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Evolution of organ transplants in

Organ transplantation is a relatively new

treatment that has shown a
evolution in the important health area
with the purpose of saving the lives of
people with
failure of one or more organs that
prevent the enjoyment of health, quality

of life and well-being.

Organ transplantation is a relatively new treatment
that has shown an evolution in the area of
important health with the purpose of saving the life
of people with failure of one or 4 several organs
that prevent the enjoyment of health, quality of life
and well-being. . The objective of this article is to
describe the history and evolution of organ
transplantation and the importance of the nursing
professional role at present.

En Colombia el primer intento de trasplante de

órganos fue realizado en “1963 en el Hospital
San Juan de Dios de Bogotá por los médicos
Enrique Carvajal y Fernando Gómez”. (Bermeo S.,
Ostos H., Cubillos J. 2009), como se menciona
fue el primer intento, un trasplante de riñón sin
éxito pero que dio pie para que en Colombia se
empezara a incursionar en las técnicas y
procedimientos del trasplante de órganos

The importance of organ donation and

transplantation lies in the possibility of
an effective treatment for people who through this
procedure can save their lives
or improve the quality of it, implementing various
strategies allows to reduce the
gap between demand and supply of organs

LAW 1805 OF 2016

Colombia is regulated under Law 1805 of 2016 regarding
the donation of components
anatomical, transplantation and other provisions, the
National Institute of Health is the main
reference and this defines that the following anatomical
components are transplanted: Organs
(heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestine, pancreas), Tissues
(corneas, skin, bones,
bone marrow, blood vessels, heart valves, cartilage,
tendons, sclera, membrane


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