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Literature Circle 3rd Term – Group Work

Select one of the Books and discuss the topics there presented. One of the members will be selected as
the spokesperson. S-he will represent the group. The grade assigned to that person will be the grade for
the whole micro-group.


Response: Details, samples, contrast with our current reality: ____/40

Language use: Varied vocabulary, connectors, pronunciation, fluency: ____10


1. What defines true heroism in Watchmen and how would you define it? 2. What is mutually
assured destruction and why is it so critical to understanding heroism and morality in
3. How does Watchmen reflect the elements of an epic and utilize epic conventions to challenge
and at times undermine our conception of superhero archetypes?
4. Why do you think the authors used an alternate history as the setting for Watchmen? What
social or political commentary do you think they intended to make?
5. Why are symbols like the clock, the smiley face, and Rorschach’s mask used so prominently in
the book? How do they affect our reading of the story?
Topics. The Color Purple
Topics to Discuss:

1. Slaves gaining their freedom: Benefit: Freeing the slaves moved the country closer to true
2. Women gaining the right to vote: Benefits: _______
3. Women gaining the right to file for divorce against their husbands: Benefits: _______
4. Children gaining the right to have free public education: Benefits: _______ 5. Laborers
gaining the right to form unions: Benefits: _______
6. Biracial couples gaining societal acceptance: Benefits: _______
7. Same-sex couples gaining more of the same rights as heterosexual couples: Benefits: _______

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