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Anak Agung Ayu Ratna Paramita


Kanker pada anak memberikan dampak tidak hanya bagi pasien tapi bagi orangtua. Para orangtua
mengalami beban psikologis yang termanifestasi dalam kebingungan, shock, penolakan, kelelahan,
cemas, dan khawatir. Keluhan yang dialami para orangtua apabila tidak ditangani dengan baik akan
membuat para orangtua mengalami tekanan dan stress. Tekanan dan stres yang mereka alami dapat
mempengaruhi kualitas hidup kesehatan mereka dan penurunan kualitas pendampingan. Padahal
kondisi kesehatan orangtua sangat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi kesehatan pasien. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup kesehatan orangtua dengan memberikan Program
Kompak. Partisipan dari penelitian ini adalah orangtua pasien kanker. Desain penelitian yang
digunakan adalah The One Group Pretes-Posttes Design. Analisis yang digunakan menggunakan
teknik paired sample t-test atau uji non-parametrik sign-rank Wilcoxon.

Kata kunci : orangtua pasien kanker anak, kanker anak, kualitas hidup kesehatan, program kompak

Cancer among children affects not only the patients but parents. Parents who have a child with
cancer, experience psychological burdens manifested in confusion, shock, rejection, exhaustion,
anxiety, and worry. These symptoms if not handled properly will make them experience pressure and
stress. It can affect their health quality of life and reduce their ability to accompany child with
cancer. Whereas parents health conditions greatly affect the health condition of patients with cancer.
This study aims to improve the quality of life of parents who have a child with cancer by providing
parental support group therapy for child cancer parents. Participants of this study are child cancer
parents. The design of this research use “Small N Experiment Design". Data analysis use the visual
inspection and descriptive analysis.


Cancer among children affects not only the patient but parents too. They experience psychological
burdens manifested in confusion, shock, rejection, exhaustion, anxiety, and worry. Those symptoms if
not handled properly will make them experience pressure and stress. This pressures and stress can
affect their health-related quality of life and reduce their quality of care. It shows that health
condition of parents greatly affect the health condition of patients. This study aims to improve the
health-related quality of life of parents who have childern with cancer, by providing a Compact
Program. Participants of this study are parents of childern with cancer. The research design used
The One Group Pretes-Posttes Design. It analyzed with paired sample t-test or Wilcoxon's non-
parametric test.

Keyword: Health-Related Quality of Life, Stress, Parents of Childern with Cancer.

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