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NAME: Luis Enrique Cordero Cabrales

DATE: 20/10/2020

Task_Unit 17. Modal HAVE TO

Have to" is used to express certainty, necessity, and obligation.

Writing activity.
Think about classroom rules for an “online classroom” and “for a face to face classroom”. You should
write different rules, taking into account the contexts and the use of Modals. (You need to write 5
sentences for each context)

Example for Online Classroom:

Students have to turn on the cameras

Example for Face to face classroom:

Students have to wear a uniform
 Clothing
 Amount of work
 Work relationship
 Work schedule
1. Tom Banks works New York. (T)
2. He works in a bank. (T)
3. He wears a suit to work every day. (F)
4. He likes casual Fridays. (T)
5. He calls his supervisors by their first names. (T)
6. He can work at different times of the day. (T)
7. He doesn’t always work in the office. (T)
8. The office practices at his company are the same as twenty years ago. (F)

Writing activity.
Think about classroom rules for an “online classroom” and “for a face to face classroom”. You should
write different rules, taking into account the contexts and the use of Modals. (You need to write 5
sentences for each context)

Example for Online Classroom:

1. Students have to encourage critical thinking and self-learning.
2. Students have to communicate by platform or email.
3. Teachers have to record the class.
4. Students have to always be connected to in.
5. Students have to watch the recorded class when they are not attending.

Example for Face to face classroom:

1. Students have to leave home.
2. Students have to get up early.
3. Students have to walk to get from classroom to another.
4. Students have to eat at the university
5. Students have to travel by means of transport.

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