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Story Structure Outline






Story Structure Outline

1. Opening:

James changes jobs in order to have more time with his family, but his family

does not seem interested in having him round.

2. Exposition

James lives with his wife, Martha and children, Prince and Ruth, in a two

bedroom house in New York City. His wife was working as a hotel manager until

recently when she had to take a break to take care of their newborn baby, Ruth.

3. Conflict

Martha feels that James does not work hard enough to cater for all the family

needs and that life would have been better if she was still working. James tries his best to

provide for his family and spend time with them. Recently, he switched from working at

a local airport because he needed to spend more time with his loved ones. However, his

presence home feels unwelcome because his wife keeps on complaining and nagging him

to be a better man.

4. Rising Action

In an attempt to forget the troubles at home and find company, James turns to

alcohol. Martha continues to nag her husband calling him all sorts of names. She even

claims that she no longer loves him.

5. Climax

One night James gets into a grisly road accident. On receiving the news, Martha is

devastated and rushes to the hospital. While sitting on the bed watching her husband

fight for his life, she is remorseful for being unappreciative and promises him that she

would change if he stays strong for them.

6. Falling action

Three weeks later, James is completely healed and is discharged from the

hospital. James and his wife return to their home. On their way, Martha apologises to her

husband for being unappreciative and promises to be a better wife and mother. On their

arrival home, the children are happy to see their father.

7. Resolution

James returns to work and Martha becomes a supportive wife. The family lives happily

ever after.

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