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NIM: PO0220220033


I. Explain briefly the main organs (6) of our respiratory

Here are the human respiratory sistem :

1) Nasal Cavity

 The first human respiratory organ is the nasal cavity. The nose consists of the nostrils
and nasal cavity. Inside the nasal cavity are nasal hairs and mucous membranes.
 Nasal hairs function to filter air so that dirt does not enter the respiratory tract. And
the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity is useful for regulating air temperature and
humidity according to the body.
 In the nasal cavity, the incoming air undergoes three processes, namely air filtration,
air heating and air humidity regulation. The nasal cavity also has the ends of the
olfactory nerve.
2) Base of Throat (Larynx)

 The second human respiratory organ is the larynx. The larynx serves to attach the
membranes or vocal cords.
3) Trachea (Throat)

 The trachea is located in front of the esophagus and is made up of ring-shaped

cartilage. While talking, the valve in the trachea closes so that the food passage closes
and the respiratory tract opens. And when you are swallowing the valve opens then
the food channel opens and the respiratory tract closes.
4) Bronchi (Throat Branch)

 Bronchi are human respiratory organs in the form of a throat that connects between
the trachea and lungs.
5) Bronchioles (Branches of the Throat)
 Bronchioles are the bronchial branches that are in the lungs. The bronchioles of the
right lung have three lobes and the left lung have two lobes.
6) Lungs

 The last human respiratory organ is the lungs. The lungs are located in the chest
cavity of humans. The lungs consist of bronchioles, branches of the bronchi and
alveoli which are the ends of the bronchi that function as a place for oxygen and
carbon dioxide exchange.

II. Complete the following sentence by using (enough+ noun) or ( adjective + enough)

1) There aren't enough cars for all us to go

2) That excuse isn't good enough
3) You don't have enough money to pay your school fee
4) She should be strong enough to get out of bed in a few days
5) My score on the exam was good enough to qualify me for graduate

III. Answers

1) The wards obtain sterile equipments in sterile packs from the CSSD.
2) Disposable equipment is often contained in these packs, and after use is discarded.
3) Non-disposable equipment is sent back to the CSSD for re-sterilization
4) The following items are normally included in the basic dressing pack: four cotton
wool swabs, two dressing towels, four pieces of folded gauze and two gallipots.
5) The sterile equipment is put on the top shelf, and the sterile equipment is put on the
bottom shelf
6) She go to the central sterile supply department (CSSD)
7) She take the patient to hospital
8) Jane working this month in central sterile supply department
9) At the poso public hospital
10) The patient in the rose room
11) Doing English assignments from the lecturer
12) The staff nurse explain briefly the main organs of our respiratory sistem
IV. Answers

Jika ada anggota keluarga yang mengalami gejala COVID-19, segera ke fasilitas pelayanan
kesehatan untuk pemeriksaan PCR Swab, kemudian harus diisolasi hingga dinyatakan negatif
COVID-19. Kemudian Anggota keluarga yang memenuhi kriteria kontak dekat harus
menjalani karantina selama 14 (empat belas) hari dan tidak diwajibkan untuk melakukan
pemeriksaan PCR Swab. Untuk kontak dekat yang mendapatkan hasil negatif setelah
pemeriksaan PCR Swab, mereka tetap diwajibkan untuk menyelesaikan karantina selama 14
hari. Jika selama masa karantina muncul gejala COVID-19 (demam, batuk, pilek, radang
tenggorokan, dan sesak napas), maka segera periksakan ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan.
Karantina sendiri dapat berakhir jika sudah dinyatakan lengkap oleh tenaga kesehatan.

If there are family members who experience symptoms of COVID-19, immediately go to a

health care facility for a PCR Swab examination, then they must be isolated until they test
negative for COVID-19. Then family members who meet the criteria for close contact must
undergo quarantine for 14 (fourteen) days and are not required to undergo PCR Swab
examinations. For close contacts who get negative results after the PCR Swab examination,
they are still required to complete the 14-day quarantine. If during the quarantine period,
symptoms of COVID-19 appear (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and shortness of
breath), then immediately consult a health service facility. Self-quarantine can end if it is
declared complete by health personnel. .

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