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Lair of the Basilisk They could be extremely hot or salty, depending on what mood

you are in when you make the encounter :D

An Introduction • The passages at the rear of the cave could lead to other caves and
underground locations, as could the ruin’s entrance.

listering heat ripples off the sandy floor of the
canyon, in places, pools of shadow create a brief
respite from the sun’s gaze. It’s been days since you last Variants
filled your waterskins, which are now almost empty. Sign up to my Patreon to get access:
Your camels walk behind you making odd grumbling
sounds, once in a while bellowing loudly to each other.
They have been invaluable in your journey so far, but even they look
tired and ready for a good drink.

It’s late afternoon when your Bard companion stops and sniffs the
air. “I smell water, my friend,” he says with a grin. Rushing ahead, he
shouts at you to follow. The canyon walls begin to widen and even-
tually open out into a sheltered oasis, surrounded by tall cliffs and
crumbling rock formations. Along the base of the cliffs are pools of
glistening water, reeds grow in the shallows, while palms sway in the
light breeze. Jutting from the sand and cliff walls are weather-worn
pillars, bricks, and steps, their forms softened by centuries of wind-
blown sand. Against the cliffs, towards the back of the oasis, is a cave
entrance leading into darkness. Leaving the camels at the entrance
to the oasis, the rest of your party rush towards the water laughing
and shouting with excitement, the Bard is already half undressed and
knee-deep in a pool. You are left to lead the camels, they seem out of
sorts grumbling and moaning more than normal.

“Look at this!” the Bard exclaims, bending down he picks something

from the water, a stone foot, broken off at the ankle. You notice
other pieces of statues strewn around the oasis. You pick up a stone
finger, so intricately carved even up close the tool marks are invisi-
ble. You begin to get a sick feeling in your stomach, something isn’t
right here. From the pool, you hear the start of a scream cut short.
Looking up you find the Bard pointing towards the cave, mouth
open, his skin turning grey. From the cave’s entrance, you hear a
growl, something large and scaly moves within the darkness. For
the first time in your life, you thank the gods you can’t see in the
dark and draw your weapons.

Notes and Tips

• 30x45 grid map
• This could be used as an oasis in the middle of a rolling dune
desert, the rocks protecting it from the encroaching sand, or it
could be placed within a labyrinth of canyons, simply mask off
the surrounding sands if need be.
• Monsters can attack the party from the ruins or from the cave.
• Have flying monsters roost around the edge of the oasis. The
party may not even notice them flying in after dusk if they are
not perceptive enough.
• This is an ideal place to sacrifice someone to a monster, with the
cave entrance at one end of the map and an ‘altar’ ruin at the other.
• A sandstorm rages on, the oasis is the only shelter for miles,
things come to shelter, they are not friendly ;)
• The pools are the result of underwater springs or aquifers, heavy
in minerals the springs have formed these strange-looking pools.

Lair of the Basilisk


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