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Lee County High School

Class Syllabus 2020-2021

Course: 12th English - Advanced Composition
Instructors: Mrs. Bales (​​), Mrs. Grebel (​​),
Mrs. Wingfield (​​ ), Mrs. Lynch (​​ )

I. Course Description/ Educational Philosophy

This course is designed to give seniors a strong foundation of skills necessary for success in college, career, and life. There will be a great
emphasis placed on improving reading, writing, researching, and grammar skills. Literary terms and techniques will be identified in works
of literature and explained in a combination of teacher-focused and differentiated student-focused activities. Writing skills and techniques
will be developed and improved by students all year through writing assignments on a variety of topics and in various formats, with
emphasis on using research and MLA documentation. Instruction is student focused, incorporating written and oral reports, presentations
of projects created, peer evaluation of written work, peer critique of presentations, and peer tutorials. Students should come to class well
rested and prepared with the materials to learn. Students are expected to obey classroom rules.

II. Course Goals/ Objectives

The main objective of this course is to meet students where they are when they enter the year and move them to where they need
to be when they leave 12th grade.
III. Major Course Units/ Pacing Guide
Intro to 12th British Literature and Composition 4 days
(Including an explanation of procedures for virtual learning in case there is a mandatory switch to virtual.)
Theme: Good and Evil in Literature
Unit 1: Coming of Age Literature (​Focal texts:​ *Lord of the Flies​, “The Life You Save May Be Your Own,”
​How to Read Literature Like a Professor​) 16 weeks
Unit 2: The Renaissance​ (Focal texts: ​Macbeth,​ ​T​he World As Stage​ , Elizabethan poetry including
Theme: Watching the World Change by Examining its Literature*
Unit 4: The Romantic Period ​(Focal texts: “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” ​Frankenstein)
Unit 6: The Victorian Period ​(the works of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning) 18 weeks
Unit 7: Modernism and Postmodernism ​(“Do Not Go Gently” and the era of modern fantasy writings,
influence of WWII on British and American literary culture, the British invasion of music in America)
*Individual focal texts may change if the course is forced to move online. Some literary works are more
adaptable to digital learning than others.

* The Lee County Board of Education requires me to note that, according to the American Library Association, these works have been challenged in the past
because of their language and content. These works are part of the course curriculum because they are universally recognized classics—without which any
educated American’s reading career would be incomplete and lacking. They are widely read by high school and middle students throughout the United
States, they appear regularly on the suggested reading lists of numerous prestigious universities, they serve as traditional representatives of their respective
literary periods, and they are listed often as choices for analysis on Georgia’s High School Graduation Test and End-of-Course Tests. Alternate assignments
of literary merit will be provided upon written request from parents or guardians.

IV. Assessment Plan

Grades are ​semester long (no longer two, 9-week grading periods averaged together) ​and based on class participation, class work,
homework, tests, quizzes, formative assessments, and any special assignment that the classroom teacher may require. This portion will
count for 80% of the semester final average. Final exams or an End of Course Milestones Test will be given at the end of each semester
and will count 20% of the semester average. See the LCHS Handbook for the semester exam exemption policy.

V. Course Requirements:
Students will be responsible for ​coming to class prepared​ and for being on time, whether class is face-to-face or virtual. Students are
required to complete all assignments in a timely manner. Students will be given specific directions and ample time for completing these
assignments. ​Late work may not be accepted.
Some projects and assignments are computer or internet based. Students must have a signed Acceptable Use Policy on file with
the school. Blank forms can be found online.
VI. Consequences for Disruptive/ Irresponsible Behavior:
Most matters of disruption or irresponsibility will be handled within the classroom. If such offenses continue, or if more serious matters
arise, the teacher reserves the right to have those offenses handled by an administrator.
Class Rules:
1. Cell phones may only be in your possession when they are required for an assignment. At all other times, your phone
should be placed in the cell phone holder in the classroom under the appropriate student number. Failure to follow this
policy may result in the loss of any cell phone use, including for class research, for the rest of the semester.
2. Food and drink: You are allowed bottled water only. No food or other drinks at any time.
3. Book bags should be kept out of the pathways and neatly placed under the student desk.
4. Do not be tardy. I will follow the tardy policy in the handbook. Be IN YOUR SEAT when the tardy bell rings.
5. Bring a pen, paper, and your notebook to class with you every single day. You will not be able to borrow supplies.
6. Do what I ask of you the first time.
7. Be courteous, honest, and respectful.
8. Attendance is important in both face-to-face and online classes. Grades are just as important in online classes as they are
in face-to-face classes.
9. Have a GREAT senior year

VIII. Missing or late work

As seniors, students are expected to turn in work on or before the due date. ​Major assignments or major assessments may not be past the
deadline​. Smaller assignments will be taken one-three days late with a 10% deduction in grade but will not be accepted more than three
days after the deadline.. Occasionally students will be required to turn in online copies of some assignments. ​If a student is expected to
also submit work through and does not do so, there will be a 50% deduction in the final grade for the paper.

IX. Recording Consent Statement

Recording a meeting without the consent of all participants may be illegal and actionable. You should obtain consent to record a meeting
from all participants, including external guests and guests who join late.

X. Class codes are below. Please be sure to confirm what class period you are in before you join Google classroom and

Class Period Google Classroom Code Code and Remind- Text code below to
Enrollment Key (*first letter in 81010
enrollment key must be

Class ID:25671438 @mrsbales1z

1​st Google Classroom: nuesjny Enrollment Key: Poodle

Class ID:25671455 @mrsbales3z

3​rd Google Classroom: j35cgqg Enrollment Key: Maltese

Class ID:25671467 @mrsbales4z

4​th Google Classroom: blfesxi Enrollment Key: Bloodhound

Class ID:25671476 @mrsbales5z

5​th Google Classroom: j5uadsy Enrollment Key: Beagle

Class ID:25671487 @mrsbales6z

6​th Google Classroom: xfdu53i Enrollment Key: Bulldog

Please sign and return this page ONLY. The syllabus must remain in the student notebook
throughout the year.
Class period: _________
Student PRINTED name ________________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature _________________________________________________ Date _________________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________________Date _________________
Parent Daytime Phone:__________________________________________Parent cell phone: _____________________________
Parent Email:__________________________________________________________________________

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