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Name: Joselle P.

Caligner Date: August 12, 2021

College/Program: BS Civil Engineering/Structural Time/Schedule: 4:30-5:30/ M-Sat

1. Patterns in nature and the Golden Ratio were introduced to me. I just realized that whether it is a
non-living or living thing every creature has its natural patterns including the golden ratio. Everything is
math and it is all around us, helping us to understand the world properly and specifically. If you live in a
statistically focused atmosphere, it's like walking through an art gallery with your eyes closed.

2. It seems to me that mathematics can helps us develop our problem-solving skills. Creative thinking
refers to the ability to think critically about the environment around us. Analytical and reasoning skills
are valuable because it helps us to solve different complicated problems we encounter. Mathematics is
just useful as it is used from technology, nature even in our daily lives and so on. We also have the
ability to think logically about the situation called reasoning.

3. In connection from the story to Mathematics, inductive and deductive reasoning was used in the
story. Those blind men create conclusions with their reasons by touching the elephant. Thus, you can’t
prove a thing without seeing it by using your point of view and without stating the facts. In addition,
mathematics observes deeper vision and realities rather than fortune-telling.

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