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1) A.

Recently, academic attention has turned a bit of thought onto zombies as a unique and
interesting modification of classic disease models. As Alemi, Bierbaum, Myers, and
Sethna (2015) added,
Zombies form a wonderful model system to illustrate modern epidemiological
tools drawn from statistical mechanics, computational chemistry, and
mathematical modeling. They also form an ideal vehicle for public outreach. (p.
Alemi et. al (2015) further noted that there have been published works regarding
zombism that will provide knowledge and insights to be used in terms of politics and
social dynamics.

B. Paraphrasing
Alemi et. al (2015) stated that it is noteworthy to use zombies as models in simulating a
nationwide outbreak because of their great model structure in demonstrating models in
mathematics, computational chemistry, and illustrating devices in modern epidemiology
taken from statistical mechanics. In addition, zombies form a perfect vehicle for public
engagement. It is also further noted that there have been published works regarding
zombism that will provide knowledge and insights to be used in terms of politics and
social dynamics.

2) A. Quotation
Alemi, Bierbaum, Myers, and Sethna (2015) introduce the SZR model. “There are three
compartments in the model: S represents the susceptible population, the uninfected
humans, Z represents the infected state, zombies, and R represents our removed state,
in this case zombies that have been terminated by humans …” (p. 1). Basically, Alemi
et. al (2015) was saying that in order to determine the survival of humanity, it is
necessary to have statistical methods and zombie model that will describe and analyze
the speed of virus infection.

B. Alemi et. al (2015) explained the meaning of the SZR model. Given the name
SZR, it is a three-part model: S embodies the vulnerable humans which are not yet
infected, Z embodies the zombies, those that were infected, and R embodies the
removed state, those zombies that were killed by humans (p. 1). Basically, Alemi et. al
(2015) was saying that in order to determine the survival of humanity, it is necessary to
have statistical methods and zombie model that will describe and analyze the speed of
virus infection.
3) A. Quotation
According to Alemi, Bierbaum, Myers, and Sethna (2015), “After four weeks, much of
the United States has fallen, but it takes a very long time for the zombies to diffuse and
capture the remaining portions of the United States” (p. 9). In other words, Alemi et. al
(2015) believed that it will take more than four weeks before zombies take over the
entire United States which gives sufficient time in the development and distribution of
effective vaccine.

B. Paraphrasing
Alemi et. al (2015) predicted that after a month, most parts of the United States has
fallen, but it will take the zombies plenty of time for them to spread and to fully seize the
remaining sections of the United States (p. 9). In other words, Alemi et. al (2015)
believed that it will take more than four weeks before zombies take over the entire
United States which gives sufficient time in the development and distribution of effective

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