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Đặt ví dụ cho cấu trúc “Not only…but also ”

1. Not only does playing games too much per day wreak havoc
on teenager’s health, but it also triggers the result of their
2. Not only does going to bed late exert detrimental impacts on
our health,but it’s also a culprit of cancer.
3. Not only does world beauty contest could find the most
beautiful and talent woman, but this contest also brought
much meaningful value to all people in the world.
4. Not only does studying abroad exert positively impacts on
our knowledge and social skills , but it’s also an valuable
chance for us to discover and broaden the vision about new
things in different cultures in different countries.
5. Not only does applying sunscreen everyday could make our
skin more beautiful, but it also protect us from skin cancer
because of toxic sunshine.

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