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19-4-2021 WRITING TASK



My COVID’s story

I woke up wanting to continue sleeping. Who, me? Yes, and who else?! But it’s inevitable, I have

never felt like this, I didn’t smell anything and the breakfast I ate did not taste anything either ... for

that reason I went to the hospital, a doctor treated me, and he asked me how I felt. I told him how I

felt and then he checked my body and he saw that I had a rash and it scratched me a lot. I didn’t

want to believe my family when they told me to take care of myself, not to go out, to comply with

the quarantine... When my friends found out about the subject, they asked me, do you feel good?

Who infected you? When did you catch it? There were many questions that I was very sorry

because it was me, but COVID taught me to value and take care of myself, because if I don't, then

who else would do it for me?

This story has a happy ending, I was cared for by my family, I was fed by my family, I do not break

the rules again, as this taught me that tomorrow I could lose my life in just one minute.

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