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Rendi Yulio P


Giving and asking for information adalah suatu percakapan/pertanyaan tentang suatu hal seperti
menanyakan alamat,nama,tanggal lahir, dan lain-lain. Tujuan giving and asking for information
yaitu untuk mengetahui informasi yg diberikan atau menanyakan sesuatu. Ada kata yg harus
digunakan saat menanyakan sesuatu yaitu 5W+1H:
1. What
2. Who
3. When
4. Where
5. Why
6. How

Giving and asking information sangat berguna jika kita sedang tersesat, memperkenalkan diri, atau

 Contoh percakapan:
Jane: My drawing is not beautiful as your drawing, there is much mistake on it. Can I borrow your
Cathy: Yes, you can. What theme of your drawing is it?
Jane: About mountain view, it is motivated from my hometown.
Cathy: I choose mountain view too, it looks so fresh and natural. Have you tried to colored it?
Jane: Not yet, I am still cleaning the spot on it. May I look your drawing?
Cathy: Yes, here you are.
Jane: Wow…fantastic. You are a good painter in this class.
Cathy: You are over praise.

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