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E sono episodic he fanno male al calcio

Each tongue would for a certainty fall short
By reason of our speech and memory,
That have small room to comprehend so much
If were again assembled all the people
Which formerly upon the fateful land
Of Puglia were lamenting for their blood 334
Shed by the Romans and the lingering war 335
That of the rings made such illustrious spoils, 336
As Livy has recorded, who errs not,
With those who felt the agony of blows
By making counterstand to Robert Guiscard, 337
And all the rest, whose bones are gathered still
At Ceperano, where a renegade 338
333 The Ninth Bolgia, in which are punished the Schismatics, and “where is paid the fee
by those who sowing discord win their burden”; a burden difficult to describe even with
untrammelled words, or in plain prose, free from the fetters of rhyme.
334 Apulia, or La Puglia, is in the southeastern part of Italy, “between the spur and the
heel of the boot.”
335 The people slain in the conquest of Apulia by the Romans.
336 Hannibal’s famous battle at Cannae, in the second Punic war. According to Livy,
XXII. 49, “The number of the slain is computed at forty thousand foot, and two thousand
seven hundred horse.”
337 Robert Guiscard, the renowned Norman conqueror of southern Italy. Dante places
him in the Fifth Heaven of Paradise, in the planet Mars.
338 The battle of Ceperano, near Monte Cassino, was fought in 1265, between Charles
of Anjou and Manfred, king of Apulia and Sicily. The Apulians, seeing the battle going
against them, deserted their king and passed over to the enemy.

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