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Thermoregulation: Advances in Preterm Infants

Smita Roychoudhury, MBBS, MD,* Kamran Yusuf, MD

*Department of Pediatrics, Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada

Practice Gaps
1. Thermoregulation of preterm infants is often overlooked, precipitating
2. Clinicians should understand the morbidities and the mortality associated
with hypothermia in preterm infants.
3. Clinicians should be able to plan appropriate management to prevent
hypothermia after birth and beyond.

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Describe the mechanisms of heat production and heat loss in neonates,

and why preterm infants are more susceptible.
2. Identify the conditions leading to hypothermia in preterm infants and its
3. Recognize the different ways of preventing hypothermia in preterm neonates.


Newborns must undergo many adaptations after delivery to adjust to extrauterine

life. One of the paramount adjustments is the need to rapidly increase body
temperature, and strive to accommodate to an environment colder than that of the
prenatal milieu. The temperature of a fetus is 0.9°F (0.5°C) above the maternal
temperature but within a few minutes after birth, the neonatal core temperature
begins to fall. (1) Keeping newborns warm, especially preterm infants, can be
challenging. Preterm infants can be characterized as inefficient homeotherms.
Although they do have an initial appropriate response to a decrease in environ- AUTHOR DISCLOSURE Drs Roychoudhury
mental temperatures, the effect is limited, placing the preterm infant at high risk and Yusuf have disclosed no financial
relationships relevant to this article. This
for hypothermia with all of its associated complications. commentary does not contain a discussion of
Budin (2) and Silverman, pioneers in the field of neonatology, had observed an unapproved/investigative use of a
significant mortality among low-birthweight infants who were hypothermic on commercial product/device.
admission to the nursery and in the first few days after birth. (3) They noted a
striking improvement in survival rates if infants were cared for in warm NTE neutral thermal environment
environments, especially in the first 5 days after birth. Budin found a significant T3 thyroxine
difference in mortality based on the temperature of newborns at the time of T4 triiodothyronine

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admission to the NICU. In this study, the mortality rate in with adults, in whom shivering provides a mode of heat
neonates weighing less than 2,000 g was as high as 98% if production. Nonshivering mechanisms involve chemical
their admission temperature was less than 89.6°F (32°C); thermogenesis, which depends on brown fat.
90% if the admission temperatures were between 89.6°F During the initial neonatal response to cool external
and 95°F (between 32°C and 35°C); and decreased to 23% if temperatures, thermoreceptors on the newborn’s skin are
temperatures were maintained above 95°F (35°C). More stimulated, initiating nonshivering thermogenesis. Norepi-
recent studies have reported that each decrease in admis- nephrine is released from the abundant nerves of the brown
sion temperature by 1°C below 36°C is associated with a fat, resulting in vasoconstriction and increased metabolism.
mortality increase of 28%. (4) As a result of this association, Simultaneously, stimulation of sympathetic pathways induces
admission temperatures have become an integral compo- a surge in thyrotropin that leads to release of thyroxine (T4)
nent of the mortality prediction scores, such as the Clinical and triiodothyronine (T3). T3 causes upregulation of the
Risk Index for Babies and Score for Neonatal Acute Phys- uncoupling protein called thermogenin that causes the un-
iology. Hypothermia after delivery is also associated with an coupling of mitochondrial oxidation and phosphorylation.
increased risk of respiratory distress syndrome, hypogly- Thermogenin, similar to norepinephrine, acts on brown fat
cemia, pulmonary hemorrhage, and sepsis. to initiate chemical thermogenesis, and heat is produced by
The World Health Organization and other scientific orga- fatty acid oxidation and uncoupling of adenosine triphosphate
nizations have recommended that axillary temperature be formation. Thus, in contrast to white fat, the energy that is
maintained between 97.7°F and 99.5°F (between 36.5°C and generated by brown fat cannot be stored but instead is used to
37.5°C) among newborns. (5)(6) The American Academy of increase the newborn’s body temperature.
Pediatrics advocates for a goal temperature of 97.7°F (36.5°C) Brown fat is highly vascularized, almost 4 to 6 times
for preterm infants during resuscitation because they are more than white fat, with many mitochondria, lipid mole-
prone to both hypothermia (while being dried) and hyper- cules, and numerous capillaries that lead to the character-
thermia (when resuscitated in plastic wraps along with exo- istic “brown” color. Brown fat is found in the neck, axilla,
thermic mattresses). (7) However, despite recent advances intrascapular regions, and the mediastinum surrounding
and breakthroughs, neonatal hypothermia continues to be a the vasculature and major organs, as well as near the kidneys
significant challenge, especially in the extremely preterm and adrenal glands. Brown fat may be present as early as 25
population. Extreme preterm births constitute about 1% of weeks of gestation and disappears by 9 months of age.
all live births but comprise almost half of all infant deaths. (8) Brown fat constitutes about 1% to 2% of body weight in a
At the turn of the century, landmark studies revealed that as preterm infant and term infants have the most amount of
many as 40% of extremely preterm infants had temperatures brown fat, constituting 4% of their body weight. When
less than 95°F (35°C) at the time of NICU admission. (9)(10) brown fat is metabolized, the heat that is produced warms
Recent innovations notwithstanding, an organized approach the organs and blood directly, leading to an elevation in body
needs to be taken to reduce the burden of hypothermia. temperature. Brown fat is ultimately converted to glucose
and oxygen. Once brown fat is depleted, it cannot be replaced.
The fetus has limited capability of regulating its own tem-
perature. The fetus has an elevated metabolic rate, almost
twice that of the pregnant woman. At equilibrium, the fetus’ Compared with term infants, preterm infants are at higher
temperature is 0.9°F (0.5°C) higher than that of its mother. risk for hypothermia because of several unique characteristics
Thus, the net flow of heat is from the fetus to the pregnant (Table 1). Preterm infants can only maintain core tempera-
woman, mostly through the placenta, and to some extent, tures in a narrow range of environmental temperatures. They
through the skin. (11) have a greater ratio of skin surface to body weight, almost 4
Newborns of most mammalian species are unique. They times that of adults, compared with term infants, who have a
are unable to shiver in cold environments, though they show ratio 3 times that of adults. This larger skin surface area leads
an increase in oxygen consumption as well as heat produc- to more radiant heat loss and eventually, more insensible
tion. After birth, with the rapid fall in surrounding tem- losses. Transepidermal water loss varies inversely with the
peratures, a newborn must rely primarily on nonshivering gestational age; preterm infants can lose as much as 15 times
mechanisms to maintain body temperature. This contrasts more water per kilogram of body weight compared with term

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of heat loss occurring immediately after birth in both term
TABLE 1. Preterm Infant Susceptibility to and preterm infants and in the first few weeks after birth in
Hypothermia preterm infants, especially those born before 28 weeks of
gestation. Heat loss can occur soon after delivery or later
1. Large head and greater ratio of skin surface to body weight
during bathing or from wet linens or clothing. Evaporative
2. Less subcutaneous fat and thinner skin with more transepidermal
losses can be enormous and may total up to 200 kcal/kg per
water losses
minute. (18)(19) Radiant heat loss occurs when infants are
3. Decreased ability to maintain flexed posture
near but not in direct contact with cold surfaces, such as cold
4. Less amount of brown fat and glycogen stores sides of the incubator or cold walls in the surroundings. This
5. Low levels of thermogenin and 5’3’ monodeiodinase is the predominant route of heat loss in preterm infants of
6. Lower surge of thyrotropin more than 28 weeks’ gestation and term infants. Heat loss
via conduction occurs when infants are in direct contact with
7. Greater likelihood of hypoxemia in preterm infants, which can
impair brown fat metabolism cold surfaces, such as cold weighing scales or a cold mat-
tress. Convective heat loss occurs when cold air flows
through open doors or from air conditioners. Because infant
neonates. Because sweat glands are not functional in preterm mortality can be as high as 98% if an infant’s core temper-
infants, vasodilation is inefficient. (3) ature falls below 89.6°F (32°C), (2) strategies to prevent heat
Brown fat may not be well-developed until 26 to 30 loss need to be applied (Table 2).
weeks of gestation. Even the usual surge observed in the
thyrotropin levels after birth is low, especially in infants
born before 30 weeks of gestation. Hypoxemia is also
known to impair brown fat metabolism, and because Maintaining a Neutral Thermal Environment at and
many preterm infants have a delay in transition, hypo- Around Birth
thermia risk is greater. (17)(18)(19) Maintaining preterm infants in a neutral thermal environment
(NTE) is crucial for their well-being. The NTE denotes envi-
ronmental conditions at which metabolic demands are min-
imal; it is not a fixed range of temperatures but instead, varies
with the age of the newborn, as well as gestational age and
There is a close association among temperature mainte- birthweight. (3)(11)(20) When environmental temperatures
nance, oxygen consumption, and glucose utilization. (18) fall below the NTE, metabolic demands increase. This then
(19) Cold stress leads to increased oxygen consumption, leads to increased oxygen consumption. If this cascade con-
which can result in tissue hypoxia and metabolic acidosis. tinues, compensatory mechanisms are exhausted and
Metabolic acidosis can, in turn, inhibit the formation of eventually, the infant’s temperature begins to decrease.
surfactant. The norepinephrine that is released from brown Hypothermia can be classified based on core temperatures as
fat can cause systemic and pulmonary vasoconstriction. follows:
Pulmonary vasoconstriction can lead to increased pulmo- • Cold stress (96.8°F–97.5°F [36°C–36.4°C])
nary vascular resistance with decreased oxygen delivery to • Moderate hypothermia (89.6°F–96.6°F [32°C–35.9°C])
the cells and tissues. Hypothermia can lead to increased • Severe hypothermia (<89.6°F [32°C]).
glucose consumption, and can result in exhaustion of Clinical providers should attempt to obtain normal new-
glycogen stores. Increased insensible heat loss can lead to born temperatures by starting with the maintenance of
dehydration, fluid electrolyte imbalance, hypotension, irri- normal maternal temperatures before delivery. In a recent
tability, and poor feeding. Untreated hypothermia eventually study by de Almeida et al, 30% of pregnant women were
leads to altered physiology and may cause seizure activity or found to have temperatures below 96.8°F (36°C), and up to
even death. To prevent these morbidities, it is imperative to 44% and 51% of newborns born preterm were found to be
recognize cold stress as soon as possible. less than 96.8°F (36°C) at 5 minutes of age and at the time of
NICU admission, respectively. (21) Hospitals should optimize
the ambient temperature of delivery rooms. The International
Liaison Committee on Resuscitation recommends room
An infant can lose heat to the surroundings by 4 distinct temperatures of 78.8°F (26°C) for anticipated preterm births
routes (Table 2). (14) Evaporation is the most common route and 75.2°F to 77°F (24°C–25°C) for term infants. (22) The

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TABLE 2. Different Routes of Heat Loss in Preterm Infants

Evaporation Wet skin and hair after birth or after a bath • Keep the infant and clothing dry • Most important route of heat loss in
extremely preterm infants less than
28 weeks’ gestation
Wet clothes and skin after emesis • Dry the infant immediately after delivery • High loss in extremely preterm
infants due to immature skin
Wet diaper • Place preterm or small-for–gestational • Even when dry, evaporative loss
age infant in occlusive wrap/bag at continues, especially if low
delivery humidity environment
Insensible water loss from lungs and skin • Delay bath until temperature is stable
• Place infant in an environment with 60%
humidity (will substantially decrease
evaporative losses)
Radiation Cold walls near infant but not in direct • Avoid placement of incubators or • Most important route of heat loss in
contact with infant bassinets near cold windows or air preterm infants greater than 28
conditioners weeks’ gestation
Cold doors and windows nearby • Place a hat on the infant’s head • Initially low route of heat loss in
extremely low birthweight (ELBW)
• Place extremely preterm infant in bag or • Gradually increase radiant heat loss
surround with plastic wrap with age, becoming the most
important route of heat loss after
first postnatal week in ELBW infants
• Increase environmental temperature
• Use double-walled incubators

Conduction Contact with cold objects such as scales or • Place a warm diaper or blanket between • Proportional to the temperature
cold blanket the infant and cold surfaces differential between infant and
• Place infant on prewarmed table at object
time of delivery
• Warm all objects that are in contact
with the infant
• Hold infant skin to skin
• Use exothermic mattress

Convection Draft of air from open doors • Place preterm infant in incubator
Draft from air conditioners • Keep portholes of the incubator closed
• Warm all inspired air
• Use servo control for skin temperature

Neonatal Resuscitation Program recommends that delivery warm blankets, covering an infant’s head with a hat, and
room temperatures should be between 73.4°F and 77°F drying can reduce heat losses immediately after birth.
(between 23°C and 25°C). This range of delivery room tem-
peratures has been perceived to be helpful in maintaining Incubators and Radiant Warmers
neonatal temperatures immediately after birth. Credit for the use of modern-day incubators is attributed to
Delayed cord clamping has become increasingly common. Budin and his associates, though the concept of an incu-
Though concerns have been expressed over maintaining an bator to provide warmth to fragile newborns may have been
infant’s temperature during delayed cord clamping, a 2008 conceived as early as the mid-19th century. (3)(11) The incu-
systematic review found that infants had higher temperatures bator has revolutionized the management of hypothermia,
if cord clamping was delayed; however, findings were not significantly reducing neonatal mortality and morbidity.
statistically significant. (23) Budin designed incubators with an emphasis on mon-
The use of warm weighing scales and blankets in the itoring the environmental temperature with a provision of
delivery room helps prevent any conductive and convective unidirectional flow of air that gets heated. (3) Subsequently,
heat losses. Approaches such as wrapping a newborn in in the 1950s, as described by Korones, Silverman and Blanc

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demonstrated that maintaining body temperature through Incubators have undergone multiple modifications over
control of the thermal environment significantly reduced the past decades to attempt to reduce the spread of bacteria.
mortality in low-birthweight infants. They reported that Filters and use of sterile water have been incorporated, and
higher humidity was associated with higher temperatures, water is heated and evaporated as an additional measure to
which improved survival. (3) When humidity was control- kill all pathogens.
led, the resulting incubator temperatures were 2°C warmer.
The impact was most pronounced in infants weighing less
Plastic Wraps and Bags
than 1,500 g. Subsequently, single-walled incubators were
The use of plastic wraps and plastic bags is the most in-
replaced by double-walled incubators. Double-walled incuba-
expensive innovation to prevent hypothermia in preterm
tors reduced the radiant heat loss further by adding another
infants. Recent trials have confirmed that there is a signif-
layer of acrylic glass. A 2007 Cochrane review reaffirmed the
icant decrease in the incidence of hypothermia with the use
aforementioned advantages of reduced heat loss, radiant heat
loss, and oxygen consumption with the use of incubators. (24) of plastic wraps and bags in preterm infants of less than 28
Over time, the mode of temperature monitoring has weeks’ gestation without an associated increase in hyper-
shifted from air temperature to skin. Currently, skin servo thermia. (28)(29) Reilly et al observed a significant reduc-
control is preferable to air temperature control, especially in tion in both hypothermia and pulmonary hemorrhage in the
low-birthweight infants, with the target skin temperature set study group that was kept warm with plastic wraps. (30)
at 96.8°F (36°C). (3) A Cochrane review reported that skin These wraps can be used extensively in resource-limited
servo control mode reduces neonatal death compared with settings because of their affordability and accessibility.
air temperature control at 89.2°F (31.8°C). (25) To avoid A 2010 Cochrane review reported that plastic wraps and
recording falsely high temperatures, the temperature probe bags were effective in preterm infants of less than 28 weeks’
must not be placed on areas of brown fat such as the gestation but not among infants of 28 to 31 weeks’ gestation.
interscapular region, the axilla, or neck. Instead, the clini- (31) The American Heart Association recommends placing
cian should place the probe on the infant’s upper abdomen, preterm infants born before 30 weeks of gestation in poly-
usually midway between the xiphoid process and the umbi- ethylene bags or wraps immediately after birth. (32) These
licus. Infants should never be placed on the probe, because materials should cover infants up to their necks, without
this can lead to falsely high temperature readings and cause removing the amniotic fluid on their body because the
the warmer to provide less heat. retained vernix significantly improves hydration of the skin.
Incubators can function in dual modes; if kept open, they Next, the clinical team should cover the infant’s head with a
function as a radiant warmer and if closed, they are similar cap. (22) All subsequent resuscitation measures should be
to an incubator. The closed mode allows care in a humidified undertaken through the plastic bag. This approach not only
environment while the open mode allows access to the reduces heat loss but also maintains adequate humidity.
infant for procedures, handling, or family interactions. Sev- However, data on long-term neurodevelopmental outcome
eral studies have compared the effect of radiant warmers and is still lacking.
incubators on heat and insensible water loss. (26) Radiant
warmers were found to be associated with increased insen-
sible water losses, though no associated increase in oxygen Thermostable Gel Mattresses
consumption has been noted. However, evidence suggesting Another innovative method for neonatal thermoregulation
that one mode is preferable to the other is insufficient. is the use of a thermostable gel mattress. These mattresses
Because extremely preterm infants have high evaporative have long been used to maintain temperatures during the
heat losses, humidity has become an essential component transport of newborns. So it was not surprising to see their
in the care of this group of patients. However, there are no use being extended to the delivery room. Several trials have
standards for percentage of humidity (typically ranging evaluated the use of a gel mattress in the delivery room;
between 60% and 100%) or length of exposure (up to 28 most have shown that the mattress is equally effective at
days after birth). The use of humidity greater than 70% minimizing hypothermia and improving admission tem-
during the first week of age followed by 50% to 60% in the peratures compared with plastic bags. (33)(34) These mat-
subsequent weeks can reduce insensible water loss and min- tresses can be used effectively for 2 hours. Although
imize weight loss. (27) This approach has also been found to be concerns of increased rates of hyperthermia have been
associated with a lower incidence of hypernatremia without raised, especially when used with bags, more studies need
any concomitant increase in the incidence of infection. to be conducted. (34)

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Heated Humidified Gases amniotic fluid, placement of head caps, use of a thermal
Evidence establishing the effectiveness of heated humidified mattress, and placement on a radiant warmer. With the
gases is insufficient. A few studies have shown that heated integration of all of these interventions, the incidence of
humidified gases are helpful in reducing the postnatal drop in hyperthermia in the population was not increased. (5)(22)
temperatures, especially in very low-birthweight infants. (35) (44)(45)(46) Thus, for newborns of less than 32 weeks’
(36) Since 2013, European guidelines recommend the use of gestation, this combination is recommended (Table 3).
heated humidified gases in infants born at less than 28 weeks’ For successful implementation of these interventions,
gestation. (37) Larger trials with power to assess the use of coordination among health care professionals in the labor and
heated humidified gases are required to confirm the benefits, delivery room as well as the NICU is essential, with a goal of
especially during resuscitation. (36) maintaining axillary temperatures between 97.7°F and 99.5°F
(between 36.5°C and 37.5°C). In resource-restricted settings,
the combination of using plastic wraps, initiating skin-to-skin
Kangaroo Mother Care and Skin-to-Skin Contact
contact in stable infants, and applying warm blankets or
Most studies analyzing skin-to-skin contact have shown that
clothes can help control an infant’s core temperature.
this approach prevents hypothermia in stable preterm new-
borns weighing more than 1,800 g. (38)(39) A 2016 Co-
chrane meta-analysis of 38 trials demonstrated a statistically Interventions for Neonatal Hypothermia
significant reduction in the risk of mortality, sepsis, and If a preterm infant develops hypothermia after a bath,
hypothermia with the use of skin-to-skin contact. (40) providers should start by drying the infant well, especially
the head and neck areas, which are rich in thermoreceptors.
Transport from the Delivery Room to the NICU Next, the provider should cover the infant’s head with a cap
During transport, neonatal providers should continue all of and then dress the infant. Before changing a soiled dressing,
the delivery room heat maintenance practices to further warm fluids can be applied to the site in infants at high risk
minimize the risk of hypothermia. (41) A radiant warmer or for hypothermia.
incubator should be used for transport. (42) Incubator doors If a premature infant needs to be rewarmed, the vital
need to be closed because admission temperatures are lower signs should be closely monitored every 15 to 30 minutes.
when the doors remain open. This is particularly true when This should include the infant’s core temperature, skin
infants are transferred to the NICU on continuous positive temperature (which may be higher than the axillary tem-
airway pressure. Humidity of more than 60% should be perature), blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac rhythm,
added to the incubator as soon as possible.

TABLE 3. Measures in the Delivery Room and

Care in the NICU
NICU to Prevent Hypothermia
Neonatal providers should continue all of the aforemen-
tioned measures in the NICU, with the goal of stabilization 1. Anticipate and prepare for a preterm delivery before 32 weeks of
during the first hour after birth. If any procedures are gestation

performed, clinicians should be as efficient as possible. If 2. Provide closed loop communications and coordinate care
between obstetrical and neonatal teams
the top of the incubator is open during the procedure,
infants can be covered with additional warm drapes and 3. Maintain delivery room temperature >73.4°F (23°C)
blankets. Clinicians should only expose the targeted pro- 4. Prepare equipment in anticipation of delivery: Radiant warmer,
cedural site and continue to monitor the infant’s tempera- plastic wrap, caps, warm blankets, thermostable gel mattress
ture during procedures. If an infant is at high risk for 5. After birth, place preterm infant on an exothermic mattress, wrap
hypothermia and becomes hypotensive, warm fluid boluses in a plastic bag/wrap without drying, and place a cap on the
infant’s head; term infants can be dried and placed skin to skin.
can be used.
6. Apply temperature probe to the skin and select servo control with
Observational studies and 1 randomized controlled tri- target temperature at 98.6°F (37°C)
al have found benefit in the use of thermal mattresses in
7. Use warm blankets during transportation
addition to plastic wraps and radiant warmers without risk
of hyperthermia. (38)(43) Benefits have also been found when 8. Use warm humidified air and warm boluses for resuscitation

the following interventions were combined: environmental 9. Closely monitor temperature until admission to NICU
temperature maintained between 73.4°F and 77°F (between 10. Postpone bath
23°C and 25°C), use of plastic wraps without removing the

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respiratory rate and effort, oxygen saturations, acid-base temperature of the infant and the incubator needs to be
balance, and blood glucose levels. This monitoring is critical monitored every 15 to 30 minutes.
to avoid the risk of vasodilation and hypotension that is
associated with active rewarming, as well as the potential for
bradycardia or arrhythmias when rewarming is too slow or
too fast, respectively. To avoid hypotension, the clinical Despite these preventive approaches, neonatal hypothermia
provider should rewarm the infant slowly by approximately still occurs in preterm infants. Most centers adopt many
0.5°C per hour. Use of an incubator provides better con- preventive practices to optimize a preterm infant’s temper-
trol than a radiant warmer and temperatures should be set ature because any one method has not been shown to be
1°C–1.5°C above the infant’s core temperature. If the infant’s sufficiently effective. Quality improvement projects are
core temperature reaches the set temperature and the infant being undertaken to find an effective way of incorporating
is stable, the set temperature should be increased again. and optimizing each method to achieve the maximal benefit.
This process should continue until the infant’s temperature (21)(22)(46) Data on the impact of thermoregulation on
reaches the normal range. long-term neurodevelopment are still lacking. Although
hypothermia in preterm infants is preventable, it still occurs
Transfer from Incubator to Open Crib because of lack of awareness and rarely, because of limited
There is very little evidence and lack of consensus on the equipment. (49) To achieve optimal temperatures, clini-
optimal age for transferring a preterm infant to an open crib. cians should attempt to prevent hypothermia before the
(47) A 2011 Cochrane review found that if an infant continues birth of a preterm infant. Postnatally, providers should
to have stable temperatures at an incubator temperature of target temperatures between 97.7°F and 99.5°F (between
84.2°F (29°C), weighs at least 1,600 g, and has consistent 36.5°C and 37.5°C). Because preterm infants may be
weight gain for at least 5 days, then the infant is ready to be unable to overcome cold stress, NICUs should enforce
weaned from the incubator. (43) In the absence of consensus a rigorous approach to hypothermia prevention in this
guidelines, different strategies have been used. Some NICUs population.
switch to the air-control mode before weaning, while others
prefer to challenge the clothed infant in a crib. Less common
techniques include switching to single-walled incubators or American Board of Pediatrics
using a heating mattress or blanket during the transition. Neonatal-Perinatal Content
HYPERTHERMIA • Know the various types and mechanisms of action of devices to
maintain a neutral thermal environment.
Hyperthermia is defined as a core temperature that is higher
• Know the causes, metabolic consequences, and treatment of
than 99.5°F (37.5°C). Neonatal hyperthermia most often infants with hypothermia.
occurs because of environmental factors leading to over-
• Know the causes, metabolic consequences, and treatment of
heating, rather than as a result of a disease process. Hyper- infants with hyperthermia.
thermia can lead to lethargy, irritability, apnea, dehydration,
peripheral vasodilation and flushing, tachycardia, tachy-
pnea, and poor feeding. Hyperthermia can be as dangerous
as hypothermia and can lead to increased metabolism, References
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e700 NeoReviews
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NeoReviews Quiz
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1. Individual CME quizzes are available via a handy blue CME link in the Table of Contents of any issue.
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1. You are preparing for the delivery of an infant at 27 weeks’ gestational age. As you prepare NOTE: Learners can take
the radiant warmer and other equipment and supplies, you consider the goals for NeoReviews quizzes and
resuscitation. Which of the following statements regarding thermal regulation for claim credit online only
newborns is correct? at:
A. Preterm neonates have a relatively strong response to initial exposure to the
extrauterine environment due to an extra deposit of brown and black fat that builds To successfully complete
up in the second trimester, which would subsequently have been resorbed in the 2017 NeoReviews articles
late third trimester. for AMA PRA Category 1
B. The World Health Organization has recommended the maintenance of axillary CreditTM, learners must
temperature between 97.7°F (36.5°C) and 99.5°F (37.5°C) among newborns. demonstrate a minimum
C. The temperature of a fetus before birth is the same as the core temperature of the performance level of 60%
mother. or higher on this
D. The American Academy of Pediatrics advocates for a goal temperature of 96.8°F assessment, which
(36.0°C) or higher for both preterm and term newborns. measures achievement of
E. The fetus has a lower metabolic rate than the mother during pregnancy as well as a the educational purpose
newborn infant. and/or objectives of this
2. A newborn infant is born after precipitous delivery at term gestation soon after the mother activity. If you score less
is admitted to the labor and delivery unit. Although there were no known risk factors, the than 60% on the
neonate is noted to have grunting and respiratory distress right after delivery. He is assessment, you will be
brought to the resuscitation bed but the warmer has not been turned on. Which of the given additional
following physiologic responses to cold in the newborn infant is correctly described? opportunities to answer
A. Most newborn infants have an exaggerated shiver response even with minor questions until an overall
exposure to a cold environment. 60% or greater score is
B. A cold environment will typically lead to vasodilation in the extremities, hypo- achieved.
tension, and bradycardia.
C. A response to cold external temperature involves stimulation of sympathetic This journal-based CME
pathways, which induces a surge in thyrotropin that leads to release of thyroxine activity is available
and triiodothyronine. through Dec. 31, 2019,
D. Thermogenin is released in response to cold temperature and leads to apoptosis in however, credit will be
the liver and kidneys. recorded in the year in
E. The energy generated by white fat typically causes hyperthermia in cold envi- which the learner
ronments, leading to paradoxical fever in up to 40% of neonates exposed to cold. completes the quiz.
3. You are attending the delivery of a 25-week-gestation infant. After birth, the umbilical cord
is clamped after 60 seconds and the infant is placed on the radiant warmer. A plastic wrap
is placed around the infant. The infant is given continuous positive airway pressure by
mask and T-piece. The infant’s temperature is monitored in the delivery room and after
arrival to the NICU. Which of the following statements regarding thermal regulation in the
preterm infant is correct?
A. Preterm infants can only maintain core temperatures in a narrow range of envi-
ronmental temperatures.
B. The skin surface–to–body weight ratio of preterm infants is 10 times that of adults,
leading to a greater likelihood of radiant heat loss.
C. Preterm infants have more subcutaneous fat tissue, which is inefficient in pre-
serving heat.
D. Preterm infants have over-reactive sweat glands leading to higher degree of
evaporative heat loss.
E. Preterm infants have excessive brown fat and black fat, which leads to higher
metabolism and increased shivering.

Vol. 18 No. 12 DECEMBER 2017 e701

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4. A preterm infant is brought to the NICU after resuscitation in the delivery room. At 30
minutes of age, the infant is noted to have temperature of 95.9°F (35.5°C). Which of the
following statements regarding associations between hypothermia and clinical status in
preterm infants is correct?
A. There is a lack of association between temperature maintenance and oxygen
consumption in preterm infants.
B. Cold stress in preterm infants usually leads to increased catecholamine release and
increased pulmonary maturation, with increased production of surfactant.
C. Release of thermogenin from brown fat leads to systemic and pulmonary
D. Persistent hypothermia leads to apoptosis, which causes hyperkalemia, metabolic
alkalosis, buildup of glycogen stores, and inappropriate fluid retention.
E. Untreated hypothermia eventually leads to altered physiology and may cause
seizure activity or even death.
5. A 26-week-gestation infant is delivered by cesarean section and is being resuscitated in the
operating room. The infant is apneic and requires intubation despite initial resuscitation
efforts. Which of the following mechanisms of heat loss and efforts to prevent heat loss is
correctly described?
A. Radiant heat loss is the most common route of heat loss in preterm infants,
therefore the most effective method of thermal regulation for this infant will be to
provide warm blankets.
B. Convective heat loss occurs when the infant comes into contact with a cold surface,
such as gloves or supplies that have not been prewarmed.
C. Heat loss via conduction occurs when infants are in direct contact with cold
D. Evaporative heat loss is relatively minimal in preterm infants due to the immaturity
of the epidermis.
E. Although prevention of heat loss has been practiced in recent decades, the current
recommendation for preterm infants 24 to 28 weeks’ gestational age is to practice
passive hypothermia to prevent brain injury.

e702 NeoReviews
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Thermoregulation: Advances in Preterm Infants
Smita Roychoudhury and Kamran Yusuf
NeoReviews 2017;18;e692
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-12-e692

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Thermoregulation: Advances in Preterm Infants
Smita Roychoudhury and Kamran Yusuf
NeoReviews 2017;18;e692
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-12-e692

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