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Code Stars is a short film showing how the children of today has a little knowledge of

what is computer programming or who is a computer programmer. Basically, computer

programming is explaining to a computer what you want it to do for you and computer
programmer is what people called to the person who commands the computer by creating and
sending codes. Computer programming is also another way of showing creativity where the only
limit is your imagination. This is a skill that doesn’t need for one person to be a genius, he just
need to be determined.
Being in the 21st century where everything requires some form of programming and
where we all depend on technology, we can really tell that there is or there will be a shortage of
computer programmer in the world in the near future. If I remember it correctly, one of the
interviewee said that creating and understanding code can be nearly described as a superpower
and the programmers of tomorrow can be called as a wizard of the future; that is how powerful
computer programmer is - being able to understand the language of the computer. It also shows
in the short film that creating a code can’t do magic within 24hrs a day or 3 weeks, the magic
and success happens when all are collaborating, working and on the same page. After watching
the short film, it really inspires me to work and study harder for me to have a great impact to our
society by starting on small details.

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