hybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN

for the Future 5G-Based Internet of Things


1 Telecommunications and Networking (TeleCoN) Research Laboratory, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi 23640, Pakistan
2 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi 23640, Pakistan
3 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi 23640, Pakistan
4 School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad 44000, Pakistan

Corresponding author: Abd Ullah Khan (;

ABSTRACT Enhancing spectrum utilization efficiency (SUE) to accommodate the multitude of 5G-based
IoT devices within the available scarce spectrum has been a pivotal point of research in the current decade.
Equipped with interweave and underlay modes, cognitive radio networks (CRNs) are envisioned to be the
most promising technology for SUE enhancement. Since the 5G-based IoT is swiftly transforming into
a heterogeneous network, hybrid underlay-interweave mode CRNs appear to be the optimal key for SUE
enhancement. Besides enhancing SUE, ensuring fairness among secondary users (SUs) to equitably utilize
the network’s resources in the wake of primary users’ (PUs) service emergence has been a critical problem in
CRNs. Considering the importance of SUE enhancement, in this paper, we investigate two problems. Firstly,
we precisely analyze, in a novel way, the performance of hybrid underlay-interweave mode of CRNs for SUE
enhancement from the standpoint of SUs. For this purpose, we propose a hybrid underlay-interweave mode
enabled CRN scheme and apply it on a legacy CRN. We model the proposed scheme with continuous time
Markov chain and derive closed form expressions for various SUE-related quality of service parameters. The
analysis is conducted under dynamic reservation of channels for interrupted users, considering the effects of
multi-levels network traffic loads and varying channel failure rates. Secondly, we propose a multi-attribute
based fairness driven algorithm for determination and interruption of SUs’ services to ensure fairness among
services in the network’s resources utilization. We evaluate our proposed scheme under both perfect and
imperfect spectrum sensing scenarios. The obtained results demonstrate that, as compared to the state-of-
the-art, the proposed scheme significantly enhances SUE while the proposed algorithm achieves a noticeable
fairness among SUs’ services.

INDEX TERMS Cognitive radio networks, dynamic spectrum access, dynamic channel reservation, hybrid
underlay-interweave mode, spectrum utilization efficiency.

I. INTRODUCTION constrained [3]. Additionally, a large number of the devices

The Internet of Things (IoT), integrated with 5G networks, will be sharing the same radio frequency spectrum [4]. These
promises to revolutionize the networking paradigm by con- approximations indicate an increasing necessitation for reli-
necting a large number of devices, where the devices are able wireless connections for a huge number of devices [5].
expected to be of diverse capabilities, functionalities, struc- Among the many solutions proposed to address the aforemen-
tures, and requirements [1]. It is anticipated that the number tioned challenges, cognitive radio network (CRN) is of vital
of such devices will exceed tens of billions in 2020 [2]. importance [6]. CRN is a networking paradigm where there
Moreover, it is also expected that most of these devices will are two kinds of users who share the same band of spectrum.
be of miniature dimensions and, accordingly, will be resource The primary users (PUs) who are licensed to use the band and
the secondary users (SUs) who search for and opportunis-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and tically use only idle parts of the band [7]. Certain research
approving it for publication was Min Jia . studies show that a large part of the licensed spectrum remains

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
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A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: Hybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

underutilized. The underutilized part of the licensed spectrum channel failure has been overlooked in performance evalu-
is also termed as white space [8]. To make efficient utilization ation of CRNs.
of the white space, CRNs enable SUs to use the idle parts of Another essential aspect of CRNs investigated by several
the spectrum provided that no interference issues are created researchers is to dynamically reserve a certain number of
for PUs’ services [8]. channels for the support of interrupted or failed services.
Enhancing spectrum utilization efficiency in CRNs is one In [19], a channel reservation scheme is proposed to ana-
of the main objectives of CRNs’ research community in the lyze the performance of CRNs under channel failures. It is
current decade. For instance, in [9], PUs’ traffic allocation found that service retainability can be enhanced through
is optimized for the division and assignment of bandwidth channel reservation. The authors in [20] proposed a static
in such a way as to maximize spectrum utilization effi- channel reservation scheme for PUs. In [21], a channel reser-
ciency using interweave mode (IM). In [10], soft cooperative vation scheme is proposed to analyze the impact of arrival
spectrum sensing is used to enhance spectrum utilization. and service rates of SUs on their blocking, dropping and
For this purpose, the length of SUs’ time slots inside the hand off probability. The authors in [22] proposed a low-
time frame is adjusted. The authors in [11] proposed MIMO complex channel reservation scheme by using one dimen-
based energy and spectrum optimization for 5G using auction sional Markov chain for the enhancement of call level QoS
game. provisioning.
The utility of CRNs lies in dynamic spectrum access Another novel and interesting concept in CRNs is licensed
(DSA). DSA allows SUs to use the idle part of the spectrum shared access (LSA) [23] wherein the licensed and unlicensed
dynamically. Various flavors of DSA have been proposed in users can share the spectrum under certain sharing rules
the literature. In [12], a Q-learning-based dynamic spectrum agreed upon by both the users. When a licensed user grants
access algorithm is proposed. The algorithm addresses the a part of its spectrum to an unlicensed user for a predeter-
problem of imperfect spectrum sensing for idle channel avail- mined amount of time, the licensed user cannot interrupt the
ability detection in distributed CRNs. In [13], a dynamic spec- unlicensed user during that period of time [24]–[28]. In this
trum access algorithm is developed. The algorithm utilizes fashion, channel auction and bidding are avoided in channel
deep multi-user reinforcement leaning. During each time slot, allocation since the licensed user willingly shares a portion
users compare their current states to the spectrum access of its spectrum. Consequently, a predictable scale of QoS
actions obtained from a trained deep-Q network. The objec- satisfaction can be gained by SUs’ services.
tive is to tackle the problem of network utility maximization An important scheme in this domain is proposed in [28].
under dynamic spectrum access. The scheme, which, for brevity, is termed as BLP in this
Under DSA, CRNs operate in one of the three modes: inter- paper, proposes a dynamic channel reservation (DCR) algo-
weave, underlay and overlay [14]. In IM, SUs use only the rithm and evaluates various performance metrics related to
unused portion of the spectrum. In the underlay mode (UM), spectrum utilization efficiency. BLP is based on the concept
PUs and SUs can use the same part of the spectrum, simulta- of LSA and operates in two modes, Mode 1 and Mode 2,
neously, provided the SUs’ transmission power is below the selected by the operator as per his requirements. Mode 1 aims
PUs’ interference threshold level. In overlay mode too, both to enhance service retainability of ongoing services while
PUs and SUs can use the same spectrum, simultaneously. Mode 2 aims to reduce blocking probability of new services.
Certain literature has used hybrid modes [15]–[18]. In [15], To this end, Mode 1 reserves a large number of channels
a hybrid underlay-interweave approach is considered wherein under heavy network traffic load and a small number of
SUs transmit in both the presence and absence of active PUs. channels under low network traffic load. Mode 2, on the other
In [16], a hybrid scheme is proposed for channel access and hand, reserves a large number of channels under low network
channel prediction, with the objective of improving network traffic load, and a small number of channels under heavy
throughput and transmission delay. The scheme is evaluated network traffic load. However, the scheme considers only the
under a high traffic CRN. In [17], the authors compare the IM for channel access which is, though, simple yet ineffi-
performance of the interweave and underlay modes of CRNs cient because of the fact that pure interweave mode leads
through a unified network setup. The authors then propose to protraction in service waiting time for users in addition
a hybrid scheme for channel access in order to improve to enhancing blocking probability and transmission delay.
the network’s throughput and transmission delay. In [18], Moreover, the scheme follows random approach in the selec-
a hybrid interweave-underlay spectrum scheme is proposed. tion of services for interruptions which results in unfairness
In the scheme, users sense the 5GHz license-exempt spectrum among users in the utilization of network’s resources. Besides
and reduce performance degradation induced by imperfect this, the scheme assumes all the channels to be of equal capac-
estimation of the interference link parameters. ity which is unrealistic in CRNs partly because, especially in
Though, most of the literature mentioned above addresses urban areas, more than one type of networks exist where each
most of the problems associated with dynamic spectrum network uses a different band of frequencies. This factor leads
access in CRNs, none of them, however, takes fairness to the realization of diverse frequency channels, with differ-
and equality among SUs into account in SUs’ services ent capacity, used by SUs. Lastly, the scheme is analyzed
interruption happened due to PUs emergence. Moreover, under perfect spectrum sensing only which is unrealistic in

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real-world CRNs. These limitations minify the utility of BLP

for SUE enhancement.
In the light of the aforementioned literature, we pro-
pose a hybrid underlay-interweave mode enabled scheme for
CRNs which is inspired by BLP scheme proposed in [28].
We call our proposed scheme Hybrid BLP (HBLP). By dint
of using the UM in addition to the IM, HBLP makes efficient
use of the spectrum and leads to enhancement in spectrum
utilization efficiency. Moreover, HBLP introduces the con-
cept of diverse-capacity services in the network which is
more realistic in the real-world CRNs. Furthermore, HBLP
is analyzed under the impacts of both perfect and imperfect FIGURE 1. The high-level network architecture of CRN.
spectrum sensing. In addition to this, HBLP utilizes a multi-
attribute based service selection algorithm which determines
the most suitable service for interruption when a service is
• The proposed multi-attribute based fairness driven
required to be interrupted. Lastly, in order for making HBLP
(MAFD) algorithm used for services’ selection and
suitable for comparison with BLP, HBLP utilizes the DCR
interruption is shown to be effective in maintaining
algorithm proposed in [28] for channels’ reservation. Note
fairness among SUs’ services in availing the network’s
that, as stated earlier, the DCR algorithm proposed in [28]
resources in terms of services’ SNIR, services’ capacity
operates in two modes, Mode 1 and Mode 2. Thus, HBLP, like
and services’ utilization time.
BLP, also assumes dual modes of operation. The novelty and
• Handoff probability analysis for the proposed scheme
contributions of the proposed HBLP scheme are discussed
is conducted and insightful information is observed.
Moreover, the effects of perfect and imperfect spectrum
sensing on the proposed scheme are investigated.
A. NOVELTY AND CONTRIBUTIONS • Multiple future research problems are identified.
We comprehensively analyze, from the perspective of SUs, The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
the performance of hybrid underlay-interweave mode of presents the system model. Section III outlines our proposed
CRNs for spectrum utilization efficiency enhancement. For scheme and algorithm. Section IV describes the performance
this purpose, we apply the hybrid mode on a legacy CRN metrics considered in this study. Section V presents results
proposed in [28], and model the system with continuous and discussion, and Section VI concludes the paper. The list
time Markov chain (CTMC). Consequently, we derive closed of notations is given in Table 1.
form expressions for the core SUE-related QoS parameters
including channel availability, service capacity, service
retainability, network unserviceable probability, and hand-
We consider a centralized CRN where multiple PUs and
off probability. The detailed analyses are conducted under
SUs exist under the control of their respective base stations
dynamic channels reservation made for accommodating
(BS), as shown in Fig. 1. For illustration clarity, the BS
interrupted users, considering multi-level network traffic
of the secondary network is shown only. The BS allocates
loads and channel failure rates. Moreover, the impacts of
channels to users from a total of T number of equal capacity
both perfect and imperfect spectrum sensing scenarios on the
channels where T ∈ Z + and Z + is the set of positive
proposed scheme are investigated. Additionally, we propose
integers. PUs can interrupt ongoing SUs’ services, if idle
a multi-attribute based fairness driven (MAFD) algorithm
channels are unavailable, to accommodate their interruptions.
which serves two objectives. Firstly, the algorithm determines
The detailed description of how the interruption procedure is
the most suitable SUs’ service for interruption in order to
followed by our proposed scheme is given in Algorithm 3,
accommodate those PUs which cannot find idle channels.
Algorithm 4 and Algorithm 5. SUs transmit with normal
Secondly, the algorithm ensures fairness among SUs’ ser-
power using the IM if they find idle channels. Otherwise,
vices in the utilization of network’s resources. In order to
they utilize the UM for their transmissions. The channels are
introduce more realism in our analyses, with respective to
susceptible to various types of failures and interruptions. The
CRNs especially, we assume that the services are operating
system dynamically reserves a number of channels, denoted
with diverse capacity in terms of data rate. Main contributions
by RCH , to accommodate failed or interrupted services in
of this paper are summarized as follows.
order that the services should successfully complete their
• Our proposed scheme, HBLP, exhibits significant sessions. The number of the reserved channels at a particular
improvement in the performance metrics related to instant of time depends on the network traffic load at that
SUE. The metrics include channel availability, service time. Moreover, an upper limit on the number of the reserved
capacity, service retainability, and network unservice- channels, denoted by Rmax , is imposed. The reserved and the
able probability. non reserved bands are denoted by RB and NB, respectively.

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TABLE 1. The list of key notations. terminates the interrupted users. A number of assumptions
are made in modeling the system which are given as under.
• PUs and SUs arrive with Poisson process with rates λP
and λS , respectively [29].
• Channel failure may occur to both the idle and active
channels, in both the RB and the NB. Channel failure
rate per channel is λF .
• Channels’ active time (time before a channel failure
occurs) and service time of PUs and SUs are exponen-
tially distributed [28]. The service rates per channel for
PUs and SUs are µP and µS , respectively.
• Multiple failed channels can be repaired or restored
simultaneously with µR restoration rate per channel. The
restoration time is exponentially distributed.
• The latency caused by spectrum sensing, spectrum hand-
off and service switching to the UM is considered to be
• In order for making the CTMC modeling tractable, per-
fect spectrum sensing is assumed [19], [28], [30]–[37].
It is worth noting that certain literature has used Pareto
distribution for modeling incoming traffic [38], [39]. How-
ever, modeling incoming traffic in communication networks
with Poisson process is a more realistic assumption. This is
because of the fact that Poisson process is a natural arrival
process, such that the moment of arrival of a service is
random and the probability of admitting two consecutive
services simultaneously can be practically negligible [29].
Furthermore, Poisson distribution has been widely used in the
literature for modeling the users’ arrival process [40]–[45].
In this section, we present our proposed HBLP scheme. The
scheme uses hybrid underlay-interweave mode of channel
access in CRNs for enhancing spectrum utilization efficiency.
Furthermore, we also present our proposed MAFD algorithm,
which is used to determine services for interruptions. The
algorithm also ensures availability of the optimal channels
for PUs as and when they require in addition to maintaining
fairness among SUs’ services in the network’s resources
utilization. MAFD algorithm is described in Algorithm 1
and elaborated in Subsection III-A. Thereafter, we revisit
the DCR algorithm, as described in Algorithm 2, in Subsec-
tion III-B. The channels’ allocation procedure is presented in
Subsection III-C and the corresponding CTMC modeling is
presented in Subsection III-D.
Determination of a service for interruption under the
defined criteria is described in Algorithm 1. The nota-
tion fmaxs represents the function used to scan the active
The PUs’ services operating in the NB and the RB are repre- services for finding the service with highest value of signal
sented by PUNB and PURB , respectively. Similarly, the SUs’ to noise plus interference ratio (SNIR), fmaxc represents
services operating in the NB and the RB are represented the function used to scan the active services for find-
by SUNB and SURB , respectively. The system dynamically ing the service with the highest value of channel capacity
assigns channels to new arriving users and handovers or in bits per second, and fmaxt represents the function

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used to scan the active services for finding the service Algorithm 1 Service Determination
with the highest value of active time or service time duration. Input: SUact : Currently active SUs.
Similarly, SUmaxt represents the set of active SUs’ services Output: SUMax : The service to be interrupted.
with the highest values of active time or service time duration, [1] Calculate SUmaxs = fmaxs (SUact )
SUmaxc represents the set of active SUs’ services with the [2] if SUmaxs > 1 then
highest values of channel capacity in bits per second, and [3] Calculate SUmaxc = fmaxc (SUmaxs )
SUmaxs represents the set of active SUs’ services with the [4] if SUmaxc > 1 then
highest values of SNIR. [5] Calculate SUmaxt = fmaxt (SUmaxc )
As can be seen in Algorithm 1, whenever an SU’s service [6] SUMax = SUmaxt
needs to be interrupted, the algorithm analyzes all the ongoing [7] else
SUs’ services and stores in set SUmaxs the SU/SUs’ services [8] SUMax = SUmaxc
with the largest value of SNIR as given below [9] end
[10] else
SUmaxs = max (SUi (γi )), (1)
∀SUi ∈N [11] SUMax = SUmaxs
[12] end
where γi is SNIR of the ith active SU’s service, SUi ,
SUmaxs is the set of active SUs’ services with the high-
est value of SNIR, and N is the total number of
active SUs’ services. We use the free space propagation set SUmaxc and selects the SU’s service with the longest active
model to calculate of SNIR for a service (γ ) as given time or service time duration, as given below.
below [46]
SUmaxt = max (SUi (Tactive )), (7)
∀SUi ∈P
λ 2
γ = 10 × log10 × , (2) SUMax = max(SUmaxt ), (8)
I 4πd
where P denotes the total number of SUs’ services in SUmaxt .
where pn is the transmission power of the intended trans-
Active time or service time duration (Tactive ) for a service can
mitted signal on channel n, I is the received interference
be calculated as
from other users, λ is the wavelength of the frequency
used, and d is the distance between a user availing the Tactive = t2 − t1 , (9)
service and base station. Thus, the service with the high-
est value of γ in SUmaxs , as given blow, is selected for where t1 and t2 indicate the starting time instant and the
interruption. current time instant of the service, respectively.
Making selection of services for interruption following
SUMax = max(SUmaxs ). (3) MAFD algorithm, as described above, leads to achieve-
ment of a noticeable level of fairness among SUs’ ser-
The notation SUMax represents the service selected to be vices in the utilization of network’s resources. On the other
interrupted. If multiple SUs’ services have the same value hand, random selection of services for interruption leads to
of γ , the algorithm further analyzes the set SUmaxs and unfairness and irregularity in the utilization of network’s
selects the SU/SUs’ services with the highest value of channel resources.

∀SUi ∈M We analyzed MAFD algorithm for time complexity and found
where M is the total number of SUs’ services in SUmaxs and that the time complexity of the algorithm is O(1), as shown
Ci is the capacity of the channel being used by the ith SU’s in Table 2.
service within SUmaxs . The channel capacity is calculated
using Shannon’s formula [47] B. THE DCR ALGORITHM
The DCR algorithm is described in Algorithm 2. The algo-
C = B log2 1 + γ

(5) rithm makes channel reservation based on the current traffic
load, φ. The notation φ is a ratio between the number of
where B is the channel bandwidth and C is the channel active PUs and SUs’ services, and the number of non-failed
capacity of a service in bits per seconds. So, the service channels in the network. The current traffic load is granulated
in SUmaxc with the highest value of channel capacity, as given into k + 1 levels, where k ∈ Z + . For instance, with k = 3,
below, is selected for interruption. the current traffic load is represented by four levels as very
SUMax = max(SUmaxc ). (6) high, high, medium, and low. Initially, φ is calculated on
Line 1 and then a resultant traffic load level is determined.
If multiple SUs’ services exist in SUmaxs with the same Mode 1 of the algorithm enhances retainability of current
value of channel capacity, the algorithm further analyzes the services by reserving a large number of channels, subject

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Algorithm 2 The DCR Algorithm TABLE 3. Time complexity analysis for the DCR algorithm.

Input: M: Total number of channels in the whole CRN

Input: an : Total number of channels occupied by PUNB
Input: bn : Total number of channels occupied by SUNB
Input: ar : Total number of channels occupied by PURB
Input: br : Total number of channels occupied by SURB
Input: f : Total number of failed channels in the CRN
Input: Rmax : Total number of reservable channels
Input: ci : ck+1 < ck < .. < ci < .. < c1 < c0 ; 0 < ci <
1, i = 1, ..k; k ∈ Z + ; c0 = 1, ak+1 = 0
Output: RCH : The number of currently reserved channels
[1] Calculate φ = (an + bn + ar + br )/(M − f )
[2] Calculate NAvail = M − (an + bn + ar + br + f )
[3] Calculate NR = ar + br
[4] for i = 0 : 1 : k do
[5] if ci+1 ≤ φ < ci then
[6] traffic_load_level = i
[7] break
[8] end
[9] end
[10] if working mode = 1 then
R = Rmax − traffic_load_level C. CHANNELS’ ALLOCATION PROCEDURE
[12] end Our proposed scheme, HBLP, dynamically allocates channels
[13] if working mode = 2 then to new service arrivals. Moreover, interruption to existing
[14] R = Rmax − (k − traffic_load_level) services and subsequent accommodation or termination is
[15] end also handled by the scheme. In the following, the channels’
0 0 0 0
[16] R = max{R , NR }: R ∈ Z + where 0 ≤ R ≤ Rmax allocation procedure followed by HBLP, under various events
[17] RCH = min{NAvail + NR , R } occurring in the network, is elaborated.

TABLE 2. Time complexity analysis for MAFD algorithm.
A new PU arrival triggers Algorithm 2 to determine a suitable
number of channels for the RB and NB, and to allocate
the channels to each band accordingly. Thereafter, the new
arriving PU is assigned a channel as described in Algorithm 3.
The arriving PU is assigned an idle channel in the NB if
there is any. Otherwise, an SUNB , determined by Algorithm 1,
is interrupted by the PU. The interrupted SU hands over to the
RB if an idle channel exists there. Otherwise, the interrupted
SU adopts the UM. If the SU is unable to communicate in
the UM, it terminates. Similarly, non-availability of any idle
channel or SUNB results in blockage for the new arriving PU.

A new SU arrival triggers Algorithm 2 to determine a suitable
to Rmax , under a high value of φ. Mode 2 enhances channel number of channels for the RB and NB, and to allocate
availability for new services by reserving a small number the channels to each band accordingly. Thereafter, the new
of channels under a high value of φ. To prevent spectrum arriving SU is assigned a channel as described in Algorithm 3.
handover of existing users from the RB to the NB, and to An idle channel in the NB is assigned to the SU. Non-
maintain a positive value for R0 , the DCR algorithm selects availability of any idle channel in the NB leads to the initi-
the higher value between R0 and NR , as shown in Line 16. The ation of the UM or blockage of the SU.
notation NR represents the number of existing users in the RB.
In Line 17, the availability of idle channels in the entire 3) CHANNEL FAILURE
network is examined in order to effectively set the number Idle channels, as well as active channels, may fail during the
of channels in the RB (RCH ) according to the value of R0 CRN’s operation. Failure of an idle channel induces no oper-
obtained in Line 16. ation in the network. However, failure of an active channel
brings about several events in the network depending on the
1) TIME COMPLEXITY ANALYSIS FOR DCR ALGORITHM type of the service that fails. In the following, description
Time complexity analysis of Algorithm 2 is carried out and of the failures and the resultant events associated with the
found to be O(n), as shown in Table 3. various types of services is presented.

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• Failure of PUNB : Since PUs’ services have the pre- below

empting priority, its failure is compensated by inter-
rupting other services or users if exist. As described g1n pn < ImaxP ,
in Algorithm 4, in the first instance, an idle channel g2n pn < ImaxS , (10)
in the NB is used to accommodate a PUNB failure.
where pn is the transmit power in channel n. g1n is the channel
Else, an SUNB , determined by Algorithm 1, is inter-
gain from the SU transmitter, operating in the UM, to the
rupted and the resultant vacant channel is assigned to
PU receiver in channel n, and g2n is the channel gain
the failed PU if no idle channel exists in the NB. The
from the SU transmitter, operating in the UM, to the
interrupted SU hands over to the RB if an idle channel
SU receiver operating in the IM in channel n. Simi-
exists therein. Otherwise, the SU adopts the UM. The
larly, the maximum transmitted power constraint is given
failed PU’s service is terminated if none of the above
mentioned channels or users exists to accommodate its
failure. pn < Pmax , (11)
• Failure of PURB : As shown in Algorithm 4, in the first
place, a failed PURB is accommodated by assigning an where Pmax is the predefined maximum total transmit power
idle channel in the RB. at the SU transmitter.
If no idle channel exists in the RB, an idle channel
in the NB is assigned to the failed PU. If no idle D. CTMC MODELING
channel exists in the NB too, an SUNB , determined by Our proposed scheme is modeled using CTMC. Let
Algorithm 1, is interrupted and the resultant vacant chan- S denotes the set of feasible states in the CTMC model,
nel is assigned to the failed PU. the corresponding states of HBLP are represented by x =
In the last, an SURB , determined by Algorithm 1, is inter- (an , bn , suum , ar , br , f ). Here, an and bn represent the number
rupted and the resultant vacant channel is assigned to of active PUNB and SUNB services, respectively. Similarly,
the failed PU if none of the above three cases exists. ar and br represent the number of active PURB and SURB
The failed PU is terminated if no channels or users, services, respectively. The notation suum represents the total
as mentioned above, are available to accommodate its number of active UM connections. The total number of failed
failed service. channels in the network is represented by f . The total number
• Failure of SUNB : A failed SUNB is initially accommo- of occupied or active channels in the NB and RB are rep-
dated by assigning it an idle channel in the NB, as shown resented by An (x) and Ar (x), respectively. This implies that
in Algorithm 5. Next, an idle channel in the RB is An (x) = an + bn and Ar (x) = ar + br . The total number of
assigned to the failed SUNB if no idle channel exists in occupied and failed channels in the whole CRN is represented
the NB. If no idle channel exists in the RB too, the SU by A(x) such that A(x) = Ar (x)+An (x)+f . Hence, the number
initiates the UM or gets terminated. of idle channels in state x can be expressed as T − A(x).
• Failure of SURB : A failed SURB is accommodated by Lastly, RCH (x) represents the number of reserved channels
assigning it an idle channel in the RB, as shown in in state x. Table 4 indicates the transitions between vari-
Algorithm 5. If no idle channel exists in the RB, an idle ous states, with transition rates, happened upon the service
channel in the NB is assigned to the failed SURB . arrivals and departures, as well as happened upon channel
If an idle channel does not exist in the NB too, an SUNB , failures and restorations.
determined by Algorithm 1, is interrupted and the resul- Let the steady state probability (SSP) of a state x be
tant vacant channel is assigned to the failed SURB . denoted by π(x), the SSP of each state can be computed
Lastly, a PUNB is interrupted and the resultant vacant by
channel is assigned to the failed SURB . Finding none of X
the above listed channels or users leads to the initiation π × P = 0, π(x) = 1, (12)
of the UM or termination for failed SURB . x∈S

where P represents the transition rate matrix derived from

Table 4, π represents SSP vector, and 0 is a row vec-
4) TERMINATION OF SUs’ SERVICE OPERATING IN THE UM tor of all zeros. In the next subsection, we formulate
The SUs’ services operating in the UM may fail and termi- expressions for all the QoS parameters considered in this
nate if transmission in the UM is not possible because of study.
the degraded received signal quality and hardware failure.
Similarly, if such SUs’ services give rise to interference for IV. PERFORMANCE METRICS
ongoing or new arriving PUs’ services, the SUs’ services are In this study, we consider important QoS parameters in rela-
terminated. In other words, the total transmitted power of tion to spectrum utilization efficiency. The parameters are
an SU’s service operating in the UM should be below the service capacity, channel availability, service retainability,
maximum interference limit for PUs’ service (ImaxP ) and the handoff and network unserviceable probability (NUP) as
maximum interference limit for SUs’ service (ImaxS ), as given defined below.

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A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: Hybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

TABLE 4. State transition table. Source state is assumed to be x = (an , bn , suum , ar , br , f ).


We define capacity to be the average number of services Channel availability for SUs operating in the IM (SUCHA ) and
completed per unit time. Let SUCAP denotes SUs’ capacity. channel availability for SUs operating in the UM (suumCHA )
We have can be respectively expressed as
SUCHA = 1 − π(x), x ∈ S, (14)
SUCAP = (bn + br + suum ) µS π(x), x ∈ S. (13)
A(x)=T or
An (x)=T −RCH (x)

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A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: ybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

and and
suum(CHA) = 1 − x ∈ S. (15) suum(RFTP ) = λP π(x), x ∈ S. (22)
A(x)=T or A(x)=T ; sum >0;
An (x)=T −RCH (x) suum =0
Similarly, the rate of forced termination of SUs’ services
The blocking probability is contrary to channel availabil-
operating in the UM, owing to SUs’ services operating in the
ity. The blocking probability for SUs operating in the IM,
IM, is represented by suum(RFTS ) and is expressed as
SUBL , and the blocking probability for SUs operating in the
UM, suumBL , are respectively given by
suum(RFTS ) = λS π(x), x ∈ S. (23)
A(x)=T ; sum >0;
SUBL = π(x), x ∈ S, (16)
A(x)=T or
and The effective channel assignment rate for a new arriving SU is
X represented by 3S , and is calculated as 3S = λS SUCHA [48].
suum(BL) = π(x), x ∈ S. (17) Hence, the forced termination probability of SUs’ services,
A(x)=T or SUFT , becomes
An (x)=T −RCH (x) suum =0
. (24)
Retainability of a service can be expressed in terms of the
where SURFTC = SURFT + suum(RFTP ) + suum(RFTS ) and
forced termination probability (FTP) of that service as given 0 0
SURFT = SURFT + su0umRFT . Thus, the service retainability
by C
of SUs’ services can be expressed as
Service retainability = 1 − FTP. (18)
SURET = 1 − SUFT . (25)
The FTP depends on the rate of forced termination of a
service owing to channel failures and high priority service D. NETWORK UNSERVICEABLE PROBABILITY
arrivals, both of which are defined in the following. Network unserviceable probability, NUP, integrates the
impacts of both blocking and forced termination probability.
1) THE RATE OF FORCED TERMINATION OF SUs’ SERVICES Let SUNUP denotes NUP for SUs’ services. For mathematical
OWING TO CHANNEL FAILURES expression of SUNUP , we assume  to be the probability of
The rate of forced termination of SUs’ services, owing to successfully finishing an SU service. Thus, we have
channel failure, operating in the IM (SURFT ) is given by
X SUNUP = 1 − 
SURFT = λF (T − f ) π(x), x ∈ S. (19) = 1 − (1 − SUBL )(1 − suum(BL) )(1 − SUFT )
(bn >0 ) or (an =bn =0; br >0) = 1 − SUBL (1 − SUFT − suum(BL)
Similarly, the rate of forced termination of SUs’ services, + SUFT suum(BL) ) − SUFT (1 − suum(BL) )
owing to channel failure, operating in the UM (su0um(RFT ) ) can − suum(BL) . (26)
be expressed as
su0um(RFT ) = λF π(x), x ∈ S. (20)
We define handoff probability for SUs’ services to be the
suum >0 likelihood that, in the event of SUs’ services interruptions
happened due to channel failures or PUs’ arrivals, at least one
2) THE RATE OF FORCED TERMINATION OF SUs’ SERVICE vacant channel or low priority service is available to be used
OWING TO HIGH PRIORITY SERVICES ARRIVALS for channel handoff. Mathematically,
High priority service arrivals also cause terminations of low X X
priority services. Note that suum services may also face ter- Pr (HO) = λP π(x) + λF π(x)
mination because of the interference limit violation. The An (x)=T −RCH (x);bn >0 An (x)=T −RCH (x);bn >0
Ar (x)<RCH (x) Ar (x)<RCH (x)
interference limit violation arises when an existing or new X
arriving high priority service receives interference of the + λF π(x), x ∈ S. (27)
above-threshold level from a user operating in the UM. The Ar (x)=RCH (x);
An (x)<T −RCH (x) or bn >0 or an >0
rates of forced termination of SUs’ services, operating in
the IM, owing to PUs arrivals, SURFT , and the rates of forced
termination of SUs’ services, operating in the UM, owing to V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
PUs arrivals, suum(RFTP ) , are respectively given by In this section, we present the numerical results of our
X proposed scheme, HBLP. For performance comparison,
SURFT = λP π(x), x ∈ S, (21) BLP scheme, as proposed in [28], is considered. The com-
A(x)=T ; bn >0 parison is carried out under various network traffic loads
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A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: Hybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

TABLE 5. The list of symbols and their values used in the numerical

and channel failure rates. The results of our analysis are

derived using MATLAB. Core QoS parameters including ser-
vice capacity, channel availability, service retainability, and
network unserviceable probability are used for performance
evaluation. The list of main parameters with their default
values used in the generation of results is given in Table 5.
Unless specifically stated, the default values given in Table 5
should be reckoned to have been used in the generation of

Fig. 2a shows channel availability plotted as a function of PU
arrival rate (λP ). As can be seen in the figure, the respective
modes of HBLP outperform their BLP counterparts at all
values of λP . For instance, both Mode 1 and Mode 2 of HBLP FIGURE 2. Channel availability for SUs as a function of λP and λF .
respectively achieve 22% and 17% improvement over their
BLP counterparts at λP = 15. In Fig. 2b, channel availability
is plotted as a function of channel failure rate (λF ) wherein
SURET plotted as a function of λF . Both the modes of HBLP
HBLP outperforms BLP at all values of λF . For instance, both
outperform their BLP counterparts. For instance, at λF =
Mode 1 and Mode 2 of HBLP respectively achieve 13% and
0.25, Mode 1 and Mode 2 of HBLP respectively achieve 6%
14% improvement over their BLP counterparts at λF = 0.6.
and 10% improvement over their BLP counterparts.
Fig. 3a shows SUs’ services capacity (SUCAP ) plotted as a D. NETWORK UNSERVICEABLE PROBABILITY
function of λP where both the modes of HBLP outperform Fig. 5a and 5b show SUs’ services NUP (SUNUP ) plotted
their BLP counterparts. For instance, Mode 1 and Mode 2 of as a function of λP and λF , respectively. As can be seen in
HBLP achieve 114% and 107% enhancement over their BLP the figures, both the modes of HBLP outperform their BLP
counterparts at λP = 15. Similarly, Fig. 3b shows SUCAP plot- counterparts. For instance, in Fig. 5a, 38% improvement is
ted as a function of λF wherein HBLP significantly improves achieved by HBLP over BLP in both the modes at λP = 15.
SUCAP . For instance, at λF = 0.6, Mode 1 and Mode 2 of Similarly, in Fig. 5b, Mode 1 and Mode 2 of HBLP achieve
HBLP respectively achieve 49% and 44% enhancement over 30% and 32% improvement, respectively, over their BLP
their BLP counterparts. counterparts, at λF = 0.15.


Fig. 4a shows SUs’ services retainability (SURET ) plotted Fig. 6, 7 and 8 indicate the fairness achieved among SUs’
as a function of λP wherein HBLP exhibits enhancement services, by dint of using Algorithm 1, in the utilization of
over BLP. For instance, at λP = 8, Mode 1 and Mode 2 of service’s time duration, service’s SNIR, and service’s capac-
HBLP respectively achieve 4% and 7% enhancement over ity, in bits per second, of the network, respectively. Note that,
their BLP counterparts. In the same way, Fig. 4b shows for convenience in comparison, the values of service’s SNIR,

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A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: ybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

Algorithm 3 New Service Arrival

Input: FCHN : Total number of idle channels in NB
Input: FCHR : Total number of idle channels in RB
Input: PUNB(T) : Total number of active PUNB
Input: SUNB(T) : Total number of active SUNB
Input: SUum : Total number of active users in the
Output: ƒ: Channel access
[1] A PU appears
[2] if FCHN > 0 then
[3] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) + 1
[4] ƒ = 1 (Successful channel access)
[5] else if SUNB(T) > 0 then
[6] Call Algorithm 1
[7] SUNB = SUNB − 1
[8] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) + 1
[9] ƒ = 1 (Successful channel access)
[10] if FCHR > 0 then
[11] SURB = SURB + 1
[12] end
[13] else
[14] Block the PU
[15] ƒ = 0 (Failed channel access)
[16] end
[17] An SU appears
[18] if FCHN > 0 then
[19] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) + 1
[20] ƒ = 1 (Successful channel access)
[21] else
[22] Block the SU
[23] SUum = SUum + 1 (Initiate the UM)
FIGURE 3. Capacity for SUs as a function of λP and λF .
[24] end

service’s capacity and service’s active time are normalized to

one. Thus, HBLP, by dint of using Algorithm 1, facilitates
It can be seen in the figures that Algorithm 1 ensures a maintaining nearly equal values of service’s SNIR, service’s
noticeable level of fairness among SUs’ services in utilizing capacity and service’s activity time among services. Contrar-
the network’s resources in terms of service quality and service ily, BLP follows random interruption of services which leads
utilization time. For instance, in Fig. 6b, services operating on to unpredictable network performance and unfairness among
channel 1, 2, 3 and 7 get almost equal opportunities to avail services in availing the network’s resources.
themselves of the network’s service time. Similarly, services
operating on channel 4, 5, 6 and 8 get almost equal shares of F. HANDOFF PROBABILITY ANALYSIS
the network’s service time. The overall difference among all Fig. 9 shows handoff probability of SUs’ services (Pr (HO))
the operating services, in availing the network’s service time, plotted as functions of λP and λF . As can be seen in Fig. 9a,
is insignificant in HBLP, as compared to the considerable Pr (HO) is plotted as a function of λP , for both Mode 1 and
difference among services, in availing the network’s service Mode 2. In Mode 1, Pr (HO) remains at low level, initially,
time, observed in BLP, and depicted in Fig. 6a. and increases exponentially thereafter. After λP > 10,
In BLP, due to using random selection of services for Pr (HO) slows down. The reason for this type of exhibition
interruption, certain services, such as services operating on of Pr (HO) in Mode 1 is that, a higher number of channels are
channel 3 and 7, get massive share of the network’s service assigned to the RB as traffic load goes on increasing. This
time, as shown in Fig. 6a. On the other hand, services oper- implicitly indicates that a higher number of SURB can be con-
ating on channel 4 and 5 get extremely low share of the tained by the network. Since SURB is prone to be interrupted
network’s service time. Similarly, in Fig. 7 and 8, a substantial only by PURB or channel failure, not by PUNB , SUNB or any
level of fairness can be observed among services in HBLP as new service arrivals, its Pr (HO) is low. This low Pr (HO) of
compared to BLP. SURB contributes to the overall reduction in Pr (HO) under

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Algorithm 4 PU Failure Algorithm 5 SU Failure

Input: FCHN , FCHR , SUNB(T) , SUum , PUNB(T) Input: FCHN , FCHR , SUNB(T) , SURB(T) , PUNB(T) ,
Input: SURB(T) = Total number of active SURB SUum
Input: PURB(T) : Total number of active PURB Output: X : The service to be terminated
Output: X : The service to be terminated [1] An SURB service failed
[1] A PUNB service failed [2] SURB(T) = SURB(T) −1
[2] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) − 1 [3] if FCHR > 0 then
[3] if FCHN > 0 then [4] SURB(T) = SURB(T) + 1
[4] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) + 1 [5] else if FCHN > 0 then
[5] else if SUNB(T) > 0 then [6] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) + 1
[6] Call Algorithm 1 [7] else if SUNB(T) > 0 then
[7] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) − 1 [8] Call Algorithm 1
[8] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) + 1 [9] Terminate the selected SUNB
[9] if FCHR > 0 then [10] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) − 1
[10] SURB(T) = SURB(T) + 1 [11] SUum = SUum + 1 (Initiate the UM)
[11] else [12] Replace the SUNB
[12] SUum = SUum + 1 (Initiate the UM) [13] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) + 1
[13] end [14] else if PUNB(T) > 0 then
[14] else [15] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) − 1
[15] X = PUNB (Terminate the failed PUNB service) [16] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) + 1
[16] end [17] X = PUNB
[17] A PURB service failed [18] else
[18] PURB(T) = PURB(T) − 1 [19] SUum = SUum + 1 (Initiate the UM)
[19] if FCHR > 0 then [20] end
[20] PURB(T) = PURB(T) + 1 [21] An SUNB failed
[21] else if FCHN > 0 then [22] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) −1
[22] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) + 1 [23] if FCHN > 0 then
[23] else if SUNB(T) > 0 then [24] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) + 1
[24] Call Algorithm 1 [25] else if FCHR > 0 then
[25] PUNB(T) = PUNB(T) + 1 [26] SURB(T) = SURB(T) + 1
[26] SUNB(T) = SUNB(T) − 1 [27] else
[27] SUum = SUum + 1 (Initiate the UM) [28] SUum = SUum + 1 (Initiate the UM)
[28] else if SURB(T) > 0 then [29] end
[29] Call Algorithm 1
[30] PURB = PURB + 1
[31] SURB(T) = SURB(T) − 1
[32] SUum = SUum + 1 (Initiate the UM) number of channels are kept reserved in Mode 2. Keeping
[33] else a low number of reserved channels implies that there can
[34] X = PURB (Terminate the failed PURB service) be fewer SUs’ services contained in the RB. This factor
[35] end lowers Pr (HO) since the likelihood of termination of SUs’
services in the NB goes on increasing with increase in λP ,
when a small number of channels are reserved. All these
factors contribute to the decrease in Pr (HO), in Mode 2, with
high λP . At low λP , however, Pr (HO) exponentially increases increase in λP .
with increase in λP . This is because Mode 1 reserves a fewer Similarly, in Fig. 9b, Pr (HO) is plotted as a function of λF .
number of channels under low traffic load, and increases the Initially, Mode 2 exhibits a slight decrease in Pr (HO) as
number of reserved channels with increase in traffic load compared to Mode 1. However, at λF = 0.11, both the
which raises the likelihood of handoff for interrupted users. modes share nearly the same value of Pr (HO). After λF >
When operating in Mode 2, Pr (HO) rapidly increases in the 0.11, Pr (HO) gains higher values in Mode 2 as compared
beginning and outvalues the Pr (HO) observed in Mode 1 at to Mode 1. At λF > 0.14, however, again Pr (HO) in
the same value of λP . However, after λP > 4, Pr (HO) Mode 2 assumes lower values as compared to the Pr (HO)
slows down. The reason for such demonstration of Pr (HO) observed in Mode 1.
in Mode 2 is that, in Mode 2, a large number of channels The reason for this type of exhibition of Pr (HO) is that,
are reserved under low traffic load. However, as λP goes a high number of channels are assigned to the RB in Mode 1,
on increasing, the number of reserved channels keeps on as compared to Mode 2, under higher traffic load and channel
decreasing. This implies that, under high traffic load, a fewer failure rate. This suggests that SUs can find a larger share of

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A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: ybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

FIGURE 4. Retainability for SUs as a function of λP and λF . FIGURE 5. Network unserviceable probability as a function of λP and λF .

the network’s services, in Mode 1, because any interruption both BLP and HBLP follow the same procedure for channel
to SUNB leads the interrupted SUNB to make handoff to the reservation and the same hierarchy of service priorities in
RB, where SURB , because of its priority level, can access any channel assignment and interruption or termination.
idle channel available in the network if handoff is required.
Furthermore, SURB can interrupt active PUNB or SUNB when G. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION UNDER IMPERFECT
handoff is required. All these factors lead to the rapid increase SPECTRUM SENSING
in Pr (HO) with increase in λF in Mode 1. In the preceding scenario of the proposed scheme, perfect
The reason for the initial quick rise of Pr (HO) in Mode 2 is spectrum sensing was assumed. However, results achieved
that, in Mode 2, a large number of channels are reserved in under perfect spectrum sensing do not always coincide
the RB, under low traffic load. However, as the arrival rate of with the results achieved under imperfect spectrum sensing
PUs’ services increases, Mode 2 initiates reserving a fewer because of the anomalies in the network functionalities intro-
number of channels. Since SUNB are prone to interruptions duced by the latter type of sensing. In this section, we intro-
under new PUs’ arrivals, they are more likely to be terminated duce the imperfect spectrum sensing in our model for making
instead of handoff in the face of PUs’ arrivals and channel the model more realistic.
failures, given that fewer channels are assigned to the RB. The In imperfect spectrum sensing, an SU is unable to correctly
only significant contribution for Pr (HO) is made by channel detect an ongoing or new arriving PU on the same channel
failures happened to SURB . However, as fewer SURB can be the particular SU is using. This leads to loss of transmission
contained in the network when operating in Mode 2, their power and data in addition to interference generation for
contribution to Pr (HO) is of low level. the PU. To formulate this mathematically, we assume that
It is worth noting that the Pr (HO) analysis made for PUs’ transmission intensity can be characterized by binary
Mode 1 and Mode 2, as depicted in Fig. 9, is equally appli- stochastic hypotheses, such that the active and idle channels
cable to both BLP and HBLP. It is because of the fact that are represented by 1 and 0, respectively [49]. Thus, the idle

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A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: Hybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

FIGURE 6. Fairness among SUs in the utilization of service time. FIGURE 7. Fairness among SUs in service’s SNIR.

and active state probability of a channel is given by P(H1 ) =

τ/υ and P(H0 ) = (υ − τ )/λ, respectively. The notations The notations λ, N and Erfc(.) indicate threshold value, num-
H0 and H1 represent binary hypothesis for the absence and ber of samples and error function, respectively, whereas σn2
presence of PU, respectively, and are calculated as given and γp indicate noise variance and received PU’s SNR value,
in [50], whereas υ and τ represent the arrival and service time respectively. The received signal X (n) at SU is represented by
of users, respectively, which are modeled using Poisson and (
W (n) : H0
exponential distribution, respectively [51]. X (n) = (32)
The probability that a channel is detected as occupied h.S(n) + W (n) : H1 .
whereas the channel is essentially idle is termed as false The notations W (n), S(n), and h represent the additive white
alarm probability. Similarly, the probability that a channel is Gaussian noise (AWGN), transmitted signal and channel gain
detected as idle whereas the channel is actually in occupied coefficient, respectively. In the following, we illustrate and
stated is termed as miss detection probability. Opposite to discuss the simulation results. It is worth noting that for simu-
the miss detection probability is the detection probability. lation environment, we use the parameters specified by IEEE
Both the probability can be formulated as per the following 802.22 WRAN standard [53], [54]. Moreover, two scenarios,
expressions [52]. perfect spectrum sensing, indicated by zero miss detection

υ − N σn2
 probability (Pm = 0), and imperfect spectrum sensing, indi-
Pf = Erfc p . (28) cated by 0.1 probability of miss detection (Pm = 0.1), are
2 2N σn4 analyzed.
υ − N σn2 (1 + γp )
1 Fig. 10 indicates channel availability for SUs plotted as
Pd = Erfc q . (29)
2 a function of PU arrival rate under the effects of imperfect
2N σ 4 (1 + γ )2
n p
spectrum sensing. It is shown in the figure that with increase
Pm = 1 − Pd . (30) in the probability of miss detection Pm , channel availability
Pe = Pf + Pm . (31) increases for both Mode 1 and Mode 2. This is because of

63416 VOLUME 8, 2020

A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: ybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

FIGURE 8. Fairness among SUs in the utilization of service’s FIGURE 9. Handoff probability as a function of λP and λF .
capacity (bps).

the fact that in the case of miss detections, SUs assume that
the channel under consideration is idle and start using that
channel. Though, after occupation of such channel, and hav-
ing used the channel for a short and specified time duration,
the occupant SU is terminated. Yet this factor adds to the
overall enhancement of channel availability.
Fig. 11 indicates the service capacity of SUs plotted as
a function of PU arrival rates assuming imperfect spectrum
sensing. As shown in the figure, the service capacity is not
significantly changed according to the increase in Pm . The
reason for this is that service capacity indicates the average
number of services completed per unit time. Though high
values of Pm ensure enhancement in channel availability, FIGURE 10. Channel availability vs PU arrival rate under imperfect
the number of services completed per unit time still do not get sensing.
enhanced. It is worth noting that an SU after commencement
of transmission on an already occupied channel is shortly
terminated. Thus, the number of services completed per Pm decreases retainability of services. The reason is
unit time still remains unchanged even under high values that retainability signifies interruptibility, which decreases
of Pm . because of miss detection. Note that once an SU occupies a
Fig. 12 indicates service retainability of SUs plotted as channel under miss detection, such that the channel is being
a function of PU arrival rate, assuming imperfect spec- used by another PU, the SU is shortly interrupted. This factor
trum sensing. It is observed in the figure that increase in leads to decrement in service retainability level.

VOLUME 8, 2020 63417

A. U. Khan et al.: HBLP: Hybrid Underlay-Interweave Mode CRN for the Future 5G-Based IoT

as a result of miss detection, forced termination probability

is accordingly increased as an SU using an already occu-
pied channel is shortly terminated. This leads to virtually no
change in NUP even under high values of Pm .

In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid underlay-interweave
mode enabled scheme to enhance SUE in CRNs. The scheme
utilizes dynamic reservation of channels in order to accom-
modate interrupted users, and allows SUs to switch to the UM
when idle channels are unavailable. The scheme is modeled
using CTMC, and evaluated under various network traffic
loads and channel failure rates. For performance evalua-
tion, essential SUE-related performance metrics including
FIGURE 11. Service capacity vs PU arrival rate under imperfect sensing. channel availability, service capacity, service retainability,
handoff and network unserviceable probability are consid-
ered from the perspective of SUs. Moreover, the scheme
is evaluated under the impacts of perfect and imperfect
spectrum sensing. In addition, we have proposed a multi-
attribute based fairness-driven algorithm which facilitates
fairness among SUs’ services in the utilization of network’s
resources in terms of services’ SNIR, services’ capacity
and services’ utilization time. For performance comparison,
BLP scheme [28] is considered.
The numerical results confirm the effectiveness of our
proposed scheme. For instance, a maximum of 22% enhance-
ment is achieved by our proposed scheme in channel avail-
ability. Similarly, service capacity is doubly increased by
our proposed scheme. A reasonable enhancement of 10% is
observed in service retainability. In network unserviceable
FIGURE 12. Service retainability vs PU arrival rate under imperfect probability, as high as 38% improvement is noted. Further-
more, the scheme ably achieves fairness among SUs in the
utilization of network’s resources.
The scheme is ideal for deployment in the 5G-based IoT
where resource constrained devices can take advantage of
the UM of CRN for energy efficiency enhancement. Fur-
thermore, it enables device-to-device communication in a
congested environment where devices need to transmit their
data regularly.
Nonetheless, our proposed scheme bears certain limita-
tions. For instance, the UM is considered for SUs only and,
thus, performance evaluation is made from the standpoint of
SUs. Moreover, only three parameters, such that services’
SNIR, services’ capacity, and service time duration, are used
in the evaluation and selection of services for interruption.
Lastly, the PUs’ services performance enhancement brought
about by Algorithm 1 has not been considered. These limi-
FIGURE 13. NUP vs PU arrival rate under imperfect sensing. tations are easily addressable and are the focus of our future

Fig. 13 shows NUP for SUs plotted as a function of PU VI. CONCLUSION

arrival rate, considering the effects of imperfect spectrum In this paper, we proposed a hybrid underlay-interweave
sensing. As can be seen in the figure, NUP does not signif- mode enabled spectrum efficient scheme for CRNs. The
icantly change with increase in Pm . The reason is that NUP proposed scheme aims at enhancing spectrum utilization
is dominantly the sum of forced termination probability and efficiency for resource constrained secondary users’ devices
blocking probability. Though blocking probability is reduced to be fitting in applications of the 5G-based IoT. To attain

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[36] Z. Hasan, H. Boostanimehr, and V. K. Bhargava, ‘‘Green cellular networks: GHULAM ABBAS (Senior Member, IEEE)
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[37] Q. Zhao, S. Geirhofer, L. Tong, and B. M. Sadler, ‘‘Opportunistic spectrum and the M.S. degree in distributed systems and
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has been with the Faculty of Computer Sciences
[39] W. Ahmed, J. Gao, and M. Faulkner, ‘‘Performance evaluation of a cogni-
tive radio network with exponential and truncated usage models,’’ in Proc. and Engineering, GIK Institute of Engineering
4th Int. Symp. Wireless Pervas. Comput., Feb. 2009, pp. 1–5. Sciences and Technology, Pakistan. He is currently working as an Associate
[40] S. L. Castellanos-Lopez, F. A. Cruz-Pérez, and G. Hernandez-Valdez, Professor and the Director of the Huawei ICT Academy, GIK Institute of
‘‘Performance of cognitive radio networks under ON/OFF and Poisson Engineering Sciences and Technology. He is a Co-Founding Member of the
primary arrival models,’’ in Proc. IEEE 22nd Int. Symp. Pers., Indoor Telecommunications and Networking (TeleCoN) Research Laboratory, GIK
Mobile Radio Commun., Sep. 2011, pp. 609–613. Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. His research interests
[41] T. M. C. Chu, H. Phan, and H. Zepernick, ‘‘On the performance of include computer networks, and wireless and mobile communications. He
underlay cognitive radio networks using M/G/1/K queueing model,’’ IEEE is a Fellow of the Institute of Science and Technology, U.K. and the British
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[42] Y. Gao and Y. Jiang, ‘‘Performance analysis of a cognitive radio network
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[43] E. W. M. Wong and C. Foh, ‘‘Analysis of cognitive radio spectrum Pakistan, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree from the
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[44] T. Jiang, H. Wang, M. Daneshmand, and D. Wu, ‘‘Cognitive radio-based sity of Agder, Norway, in 2012. He was a Visiting
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[45] K. A. Mehr, J. M. Niya, and N. Akar, ‘‘Queue management for two- USA. He is currently an Associate Professor with
user cognitive radio with delay-constrained primary user,’’ Comput. Netw., the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and a Co-
vol. 142, pp. 1–12, Sep. 2018. Founding Member of the Telecommunications and Networking (TeleCoN)
[46] F.-H. Tseng, L.-D. Chou, H.-C. Chao, and J. Wang, ‘‘Ultra-dense small Research Laboratory, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology.
cell planning using cognitive radio network toward 5G,’’ IEEE Wireless
His research interests include energy efficiency in hybrid mobile and wireless
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communication, 5G mobile systems, ad hoc networks, traffic engineering in
[47] S. Jing, D. N. C. Tse, J. B. Soriaga, J. Hou, J. E. Smee, and R. Padovani,
‘‘Multicell downlink capacity with coordinated processing,’’ EURASIP J. wireless networks, performance evaluation of communication protocols and
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[48] L. Jiao, I. A. M. Balapuwaduge, F. Y. Li, and V. Pla, ‘‘On the performance MUHAMMAD TANVEER received the M.S.
of channel assembling and fragmentation in cognitive radio networks,’’ degree in computer science, in 2017. He is
IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 5661–5675, Oct. 2014. currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in computer
[49] M. T. Masonta, M. Mzyece, and N. Ntlatlapa, ‘‘Spectrum decision in
science from the GIK Institute of Engineering Sci-
cognitive radio networks: A survey,’’ IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 15,
ences and Technology, Pakistan. He is a mem-
no. 3, pp. 1088–1107, 3rd Quart., 2013.
[50] Y.-C. Liang, Y. Zeng, E. C. Y. Peh, and A. T. Hoang, ‘‘Sensing-throughput
ber of the Telecommunications and Networking
tradeoff for cognitive radio networks,’’ IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., (TeleCoN) Research Laboratory, GIK Institute
vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1326–1337, Apr. 2008. of Engineering Sciences and Technology. His
[51] S. M. Kay, Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing. research interests include communication net-
Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, 1993. works and network security.
[52] S. Atapattu, C. Tellambura, and H. Jiang, ‘‘Spectrum sensing via energy SAMI ULLAH received the M.S. degree in
detector in low SNR,’’ in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC), Jun. 2011,
computer science from the IBMS, The Univer-
pp. 1–5.
sity of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan. He is
[53] A. Kumar, P. Thakur, S. Pandit, and G. Singh, ‘‘Analysis of optimal thresh-
old selection for spectrum sensing in a cognitive radio network: An energy
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in com-
detection approach,’’ Wireless Netw., vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 3917–3931, puter Science with the Ghulam Ishaq Khan
Oct. 2019. Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technol-
[54] P. Thakur, A. Kumar, S. Pandit, G. Singh, and S. Satashia, ‘‘Analysis of ogy (GIKI), Topi, Pakistan. He is also a Lec-
high-traffic cognitive radio network with imperfect spectrum monitoring turer with Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University,
technique,’’ Comput. Netw., vol. 147, pp. 27–37, Dec. 2018. Sheringal, Pakistan. He is a member of the
Telecommunications and Networking (TeleCoN)
Research Laboratory, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology.
ABD ULLAH KHAN received the B.S. degree ALAMGIR NAUSHAD received the B.S. degree
(Hons.) in telecommunication from the University in computer systems engineering from the Uni-
of Science & Technology Bannu, in 2013, and the versity of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar,
M.S. degree in electrical engineering from COM- Pakistan, in 2011, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
SATS University Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2016. He in computer system engineering from the GIK
is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Tech- Pakistan, in 2014 and 2019, respectively. He is
nology, Pakistan. Part of his Ph.D. degree is from currently an Assistant Professor with the National
the National University of Science of Sciences and University of Sciences and Technology, Quetta,
Technology, Islamabad. He is currently an Active Pakistan, and a member of the Telecommunica-
Member with the Telecommunications and Networking (TeleCoN) Research tions and Networking (TeleCoN) Research Laboratory, GIK Institute of
Laboratory, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. His Engineering Sciences and Technology. His research interests include mobile
research interests include wireless sensor networks, body area networks, ad hoc and cellular networks.
cognitive radio networks, and vehicular ad hoc networks.
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