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Use of English

Basic English

Rewrite the sentence with the correct coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS).

1. I want to buy some candy. My father does not want me to buy any.

2. You may cook, wash, or dry. 

3. That lady is nice. Stern.

4. We were out of milk. I went to the store to buy some.

5. I adore candy factories. I want to own one someday.

6. At a red light, Maria jumped out of Gino’s car and slammed the door. She could not
tolerate one more minute of the heavy metal music that Gino insisted on blasting
from the stereo.

Choose the right coordinating conjunction.

a. Would you rather have cheese, _____ bologna on your sandwich?

1. for
2. nor
3. or
4. so

b. His two favorite sports are football ______ tennis.

1. or
2. and
3. nor
4. for

c. I wanted to go to the beach, _______ Mary refused.

1. but
2. or
3. so
4. for
d. Thomas will be late to work, _____ he has a dental appointment.
A. but
B. or
C. for
D. Nor

e. 2. Jennifer does not like to swim, ____ does she enjoy cycling.
A. and
B. or
C. but
D. Nor

f. 3. Jackson wanted to eat another piece of cake, ____ he was on a diet.

A. for
B. but
C. yet
D. so

Punctuate the following sentences.

o When she arrived she immediately took off her wet boots
o After the driver cut him off he got into an accident
o I want to buy some candy however my father does not want me to buy any
o Although I hate camping I am going hiking and camping this weekend though she
waited for almost an hour her friend never showed up even though I got ready to go
we decided to just stay at home
o Even though I live in Malaysia I work in Thailand
o The weather was lovely so the forecaster was wrong

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