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Grammartalk 17 - Embedded (included) Questions Page 1 1 A: 'm trying to find the man who robbed the bank. Can you tell me what he looks like? B: I'm sorry. | don’t know what he looks like. | didn't see his face. A: Did you see his car? Do you remember the color of the car and the make? B: | believe it was a Ford, but I'm not sure what color it was. It might have been blue. A: It would be really helpful if you knew the license number of the car. B: No. I definitely couldn’ tell you what the license number was. B: A B: 2. ‘A: | don’t know much about our parents’ lives before | was born, Do you? I'm only two years older than you. | don't know much about them either. Do you by any chance know when they were married? : Thave no idea when they were married. It might have been fifteen years ago, or even twenty years ago. ‘A: Do you know where they lived before they moved to Newport? B: Thy told me once, but forgot where they used fo lve, It might have been New York Giy, ut I'm not sure. 3. ‘A: Allan Fisher is doing a great job for the company. How long has he worked here? B: You know, | have no idea how long he’s been working here. A: Has he always worked at that desk, or has he worked at another desk? B: I'm not sure if he’s always worked at that desk or not. He might have worked at the one next tc ‘the water cooler. A Did he use to bring his lunch to work, or has he always gone to the restaurant atthe comer fr lunch? B: Steve Parker can tell you if Allan has always eaten at the restaurant on the corner or not. Why don't you ask Steve? 4 A: Could you please tell me what time the concert begins? B: I believe it begins at 8:00 pm. But I'm not sure when it ends. ‘A: Do you happen to know if there is parking near the concert hall? B: You can park in the garage, but its quite expensive. If | were you, I'd arrive early and try to find a parking space on the street. ‘A: Is there a good restaurant near the concert hall? B: | don’t know if there are any good restaurants nearby or not. I've never been to a restaurant in that neighborhood. 5. A 'm calling about the apartment at 379 Sanchez Street. Could you tell me if i's been rented yet B: Not yet. But a lot of people have called. Would you like to see it? ‘A: I'd like to ask you a couple of questions first, if that’s okay. B: Sure. | don’t know if | can answer all your questions, but Ill do my best. ‘A: Lunderstand it’s a fourth floor apartment. I'd like to know if there are any elevators. B: Yes. In fact, the building has two elevators. But | believe one of them is broken. ‘A: Do you know if the apartment has a modern kitchen? B: |'m pretty sure the kitchen is modern. There’s a problem with the garbage disposal, but they're going to fix it next week. 6. A: Grandma, when did you learn to knit? B: | can't remember when | learned to knit. It was a long time ago. ‘A: Why doesn't mother like to knit? B: | don't know why she doesn't like to knit. You'll have to ask her. ‘A: Grandma, I've been thinking. Why do elephants have long ears? B: I have no idea why elephants have long ears. You'll have to consult the encyclopedia

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