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JULY 2021

Compiled by IIIT-H, on behalf of T-Incubators-Accelerators group, Hyderabad


This report profiles the AI startups in Hyderabad based upon a survey of various
incubators, accelerators, and startup programs in the city. Startups that are either
based or are a part of a medium- term program in the city have been considered.
The startups have been analyzed to present a view of the AI innovation ecosystem in
the city.







Artificial Intelligence is developing fast. It is changing our lives in several walks from healthcare
to agriculture to manufacturing and even media and sports; in ways that we can only begin to
imagine. Hyderabad has emerged as a hotspot for AI powered innovation, building upon
the foundation of its thriving IT industry and its 750k tech workforce, further amplified by the
robust research institutions like IIIT, IIT, BITS, UoH and others known for their Computer
Sciences and Math research groups. Actively supported by a very vibrant startup ecosystem.

This report summarizes the survey of AI startups in Hyderabad, profiling the same by different
dimensions and also listing the startups uncovered through this exercise.

Profile of AI Startups
The startups have been profiled by key dimensions that include- domain, technology, team,
research base, founders background and stage.

Startups by Domain

The startups are transecting through several domains; although conventionally the Tech
platforms are the most common. “Medtech” in particular holds tremendous potential given that
Hyderabad is home to several life sciences research institutions like CCMB, IKP & UoH and
being a prominent hub of pharma research and manufacturing and several elite hospital
chains, a consolidated push is being provided to Medtech Manufacturing Park.
Defense & Aerospace manufacturing is another upcoming strong domain with the city
becoming a major defense/aerospace research and manufacturing center. A lot of AI startups
are also focusing on the Agriculture domain helping the yields to flourish and grow. Focus on
manufacturing has also been increasing steadily and Edtech has seen a sudden surge due to
online educational platforms.

Startups by Technology

AI has substantially enhanced various aspects like Natural language processing, Computer
Vision, Predictive analytics to name a few. For instance, multiple startups have been using
computer vision to diagnose lung disorders, skin problems and a few companies have even
designed technology to detect the presence of cancerous cells with the aid of AI. All these
startups duly tick the major check boxes of cost, pain and time reduction.

Since the advent of incessant lockdowns lead to a heightened viewership in OTT platforms,
subsequently optimized recommendation systems and related technologies have increased
immensely. Online assistance systems have also seen a boost, enabling the customers with
24 hours of customer service augmenting the overall user experience. Text analytics has seen
a boom in recent years as the documentation online needs to have proper validation and
security. Robotics companies are the youngest in this sphere.

Startups by Technology
AI CV ML NLP Robotics
Startup’s Incubation base

Universities/ educational institutions are not only helping the youngsters in setting up new
companies but are also helping their companies incubate and eventually take off. These
incubation centers are hence ultimately significantly contributing to the entire national startup
ecosystem. The growth of companies under the aegis of such educational institutes can be
seen distinctly. The chart (Incubation base) depicts the above-mentioned institutes/ incubation

Startups by Founder’s University

The background of a person undeniably has an impact on the founder’s motivations and the
place of graduation does influence the products, way of pitching and predominantly the
network the founder has. Local top ranked universities are very clearly playing a pivotal role
in propelling their students to attain expertise along with IITs, IIMs, ISBs. The graphical plot
below represents the age of companies that have been started by the founders against the
university they have graduated from.
Startups by Founder's University

Startups by Team size

Size of the team is a direct indicator of the size of the company, many times. The size of the
company could also reveal the stage of the fund raised. There is a high probability of investors
being impressed with the size and strength of the team.

Startups by Size
1 to 10 101 to 200 11 to 50 201 to 500 51 to 100

Startups by Stage

In the ecosystem, a myriad number of companies are in seed stage but there are also a
significant number of companies which have recently received venture capital, angel or pre
angel stage funding. The presence of only a few handful companies in pre seed level is
commendable and demonstrates the actual progress.
Summary & Next steps

It clearly shows that Hyderabad has emerged as an AI Hub with more startups adding every

This report is an effort of vibrant incubator and accelerator ecosystem of Hyderabad. An

updated report will be published later this year with new AI startup listing. In parallel, an effort
along with MietY, GOI may be started to profile AI startups across the country.

If you know of any AI startup, please do share with us in the form below: AI startups in

Profile of AI Startups at Hyderabad

Startup Domain Tech Age Size (significant) Stage
Venture Capital
MLIT Agri tech CV 7 1 to 10 IIIT H (Scale)
AspireBuzz TechPlatforms ML 5 11 to 50 T-hub Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
A-Eye Edtech CV 5 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Abda Digital TechPlatforms ML 6 11 to 50 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Actlogica TechPlatforms ML 6 11 to 50 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
Acuwin Fintech ML 5 51 to 100 T-hub mon/early revenue) TechPlatforms AI 3 1 to 10 T-hub Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Shrewdify TechPlatforms AI 7 51 to 100 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Venture Capital
KeyPoint Tech TechPlatforms AI 17 101 to 200 T-hub (Scale)
Venture Capital
Credit Vidya Fintech AI 9 51 to 100 Others (Scale)
Venture Capital
Quantela Others AI 6 101 to 200 T-hub (Scale)
Venture Capital
Practically Edtech ML 4 201 to 500 Others (Scale)
Venture Capital
Joveo Fintech ML 5 51 to 100 Others (Scale)
Seed Stage (<9
Reqall TechPlatforms AI 14 11 to 50 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Venture Capital
3loq Others ML 9 11 to 50 T-hub (Scale)
Seed Stage (<9
ZestIoT Others CV 4 11 to 50 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
SetuServ Others ML 9 51 to 100 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Vitwit TechPlatforms AI 6 11 to 50 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Nuacem AI pvt ltd TechPlatforms ML 3 11 to 50 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
Innovius Global TechPlatforms AI 7 201 to 500 Others mon/early revenue)
iSpatial Techno Angel Stage (<30
Solutions TechPlatforms AI 11 101 to 200 Others mon/early scale)
Pre-Angel (<18
Helical IT Solutions TechPlatforms ML 9 51 to 100 Others mon/early revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Intuceo TechPlatforms AI 6 51 to 100 Others mon/pre-revenue)
answerwise TechPlatforms AI 4 11 to 50 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Docturnal Medtech AI 5 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Fabulyst Fintech AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Imaginate TechPlatforms AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Indriyn TechPlatforms ML 6 11 to 50 UOH mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Nicheai TechPlatforms AI 5 1 to 10 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Onward assist Medtech CV 4 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Psynapce Medtech AI 4 1 to 10 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Qalaxia Edtech AI 3 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Rayd8 Medtech AI 4 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
RevOs SmartCities AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Thanos Manufacturing CV 5 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Authbase TechPlatforms AI 4 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Enmovil TechPlatforms AI 6 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Gayam Motor Pre-Angel (<18
works SmartCities AI 11 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/early revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Smatbot TechPlatforms AI 6 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
TRI3D Others AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Angel Stage (<30
Endless Robotics Manufacturing AI 6 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/early scale)
Angel Stage (<30
Dream vu Manufacturing AI 4 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/early scale)
Seed Stage (<9
Metafact Others NLP 4 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Venture Capital
Mashinga TechPlatforms AI 5 1 to 10 IIIT H (Scale)
Pre-Angel (<18
Kenyt AI TechPlatforms AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/early revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
predible Health Medtech AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Agilitix Ai TechPlatforms AI 4 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Ai Bridge ML TechPlatforms AI 2 11 to 50 Others Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
ThynkBlynk TechPlatforms AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Brontobyte Seed Stage (<9
analytics TechPlatforms AI 5 11 to 50 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Manjeera Digital Seed Stage (<9
Systems Manufacturing AI 10 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
varaince ai Others CV 5 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Spaikaven TechPlatforms AI 4 1 to 10 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Pinoty Medtech CV 4 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Intellibot Manufacturing CV 6 11 to 50 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Hug innovations Manufacturing AI 7 11 to 50 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Voxta TechPlatforms NLP 12 11 to 50 Nasscom mon/pre-revenue)
Venture Capital
Blaize TechPlatforms NLP 11 51 to 100 Others (Scale)
Seed Stage (<9 TechPlatforms ML 4 11 to 50 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Chitmonks Fintech ML 5 11 to 50 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
AAIC technologies Angel Stage (<30
Private limited Edtech AI 4 101 to 200 T-hub mon/early scale)
NTWIST TechPlatforms AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Aindra TechPlatforms AI 9 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Venture Capital
Nextbillion TechPlatforms NLP 1 51 to 100 Others (Scale)
Seed Stage (<9
Thirdleap Edtech AI 6 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Futuristic labs Others AI 4 1 to 10 Others Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
3RDi TechPlatforms AI 2 11 to 50 Others mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Xmachines Agri tech Robotics 4 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Bariflolabs Agri tech Robotics 3 11 to 50 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9 Medtech CV 3 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
answerwise TechPlatforms AI 3 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Eskin doctor Medtech AI 1 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Hbots robotics Manufacturing Robotics 3 1 to 10 T-hub mon/pre-revenue)
Angel Stage (<30
Banyannation Others ML 8 51 to 100 T-hub mon/early scale)
nemocare Medtech ML 4 1 to 10 Nasscom Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Agrima Others AI 3 1 to 10 Nasscom mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Turbohire TechPlatforms NLP 3 11 to 50 Dlab mon/pre-revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
Lotus dew Fintech ML 2 11 to 50 Dlab mon/early revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
Innodatatics TechPlatforms ML 8 51 to 100 Dlab mon/early revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
Alog TechPlatforms ML 5 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/early revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Apxor TechPlatforms ML 6 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Nexivo consulting TechPlatforms AI 4 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
vidcentum TechPlatforms AI 12 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Scholr Edtech AI 6 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Angel Stage (<30
Finoramic Fintech NLP 4 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/early scale)
Seed Stage (<9
MPATT TechPlatforms ML 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Thoughniques TechPlatforms AI 6 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Algoleap Seed Stage (<9
Technologies TechPlatforms AI 4 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
proxzar TechPlatforms AI 3 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Milkorwater TechPlatforms ML 10 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Froogal TechPlatforms AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
mobiport TechPlatforms AI 5 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
PerspectAI Edtech AI 4 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Technologies Edtech ML 7 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Perceptive Seed Stage (<9
analytics Fintech ML 15 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
Thrymr Manufacturing ML 9 101 to 200 IIIT H mon/early revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
ValueaddSoftTech TechPlatforms AI 7 51 to 100 IIIT H mon/early revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Alphamu TechPlatforms AI 5 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Adromeida Manufacturing AI 3 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
FrejunHR TechPlatforms ML 5 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Pre-Angel (<18
GRK Technologies TechPlatforms AI 5 51 to 100 IIIT H mon/early revenue)
Seed Stage (<9 TechPlatforms AI 1 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Phoxel Seed Stage (<9
Technologies TechPlatforms AI 5 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue) TechPlatforms AI 3 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Pre-Angel (<18
Reniac TechPlatforms AI 8 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/early revenue) Others AI 2 1 to 10 IIIT H Pre-Seed (< 3 months)
Seed Stage (<9
Seagence TechPlatforms AI 4 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Daveai TechPlatforms AI 5 11 to 50 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Seed Stage (<9
Iphawk TechPlatforms AI 4 1 to 10 IIIT H mon/pre-revenue)
Qstatix Pvt Ltd Medtech AI 4 1 to 10 AIC-CCMB Pre-seed Stage
Empiezo IT
Solutions Pvt Ltd TechPlatform AI 5 11 to 50 AIC-CCMB Revenue generation
Zedblox Logitech
Pvt. Ltd. MedTech AI 3 1 To 10 AIC-CCMB Seed fund
Avyantra Health
Technologies Pvt
Ltd MedTech AI 4 1 to 10 AIC-CCMB Seed fund
Abga Bio Pharma
Pvt Ltd Medtech AI 2 1 to 10 AIC-CCMB Pre-seed
Pratibha Healthkon
Pvt Ltd Medtech AI 6 1 to 10 AIC-CCMB Pre-seed
Sparcolife Digital
Technologies Medtech AI 1 1 to 10 AIC-CCMB Pre-seed

If you know of any startup, please do share with us in the form below: AI startups in

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