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J: Hello, how are you?

G: I’m fine, and you Jhenny how are you?

J: Not bad, however I’m worried about the economic situation of our country, the dollar
exchange rate continues to increase. Furthermore, everyday increasing food prices. What
do you think about it?
G: You have reason, the unexpected increase in the dollar exchange rate is alarming. In fact, according to many professionals it has a tendency to continue increasing, as you say, also
the increase in prices of food is an alarming topic, last week I went out to buy some products and all products had risen a lot in price, everything that is happening is horrible, we can
only wait for everything to be solved.

J: I hope the government to take measures, since our economy has been affected and we
have not yet recovered. Many professionals lost their employments, a lot of people closed
their business. In fact, despite that, we continue to pay debts with an uncertain reality
Many people have debts in dollar and currently is too Hard pay this kind of loans. Really,
the current salaries are not enough.
G: Let's hope that the government takes the measures to solve all this and be able to be calm, since as you say, many have been affected by the pandemic, many people lost their jobs,
in fact my parents lost their jobs a few months after it began the pandemic, luckily the vaccination is progressing fast and this allows many people to work with the security of not
getting sick, I feel that the vaccination process will help to solve the whole situation, what do you think, Jhenny?, do you think the vaccination process is okay?

J: I agree with you. It is true the vaccination process has been progressing satisfactorily.
However, it has been affected by chains of disinformation. This is another concern. Due
this, a lot of people don't trust in the vaccines. And could delay the process of inmunization.
Furthermore, this caused that our economy continues stopped.
G: You are right, there is a lot of false information about vaccines, my grandmother did not want to be vaccinated because on WhatsApp she read that vaccines were not good and
things like that, also many of her friends were not vaccinated for things like that, I think the government should continue to report the safety and protection that vaccines have, and
Jhenny in your family, was there any case of misinformation?

J: Fortunately, no. My parents and grandparents know how important it is to be protected

against the virus and how much value it is to get a vaccine independently of the lab. So we
agree with the vaccines and continue with the care that is needed. In this way, we could
resume our activities and reactivate our economy very soon.
G: It is good that everyone in your family is aware of the vaccine, its benefits among others, in my family my grandmother was the only one but in the end she did get vaccinated, in my
house almost everyone is vaccinated, only my brother and I are missing, Let's hope with the new government the vaccination continues to be fast, speaking of the new government,
what do you think of everything that is happening in our country, with the ministers?

J: well, it is terrible. The goverment has not been clear with their policies and new
designations in almost all ministeries. it is necessary to propose people with good
experience and with vision to advance, but also is important that all the powers of the state
reach a consensus for the wellness of the population. do you agree with the current prime
G: Well, I feel that the prime minister is not the one we all expected, I feel that someone with more experience could have been chosen, but he was chosen by the president, I know
that many of us disagree with this whole situation but like us, many people agree, anyway the congress has the last word regarding the ministers.

J: you are right.I think he has had polemic and unfortunate statements, that is why a lot of
people desagree .However, there are good proffessionals in this first group and I hope they
make a good job.
G: You are right Jhenny there are good professionals in this group of ministers, I hope, like you, that they do a good job with the economy, housing, health
among others, sorry Jhenny, I just remembered that I have a lot of homework to do, if I don't start right now I won't be able to finish it, thanks for the talk.

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