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Chord Progressions

Roman numerals in music

Because all the note-to-note relationships in music are permanent, you can use
symbols as a time-saving shorthand to understand how chords work in your music.

Roman numerals are the symbols most commonly used to describe how chords
work within keys. Keys in music are sets of notes built on repeating patterns—think
major and minor.

Large Roman numerals like the I, IV and V represent major chords. The smaller
ones, like i, iv and v represent minor chords, and that small one at the end with the
circle next to it represents a diminished chord.

As you can see from the handy chart, if we’re using C major as an example, our
simple progression would look like this:


This example shows you chords in the key of C, but this group of chords is found in
every other major key as well.
Chords in minor key
The Roman numeral sequence for chords in minor keys look like this:

Let’s use A minor this time. Your chord progression in A minor would look
like this:


The sequence of chords in minor keys has the same types of chords as
majors but in a different order.
Popular Chord Progressions

1. I-V-vi-IV

e.g. C: |C Major |G Major |A minor |F Major |

So many songs are based on the same common chord progressions. This
progression is called “the most popular progression”.

2. I, IV and V

e.g. C: |C Major |F Major |G Major |

I, IV and V are the basic building blocks for chord progressions in western music.
You’ll find these chords playing an important role in every single style of popular
The reason why has to do with functional harmony.
I, IV and V are the simplest versions of the main chord categories in tonal music—
tonic, pre-dominant and dominant.
Moving from one to the other and back again is how you create the sense of tension
and release that gives chord progressions their forward momentum.

I, IV and V are the basic building blocks for chord progressions in western music.
There’s almost too many songs to count that include these chords in their

3. ii-V-I

e.g. C: |D minor 7 |G Dominant 7 |C Major 7 |

Some chord progressions are closely associated with specific genres.
The ii-V-I progression is the backbone of almost all of the standard tunes in jazz.
It’s so important that it appears in different forms in the best jazz chord progressions.
Even if you’re not into jazz, these timeless harmonic patterns are important to know.
Many modern genres have a strong influence from jazz harmony. Whether it’s R&B,
neo-soul or hip-hop, the ii-V-I is an essential sound. Many modern genres have a
strong influence from jazz harmony
4. 12 Bar Blues

Speaking of genre progressions, the 12 bar blues is another essential chord

sequence that comes from a distinct style.
It forms the basic sound of blues music but it appears in many different genres too.
Depending on how you use it, the 12 bar blues can even sound more “happy” than

5. I-vi-IV-V

e.g. C: |C Major |A minor |F Major |G Major |

This common chord progression is associated with the classic love songs and do-
wop tunes of the 50s, but it shows up all over music history.
It features smooth motion from the tonic to the sixth in the first half that provides a
great blank canvas for vocal melodies.
Each chord after that adds to the compelling arc this progression makes as it cycles
back to the tonic.

6. Canon

e.g. C: 1 |C Major |G Major |A minor |E minor |

C: 5 |F Major |C Major |F Major |G Major |

This chord pattern comes from one of the most enduring progressions in classical
The secret of this progression is how it visits so many different chords in the key
before moving gracefully back to the tonic.
It has a dignified yet affecting sound that’s popular for formal occasions like
weddings and commencements.
7. I-bVII-I

e.g. C: |C Major |Bb Major |C Major |

This is less of a chord progression and more of a harmonic technique that’s often
found in rock and pop songs.
One easy way to keep a song centered but still moving forward is to simplify the
harmony, like in this “progression” that moves from the tonic to bVII and back again.
bVII is a borrowed chord from the natural minor scale, but it feels familiar because
it’s only a whole step away from the tonic.
bVII adds satisfying color to a progression because of its association with
the Mixolydian mode.
Mixolydian is a very common sound in rock music.

Chord chemistry
Chord progressions are one of the most important concepts to learn in music theory.

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